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  • 电视剧
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主演:Andrew Bargsted,Hugo Medina,Bastián Bodenhöfer






  The five most ruthless torturers of Pinochet’s dictatorship are serving out sentences amounting to several hundred years in a luxury prison at the foot of the Andes. The place has a pool, gardens and aviaries where they are watched over by guards who feel more like their employees. When one of the inmates gives a TV interview, his declarations fuel an unexpected backlash. The fear of a possible move will make the men do everything in their power to stay put, unraveling the delirium and the violence.热播电视剧最新电影复制品再见爱人第四季出神入“画”蓝莓上尉不只是朋友我的最爱毛驴上树花满楼之绝世目击者2006杨开慧上错黑车星球大战:骨干小队第一季银瀑2:重现9号秘事:圣诞特别篇下女1960邓小平登黄山约翰娜·诺德斯特勒姆:叫警察冰河的诅咒热血街区第二季教场草迷宫恐怖杀人事件Byplayers:如果100名配角一起拍电影#我在这里热血校花诡新娘企鹅人欧巴,我入戏了今生也是第一次醉拳1978粤语古庙倩魂

