• 电影
  • 电视剧
  • 美剧
  • 韩剧









主演:Fatemeh Cherag Akhar,Hassan Nebhan,Shahr Banou Sisizadeh



女人三部曲 剧照 NO.1女人三部曲 剧照 NO.2女人三部曲 剧照 NO.3女人三部曲 剧照 NO.4女人三部曲 剧照 NO.5女人三部曲 剧照 NO.6



  本片讲述伊朗三个不同年龄段女性的故事:1)小女孩哈娃(Fatemeh Cherag Akhar 饰)即将迎来9岁的生日,过了生日后,她就必须遮上面纱,不能和男孩们接触了。离生日还有一个小时,她决定和自己的好朋友共度这最后的时光;2)阿和(Shabnam Toloui 饰)逃离施暴的丈夫,和一群女伴参加长途自行车比赛。一路上,她的亲人、朋友接连赶来,试图阻止她叛逆的举动;3)老婆婆霍拉(Azizeh Sedighi 饰)来到一座城市内疯狂购物,并雇佣一群小孩搬运,但她似乎忘记了什么东西……

热播电视剧最新电影香草生死劫杀1946孤独之岛光,光,光此时此地黑死病 下尸约女人不容易邻家女优单挑荒野:水之章亡命之旅大汉风之谋士范增布基乌基恨君不似江楼月下一站,幸福哆啦A梦:大雄的魔界大冒险勇者王Huat啊! Huat啊! 发!特殊嫌疑犯缴枪不杀2006爱莎势不两立1997台湾好吃惊超人前传第五季X档案第五季菜鸟老警 第五季


 1 ) 女人成长了


 2 ) 三个女人的故事凝成一个女人的一生


 3 ) cool

This is an interesting film that has distinctive composition of story. It consists of three stories of women in different ages: child, young married girl and old women. However, they are threaded to the main theme of being a woman in Iran. All of them united again in the last scene when the old willow flowed away. The film is surreal and the characters are rebellious, which create an illusion that the women may success because they try really hard to escape the traditional identity of Iranian women. However, this rebelliousness is a surreal optimism. For example, though Hava was permitted to delay till noon to become a woman, she finally was put on a chador. Though Ahoo stuck to herself and kept bicycling, she was ultimately stopped by the males. Though Hoora bought everything she wanted, she couldn’t buy a son.

 4 ) 三女性





 5 ) How women are made

In the first story of the film, Hava is told that she will become a woman in an hour. In fact, “becoming” is a constant, chronic process that runs through a woman’s entire life, or else how come the following two stories of the trio? I regard this film as a representation of women’s oppression – the social, cultural and religious forces that violently shape women – but also that of women’s resistance.

The first story of Hava denaturalizes the process of becoming a woman, stressing the forcible intervention of religion and culture in that process. In the first few minutes of the film, the question strikes us how anyone can become a woman at such an exact moment, at noon, as with Hava, or at any specific hour. Then I realize that womanhood is not a natural state that someone grows into, nor a physiological stage that means something inherently different; womanhood is imposed on Hava, with the headscarf as a symbol. Just as the headscarf, womanhood comes abruptly to Hava’s life, depriving her of the freedom of childhood. A line is suddenly drawn between Hava and Hassen, who were both “children” just an hour before, but now Hava is a “woman” and everything has changed.

If the headscarf serves as a sign of womanhood, the scene where Hava takes it off in exchange for the toy fish is particularly telling of her inner world, but also foreshadows her future life. When Hava makes this exchange, which entails the removal of her headscarf, she goes back to the state of a carefree girl absorbed with toys. Moreover, she tries to let the toy fish float towards the deep waters, which carries her own hopes of freedom and a bright future. However, it’s high tide and the water flushes the fish back. In the end, only the boys sail for the future, and girls could only go home – Hava’s mother finally puts the headscarf back on Hava’s head and takes her away, making her a woman again. The shot of the black sail appears at the beginning and is repeated at the end of the story. With its black color and soft texture, the black sail speaks to the motif of the headscarf in a questioning way: why does the former belongs to the men while the latter belongs to the women? Why does the sail promise a future while the headscarf deprives one?

A final thought on the first story is about the scene at Hassen’s window. The shot-reverse-shot shows Hava and Hassen both behind the incarceration bars in each other’s point of view. It tries to suggest that the making of woman is never women’s own business; it influences men as well and shapes society.

As recurrent motifs, the sea, the beach, and the headscarf also continue into the later stories. Hava stays at the beach when the boys sail towards the deep sea; as if chasing back the freedom once lost, Ahoo is doing bicycle racing at the seaside. If the first story shows how culture and religion makes a woman, Ahoo’s story shows how the inequality of power between (broadly speaking) genders brutally curbs a woman’s possibilities in life. After four rounds of interceptions and coercions, Ahoo’s husband and male reletives finally take away her bicycle by force – from the increasingly distant perspective of the rival cyclist, we look back on Ahoo being encircled by two men on horses, shouting and screaming in vain.

The tension between the bicycle and the horse suggest a clash between the new and the old worlds, the former inevitably being caught among the powers of the latter, just as Ahoo being caught between the two horses. The wind blows into Ahoo’s headscarf, which almost drops at a certain point, but she clenches it between her teeth and doesn’t let it go. Perhaps religion has become an integral part of herself, and some of the gender roles have been internalized. Dialogue is sparse; most of the time there’s only the sound of breath and the noise of bicycles; alternatively, a kind of monotonous high-pitched sound and some stylized folk songs come with the dramatic moments, such as the approaching of the horses, or the ending scene. In my perspective, the monotonous sound highlights the moments of inner struggle, while the folk song, sung by a male, symbolizes the influence of patriarchy.

One of the elder men askes Ahoo: “Haven’t you got enough sunshine?” For the protagonist of the third story, Hoora, the answer is clearly “not enough,” for which reason she chooses to die in the sunshine. So near her death, is Hoora still “becoming a woman”? For me this final story is the most elusive one, conveying many contradictory messages. She finally “buys” her own freedom, but the story also tells us that the impossibility to buy a child is a regret; She takes a wedding dress with her till the end of her life, which might suggest a returning to family life (or, is she wedded to the sea, the freedom?), but the story also shows boys wearing make-up and the very wedding dress. And what does it mean that she insists on replacing the “naked teacup”?

It’s high tide in the first story, where freedom is taken away. Now it’s falling tide and Hoora finally sets sail, as the boys do, but she is just coming to her death. It questions whether women can gain and enjoy freedom in the world, where they are made to be shackled, where the making of a woman means the deprivation of her freedom.

 6 ) 成为女人




《The day I became a woman》,译作《女人三部曲》。由一位伊朗的女性拍摄,讲述了同一天的同一个地方,三个女人的故事……



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  • 枯藤和老虎
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  • Lies and lies
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  • UrthónaD'Mors
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中文“女人三部曲”,英语The Day I Became a Woman,都道尽了女人的一生。黑色的纱,远航的帆。看过就很难再忘记海边那犹如超现实的自行车赛。“女人的不幸则在于被几乎不可抗拒的诱惑包围着;她不被要求奋发向上,只被鼓励滑下去到达极乐。当她发觉自己被海市蜃楼愚弄时,已经为时太晚,她的力量在失败的冒险中已被耗尽。”

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  • Timing
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四星半//由浅及深 由外而内 是女性对女性的关切 是女性对自我命运他人遭遇的细致观察和精准展现 这种关照有且几乎只可能来自被环境与他人塑造过并且清楚认知塑造的形式和过程的女性//或许尤其在伊朗的社会人文环境里 女孩首先要被揉捏成被认为的女人形象 再细微的反抗动作也容易因为形只影单而被重新揉捏回被认为的女人形象 而终于丧失了生育价值的女性也终于拥有了一点点重新做回自己的可能//如果争取平等权利的女性真的做过头了 可能早也不是现在这副样子了

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女人三部曲 Roozi ke zan shodam

  • H·今天·你·H·了沒?
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