










实习医生格蕾第一季 剧照 NO.1实习医生格蕾第一季 剧照 NO.2实习医生格蕾第一季 剧照 NO.3实习医生格蕾第一季 剧照 NO.4实习医生格蕾第一季 剧照 NO.5实习医生格蕾第一季 剧照 NO.6实习医生格蕾第一季 剧照 NO.13实习医生格蕾第一季 剧照 NO.14实习医生格蕾第一季 剧照 NO.15实习医生格蕾第一季 剧照 NO.16实习医生格蕾第一季 剧照 NO.17实习医生格蕾第一季 剧照 NO.18实习医生格蕾第一季 剧照 NO.19实习医生格蕾第一季 剧照 NO.20


西雅图格雷斯医院迎来新一批实习生,梅雷迪斯·格雷(艾伦·旁派 Ellen Pompeo 饰)、克里斯蒂娜·杨(吴珊卓 Sandra Oh 饰)、伊泽贝尔·斯蒂文(凯瑟琳·海格尔 Katherine Heigl 饰)、乔治·梅利(T·R·奈特 T.R. Knight 饰)  、亚里克斯·卡莱(贾斯汀·钱伯斯 Justin Chambers 饰),五个医学院好友同期毕业,需要以良好表现争夺住院医师正式席位。进入医院伊始,梅雷迪斯崩溃地发现前晚在酒吧和她发生一夜情的男人,竟然是神经外科医生德立克·舍伯(帕特里克·德姆西 Patrick Dempsey 饰),两人纠葛就此开始;克里斯蒂娜吸引了胸外科医师普雷斯顿·伯克的注意,因为他们同样高傲和野心勃勃;乔治悄悄爱着梅雷迪斯;美丽的伊泽贝尔第一时间掀起流言,一年的实习期注定充满高密度的压力竞争与荷尔蒙……感化院英雄泪杨门女将魔道象人与世界说第二季东尼泷谷荒岛余生别巡检3大主宰程序恋人柏拉图酒店山怪巨魔自君别去 第一季大不列颠哥伦比亚:广阔荒野自由行猪猪侠之超星萌宠3生日快乐(粤语)公主与青蛙哈莉·奎茵第一季金色之海坂本龙一特别线上钢琴独奏会2022教数学的体育老师黎明旅程2004谁的青春不热血之深流不息重版出来!枪、女孩和赌博诈骗大师歌之☆王子殿下:真爱2000%007之黑日危机国语長壽花,我和她致命吸引上海滩大亨网红2021红色假期黑色婚礼2虎胆追凶国语民国大侦探空中浩劫第九季皮威的长假三人世界1988巴黎小情歌巨澜军民大生产镜花水月第一季


 1 ) 謝謝你笑貧不笑娼


花了很長時間看Grey's Anatomy,之後又花了很長時間努力不去思考。醫療題材的片子很容易出彩,也很容易讓人覺得厭倦,《白色巨塔》走的是反面對比路綫,因果輪回報應不爽,配一首宗教歌曲就讓人落淚。相比之下,美國人喜歡沒事就說說人生,其實這樣挺好的,人生就需要一些淺薄又積極的探討。把人生歸結成一種美國式的黑色幽默之後又刻意壓低到扭曲零碎的生活瑣事中去,好像只有這樣,編造出來的理論才能夠得到圓滿。這一原則的另一個結局就是做出來的東西特別真實,有時候簡直是太他媽真實了。

大多數的矛盾只有三种原因,對於當下自我體認的不滿,對於當下他人對自我映射的不滿,然後導致了對過去未來的人生的焦慮。毉患關係的矛盾是人本身的矛盾,一方面對自己無法掌握自己生命的結局感到絕望,另一方面因爲了解前者的絕望,所以難以自我安慰。不知道自己要什麽;想知道自己要什麽;有時候以爲知道了自己要什麽;有時候只知道自己不要什麽。長得一臉韓國式plain的Christina是所有人的榜樣,在她一臉理所當然的道德感薄弱之下。最情比金堅是 Christina對Meredith:“緊急聯絡人我填了你的名字。”最無可奈何是Bruke對Christina:“我們算是一對了,這沒什麽大不了的。”最望塵莫及是Izzie對Christina:“我不是妒嫉她的選擇,我只是妒嫉她這麽堅定這麽純粹。”



很多人不能認同Meredith,有可能是對美劇中瓊瑤戯份的厭惡。要是都像越獄那樣,每集都刺激刺激刺激每秒鐘,就回到了好萊塢動作片的老路上。你還記得ABC是怎樣在好萊塢疲軟的時候殺進的麽?因爲人們關心的是内歷時的人物命運:Meredith在Seattle Grace的第一年,第二年……20個人中只有6個女人,而在這20個人之中,有5個將在壓力下崩潰,有2個會要求離開。George要重復實習,Alex留起了鬍子,Mark戯份加重,連男主角也對第三季的劇本表示了不滿,如果第四季還這麽混亂的話,他就要甩手不干了。接下來的事情你們都知道了:演O'mally的演員坦誠自己是同性戀,Addison功成名就spin off,Burke無法解決内部矛盾……然後,然後編劇罷工開始了。

回過頭來想一想,Meredith的塑造是成功的。她優秀得不露聲色,因此不同于典型亞裔美國人那種強迫式的自我要求,同時又有美國女人的優點:寬容和理解(至少看起來是這樣)。決絕?不,生活裏不流行決絕。關心?關心他人的生活,而不是内心。無論如何,劇本是用事件而不是獨白編織的,如果讓觀衆過多地看出編劇們表達的用心,毫無疑問是一種失敗——人物本身會有自己的發展,但是觀衆又非得要求緊張激烈的情節,稀奇古怪的病例,這確實是一種對於編劇能力的考驗。在Meredith瀕死的時候,各種綫索匯聚到一起,以四個人的方式把三季中重要事件和代表意義呈現出來,其中的一些綫索結束了,比如代表着 Meredith母親的護士隨著她母親的死去也消失了,但是另一些沒有,代表着主角感情選擇的Bonnie未來肯定還會出現。被炸成脆片的爆破組組長也許代表Meredith的勇氣,但是這種無所不能的勇氣,正如Meredith所說,會“fade away”,還有人氣最高的Denny和Izzie兩肩相觸的刹那,靈犀一點天人永隔:所有美好的東西最終都會消失,如果不能move on,你就只能困在原地。






Meredith夢到自己拉開冰櫃,看到死掉的自己開口説話。死亡是涼爽的夜晚,自己的掙扎卻很徒勞。這是再真實不過的想法,誰也沒有立場說誰淺薄。對於那些認爲Grey's Anatomy刻意拉長劇情慘失人氣的,有些確實可觀,對於那些認爲主角形象塑造失敗的,則可能道德感過於強烈誘失中立了。有時候我們笑貧不笑娼。

 2 ) 无与伦比不因死而虚妄,陪伴一生不因死而终结

大妈破了我的梦,一连着几天我都觉得被背叛,心痛不行。derek走的那一刻让我开始怀疑我从GA中的所感所悟是不是其实是荒唐的。我是坚信有soul mate的,但那一刻我觉得即使我找到了另一半那又如何,期望的天长地久也可以戛然而止。
这本来就是长美剧,剧外的人事变迁也会让剧情有无限可能,剧情总如我们想象的那样这部剧反而是失败的。 GA虽然狗血的几乎将所有的灾难写进了一家医院,但正因如此大的涵盖面,我们才可以在里面找到一部分的自己,产生共鸣,正因如此GA才能让不同种族不同信仰不同地区的人流泪。
It's okay.I'll be fine.I'll go ahead.
I'm not gonna waste derek's life to be a quitter.

 3 ) Meredith or Mrs Shepherd



Meredith是个好女孩。她大声对Derek说:choose me的时候,没有人会说她任性的。因为她无辜而又美好,甚至很难算一个小三。


Baily路过说:你知道做这个选择其实一点也不难,but painful

 4 ) 2006年最出色的美剧






 5 ) 格蕾医生的歌


Episode 1: “A Hard Day’s Night”
O.A.O.T.S., "Dance"
Thirteen Senses, "Into the Fire"
Butterfly Boucher, "Life Is Short"
Rilo Kiley, "Portions for Foxes"
Vaughan Penn, "Ready to Rise"
BANG sugar BANG, "Super Cool?
Jem, "They"

Episode 2: “The First Cut is the Deepest”
The Cardigans, "Live and Learn"
The Ditty Bops, "Sister Kate"
Keane, "Somewhere Only We Know"
Get Set Go, "Wait"
Tegan and Sara, "You Wouldn't Like Me"

Episode 3: “Winning a Battle, Losing the War”
Lisa Loeb, "Fools Like Me"
Tegan and Sara, "I Won't Be Left"
The Ditty Bops, "There's a Girl"
The Ditty Bops, "Wishful Thinking"
Reindeer Section, "You Are My Joy"

Episode 4: “No Man’s Land”
Get Set Go, "Break Your Heart"
The Eames Era, "Could Be Anything"
Rosie Thomas, "Let Myself Fall"
Sia, "Sunday"
Vaughan Penn, "Truth"
Tegan and Sara, "Where Does the Good Go?"

Episode 5: “Shake Your Groove Thing”
Ivy, "Edge of the Ocean"
Interpol, "Evil"
Dee, "Money Girl"
Buffseeds, "Sparkle Me"
Psapp, "Tiger, My Friend"
The Ditty Bops, "Wake Up"

Episode 6: “If Tomorrow Never Comes”
Psapp, "Chapter"
Butterfly Boucher, "Never Leave Your Heart Alone"
Jem, "Save Me"
The Ditty Bops, "Walk or Ride"

Episode 7: “The Self-Destruct Button”
Tegan and Sara, "Downtown"
Wilco, "Hummingbird"
Joe Purdy, "Suitcase"
ACDC, "The Self-Destruct Button"
Jem, "Wish I"

Episode 8: “Save Me”
Nellie McKay, "David"
Masha Qrella, "Feels Like"
Tegan and Sara, "Fix You Up"
Joe Purdy, "I Love the Rain the Most"
78 Saab, "No Illusions"
Laura Veirs, "Rapture"

Episode 9: “Who’s Zoomin’ Who?”
A.M. Sixty, "Big As the Sky"
Psapp, "Cosy In the Rocket"
Medeski, Martin & Wood, "End of the World Party"
Iron & Wine, "Naked As We Came"
Maria Taylor, "Song Beneath the Song"
Nellie McKay, "The Dog Song"
The Radio, "Whatever Gets You Through Today"


Episode 1: “Raindrops Keep Fallin’ On My Head”
Firstcom, "All I Need"
Michelle Branch, "Breathe"
Esthero & Sean Lennon, "Everyday Is a Holiday (With You)"
Ivy, "Feel So Free"
Bow Wow Wow, "I Want Candy"
Mike Doughty, "Looking At the World from the Bottom of a Well"
Kate Earl, "Some one to Love"
Blue-Eyed Son, "Step Away From the Cliff"
Joe Purdy, "The City"

Episode 2: “Enough is Enough (No More Tears)”
Goldfrapp, "Beautiful"
Joy Zipper, "Go Tell The World"
Jem, "Just a Ride"
kt tunstall, "Suddenly I See"
Brandi Carlile, "What Can I Say"

Episode 3: “Make Me Lose Control”
Sylvie Lewis, "By Heart"
Inara George, "Fools In Love"
Elevator Action, "I'm a Bitch"
Roisin Murphy, "Ruby Blue"
Get Set Go, "Sleep"
Maria Taylor, "Song Beneath the Song"

Episode 4: “Deny, Deny, Deny”
Ben Lee, "Catch My Disease"
The Delgados, "I Fought the Angels"
Merrick, "Infinity"
Rolsin Murphy, "Ramalama"

Episode 5: “Bring the Pain”
Way Out West, "Don't Forget Me"
Mike Doughty, "I Hear the Bells"
Tegan and Sara, "Not Tonight"
Roisin Murphy, "Prelude to Love In the Making"
Blue-Eyed Son, "Step Away from the Cliff"
Blue-Eyed Son, "When I Come Home"
Cowboy Racer, "Yellow Horse"

Episode 6: “Into You Like a Train”
The Hereafter, "Back Where I Was"
B.C. Camplight, "Blood and Peanut Butter"
Umbrellas, "The City Lights"
Emiliana Torrini, "Today Has Been Okay"

Episode 7: “Something to Talk About”
The Faders, "Better Off Dead"
Annie, "Chewing Gum"
Mark Joseph, "Get Through"
kt tunstall, "other side of the world"
Rosie Thomas, "Since You've Been Around"

Episode 8: “Let it Be”
Gabin, "Bang Bang to the Rock n' Roll"
Joe Purdy, "Far Away Blues"
Nouvelle Vague, "I Melt With You"
Anya Marina, "Miss Halfway"
The Faders, "No Sleep Tonight"
The Chalets, "Sexy Mistake"

Episode 9: “Thanks for the Memories”
The O.A.O.T.'s, "Dance"
Dressy Bessy, "New Song (From Me to You)"
Keren Ann, "Not Going Anywhere"
Fannypack, "Nu Nu (Yeah Yeah)"
Josh Rouse, "Sad Eyes"
Emiliana Torrini, "Serenade"
Nellie McKay, "The Dog Song"
Mark McAdam, "Too Hard"

Episode 10: “Much Too Much”
Get Set Go, "Crying Shame"
James Blunt, "High"
Greenskeepers, "Lotion"
Roisin Murphy, "Night of the Dancing Flame"
Lifehouse, "You and Me"

Episode 11: “Owner of a Lonely Heart”
Jim Noir, "I Me You"
Emiliana Torrini, "Sunny Road"
James Blunt, "Tears and Rain"
Gemma Hayes, "Two Step"
Moonbabies, "War On Sound"

Episode 12: “Grandma Got Run Over By a Reindeer”
Jet, "Back Door Santa"
Maria Taylor, "Christmas After All"
Holidays on Ice, "Here Comes Your Ride"
Sixpence None The Richer, "It Came Upon a Midnight Clear"
The LeeVees, "Latke Clan"
Catie Curtis, "Lo, How A Rose E'er Blooming"
Lou Rawls, "Santa Claus Is Comin' to Town"
Nat King Cole, "The Christmas Song (Merry Christmas to You)"
Mascott & Dave Derby, "This Christmastime"

Episode 13: “Begin the Begin”
Slow Runner, "Break Your Momma's Back"
The 88, "Hide Another Mistake"
Kraak & Smaak, "One of These Days"
Cary Brothers, "Ride"

Episode 14: “Tell Me Sweet Little Lies”
Saint Etienne, "A Good Thing"
Carey Ott, "Am I Just One"
Adrienne Pierce, "Fool's Gold"
Sam Winch, "I Got Some Moves"
Metric, "Monster Hospital"
Mike Tarantino, "Wienermobile Girl"

Episode 15: “Break On Through”
Emilia, "Big Big World"
Leeroy Stagger, "Just In Case"
Landon Pigg, "Sailed On"
Kendall Payne, "Scratch"
Rebecca Lynn, "Small World, Big Girl"
Kate Earl, "Someone to Love"
Aqueduct, "The Suggestion Box"
Vassy, "Wanna Fly"

Episode 16: “It’s the End of the World…”
Big Big World (TNT Big Phat Mix): Emilia
Monotypes, "Dead Streets"
Michael Stipe & Chris Martin, "In The Sun"
Joseph Arthur, "In the Sun"
Ursula 1000, "Kaboom"
kt tunstall, "Miniature Disasters"
Kate Havnevik, "Unlike Me"

Episode 17: “... As We Know It”
Greenskeepers, "Back In The Wild"
Anna Nalick, "Breathe (2 a.m.)"
Foy Vance, "Homebird"
Correatown, "I Tell Myself"
Ambulance LTD, "Stay Where You Are"
Kate Havnevik, "Unlike Me"
The Weepies, "World Spins Madly On"

Episode 18: “Yesterday”
All Sad Girls Are Beautiful, "Baby Blue"
Joshua Radin, "Closer"
Psapp, "Cosy In the Rocket"
Diplo, Pantera Os Danadinhos, Sandra Melody & Vybz Cartel, "Diplo Rhythm"
Headlights Headlights, "Everybody Needs a Fence to Lean On"
Rosie Thomas, "It Don't Matter to the Sun"
Devics, "Just One Breath"
Corinne Bailey-Rae, "Like a Star"
Shout Out Louds, "Wish I Was Dead Pt. 2"

Episode 19: “What Have I Done to Deserve This?”
Boy Least Likely To, "Be Gentle With Me"
Madeline Peyroux, "Careless Love"
Get Set Go, "I Hate Everyone"
Devics, "Just One Breath"
Corinne Bailey Rae, "Like A Star"
Sandra Melody, "Newsflash"
New Moscow, "Slow Down"
Brandi Carlile, "Throw It All Away"
Emiliana Torrini, "Today Has Been Okay"

Episode 20: “Band Aid Covers the Bullet Hole”
Ning Baizura, "Breathe Again"
Sing-Sing, "Come, Sing Me a Song"
Jem, "Flying High"
The Last Town Chorus, "Modern Love"
Tina Dico, "One"
Urbs, "So Weit"

Episode 21: “Superstition”
Anna Nalick, "Catalyst"
Luke Doucet, "Free"
Foy Vance, "Gabriel and the Vagabond"
Dr, Moses McNeil and Company, "Halleluah"
Rufus Wainwright, "Hallelujah"
Jeff Buckley, "Hallelujah"
The Fray, "How to Save a Life"
Devics, "Just One Breath"
Jamie Lidell, "Multiply"
Postal Service, "Such Great Heights"
Greenskeepers, "You Don't Know Me"

Episode 22: “Name of the Game”
Sunshine, "C'Mon Yeah"
Gnarls Barkley, "Crazy"
Dressy Bessy, "Girl, You Shout!"
Butterfly Boucher, "Life Is Short"
Joshua Radin, "The Fear You Won't Fall"
Anna Nalick, "Wreck of the Day"
Phil War, "You Think I'm Crazy"

Special: “Under Pressure”
Breath, "Breaking Down"
Mark Joseph, "Fly"
Adrienne Pierce, "Fool's Gold"
Merrick, "Infinity"
Bright Eyes, "I Woke Up With This Song In My Head This Morning"
The Weepies, "World Spins Madly On"
Kendall Payne, "Scratch"

Episode 23: "Blues For Sister Someone"
Metric, "Police and the Private"
Hotel Lights, "Follow Through"
Sunshine, "Love"
James Morrison, "Better Man"
Caleb Kane, "Go Mad"
The Chalets, "Gogo Don't Go"
The Chalets, "Red High Heels"
The Chalets, "Fight Your Kids"

Episode 24: "Damage Case"
Foy Vance, "Homebird"
Kate Havnevik, "Nowhere Warm"
Regina Spektor, "On The Radio"
Brandi Carlile, "Tragedy"
The Legends, "Something Good"
Inara George, "Oh My Love"
Kate Havnevik, "Unlike Me"
Anna Nalick, "Breathe (2 a.m.)"
Natalie Wilson, "When You Need a Friend"
The HorrorPops, "Where They Wander"

Episode 25: "17 Seconds"

Yeah Yeah Yeahs, "Gold Lion"
Snow Patrol, "Somewhere A Clock Is Ticking"

Episode 26: "Deterioration of the Fight or Flight Response"
KT Tunstall, "Universe And U"
The Coral Sea, "Look At Her Face"
Au Revoir Simone, "Through The Backyards"
Gomez, "How We Operate"

Episode 27: "Losing My Religion"
Peter Droge, "Under The Waves"
Dressy Bessy, "Side 2"
Amos Lee, "Colors"
Masha Qrella, "Destination Vertical"
Kate Havnevik, "Grace"
Snow Patrol, "Chasing Cars"


Episode 1: "Time Has Come Today"
The Dixie Chicks, "Lullaby"
Tegan & Sara, "Take Me Anywhere"
Sleeping At Last, "Quicksand"
Emiliana Torrini, "Nothing Brings Me Down"
Gnarls Barkley, "Gone Daddy Done"
Grant Lee Phillips, "Under The Milky Way"

Episode 2: "I Am a Tree"
Moloko, "The Time Is Now"
Mat Kearney, "Crashing Down"
The Chalets, "Theme From Chalets"
Bittersweet, "The Mating Game"
Jesus Jackson, "Running On Sunshine"
Snow Patrol, "Open Your Eyes"
Mat Kearney, "All I Need"

Episode 3: "Sometimes a Fantasy"
Outkast, "Idlewild Blues"
Lilly Allen, "Take What You Take"
The Pipettes, "Dirty Mind"
The Bamboos, "Step It Up"
The Poems, "Ballad of a Bitter End"
Joe Purdy, "Can't Get It Right Today"

Episode 4: "What I Am"
Camera Obscura, "If Looks Could Kill"
The Gossip, "Standing In The Way Of Control"
Au Revoire Simone, "Back In Time"
Kate Havnevik, "So - Lo"
TV On The Radi, "Province"
Mindy Smith, "Fall For Nothing"

Episode 5: "Oh, The Guilt"
Nellie McKay, "Clonie"
Kate Havnevik, "Kaleidoscope"
The Second Band, "Wild Is The Wind"
Fionn Regan, "Be Good Or Be Gone"
Keisha White, "Don't Mistake Me"

Episode 6, "Let The Angels Commit"
Teddy Bears, "Cobrastyle"
Jim Noir, "My Patch"
Peter Bjorn & John, "Young Folks"
Gomez, "Notice"
Vega 4, "Life is Beautiful"

Episode 7: "Where The Boys Are"
Beck, "Think I'm In Love"
Jim Noir, "Tell Me What To Do"
Luke Temple, "Make Right With You"
Inara George, "Greedy"
The Jealous Girlfriends, "Something In The Water"
Big Sandy & His Fly Rite Boys, "It's Time"
Brett Dennen, "There Is So Much More"
Bedouin Soundclash, "12:59 Lullaby"
Bill Ricchini, "A Cold Wind Will Blow Through Your Door"

Episode 8: "Staring at the Sun"
Lily Allen, "Not Big"
Get Set Go, "Everybody Get Movin'"
The Watson Twins, "Time of My Life"
Mat Kearney, "Where We Gonna Go From Here"
Ingrid Michaelson, "Breakable"
Chandra Wilson (Miranda Bailey), "God Bless the Child"

Episode 9: "From a Whisper to a Scream"
The Dears, "You And I Are A Gang of Losers"
Damien Rice, "9 Crimes"
Kate Havnevik, "New Day"

Episode 10: "Don't Stand So Close to Me"
Anya Marina, "Sociopath"
John Legend, "Show Me"
Son Volt, "World Waits For You"

Episode 11: "Six Days (Part I)"
The Research, "Lonely Hearts Still Beat The Same"
William Fitzsimmons, "Passion Play"
Emiliana Torrini, "Beggars Prayer (demo)"
Michelle Featherstone, "Rest Of My Life"
Travis, "Love Will Come Through"

Episode 12: "Six Days (Part II)"

1. OK Go, "Here It Goes Again"
The song plays as Meredith and Derek bicker in bed after not getting much sleep. Izzie and George discuss Izzie's check.

2. Regina Spektor, "Fidelity"
The song plays as Addison and Callie talk about Addison's choice to not have Mark's baby.

3. Ingrid Michaelson, "The Way That I Am"
The song plays as Cristina complains about sleeping alone, and Meredith confesses she feels jealous of George's relationship with his dad. Cristina brings Burke his dinner.

4. Susanna & The Magical Orchestra, "Love Will Tear Us Apart"
The song plays as the O'Malley family makes a decision about George's dad.

5. Gary Jules, "Falling Awake"
The song plays as Burke, Cristina and Derek talk about Mr. o'Malley. His family is gathered around him in the hospital. George's friends wait in support of him.

6. The Slip, "Life in Disguise"
The song plays as Cristina consoles George, Alex and Addison spend time together, and Derek goes to sleep beside Meredith.

Episode 13: “Great Expectations”

1. Lily Frost, “Enchantment”
Burke has Derek and Meredith over for a dinner party at his house, and Cristina sits in the kitchen counter tossing cereal into her mouth and drinking wine straight from the bottle.

2. Umbrellas, “Ships”
Callie, Cristina and Richard operate on a patient. Derek yells at Meredith about telling Sloan about the chief. Dr. Bailey asks Dr. Burke for help. Izzie talks to Rachel about letting go of Jilly who is going to die of a disease.

3. Skye, “Love Show”
Addison invites Alex to a surgery. Meredith and Derek fight, but make up. Cristina and Burke make up. George and Callie make up.

Episode 14: "Wishin' and Hopin'"

1. Sybarite, "Runaway" feat. Psapp
The song plays as Izzie and Bailey look onto their new "Denny Duquette Memorial" clinic. Cristina considers her ring. Meredith prepares to speak with her mother.

2. Beck, "Elevator Music"
The song plays as Izzie and Alex offer a patient a free consultation. Ellis and Cristina talk about Meredith.

3. Miho Hatori, "Barracuda"
The song plays as Vincent learns about his girlfriend. Cristina begs to be included in a surgery. Meredith warns Derek about her mother but Derek talks to Ellis anyway.

4. Iain Archer, "Canal Song"
The song plays as Meredith talks with Richard.

5. Susanna & The Magical Orchestra, "Believer"
The song plays as Richard and Ellis talk about Meredith and their past relationship.

6. The Whitest Boy Alive, "Fireworks"
The song plays as Cristina and Burke share their moment.

Episode 15: "Walk On Water"

1. Radio Citizen, "The Hop"
Meredith sits in the bathtub alone, Derek tells Meredith he is concerned about her, Izzie misses George, Cristina tells Burke not to tell anyone they are engaged.

2. Union of Knives, "Opposite Direction"
Bailey tells interns to get out there and help people, Meredith tends to the wounded.

3. 8MM, "Liar"
Izzie tells Vince to find search and rescue, Derek asks Meredith if she is upset, Addison and Richard talk, Cristina confronts Burke.

4. Snow Patrol, "Make This Go On Forever"
Alex checks on Jane Doe, Mrs. Heit waits for word on her son, Rick starts to have a seizure, A crowd of distraught family members yells at Alex, and Meredith is accidentally knocked off the pier into the water.

Episode 16: "Drowning On Dry Land"

1. Butterfly Boucher, "A Bitter Song"
The song plays as the episode opens and Meredith struggles in the water. Later, the track plays at the end of the episode as the doctors furiously work on Meredith.

2. Kate Havnevik, "Timeless"
Song plays as Izzie drills into the patient's head. The little girl stares at the water as Derek finally emerges with Meredith.

3. Patrick Watson, "The Great Escape"
The song plays as Izzie is in surgery with her patient. Alex posts pictures from the morgue.

Episode 17: "Some Kind of Miracle"

1. Aqualung, "The Lake"
The song plays early in the episode as the Chief works on Meredith.

2. Damien Rice, "Sleep Don't Weep"
This track is showcased when Meredith's heart flatlines, and the doctors look on, perplexed - and unsure if they should continue.

3. Unkle Bob, "Swans"
Song plays as Chief says goodbye to Ellis, Derek sleeps by Meredith, and Izzie & Denny sense each other in the hallway.

Episode 18: "Scars and Souvenirs"

1. Koop, "Come To Me"
Plays as Izzie gets surprised by Alex in the morning, and she complains to Meredith about it. At the same time, George complains to his wife, Callie, about Izzie.

2. Gomez, "Girlshapedlovedrug"
Cristina catches up with Colin, who shows up out of the blue. Derek and George prep for her operation. Callie tells George about her family.

3. Psapp, "Hi"
This one plays while Meredith tells Derek she is having dinner with her father, Thatcher, and the interns talk in the cafeteria.

4. Wild Sweet Orange, "Land Of No Return"
Meredith and her father and stepmother have dinner. Meanwhile, Dr. Burke questions Cristina about her past relationships.

5. Anya Marina, "Move You"
George and Izzie get drunk and have a blast together. Alex checks on Jane Doe, again. Cristina and Meredith have a heart to heart.

Episode 19: "My Favorite Mistake"

1. Mirah, "La Familia"
This song plays at the beginning of the episode as Izzie wakes up and Meredith and Cristina ask her questions about her night.

2. Alamo Race Track, "Black Cat John Brown"
At lunch, Izzie asks Meredith about blacking out after drinking. Cristina talks about Burke. Izzie asks about Jane Doe's face selection.

3. Adam Merrin, "Still Alright"
You hear this song as George has a flashback to the night before... and he goes to confront Izzie about it.

4. Let's Go Sailing, "All I Want From You Is Love"
This song plays as Meredith harvests bone during her much-anticipated operation, and Cristina amputates her patient's foot.

5. Let's Go Sailing, "Sideways"
Alex talks to Jane Doe about her new face. Cristina talks to Burke about their wedding. Meredith talks to Derek about her dad.

Episode 20: "Time After Time"

1. Amy Winehouse, "You Know I'm No Good"
The song plays as Burke and Cristina operate on a patient.

2. The Whitest Boy Alive, "Burning"
Plays as Cristina and Meredith discuss their issues with Colin and Susan, and Alex asks for Cristina's help.

3. Nouvelle Vague, "Dancing With Myself"
Playing in the background as the interns hang out at the clinic and talk about their patients.

4. Maria Taylor, "Clean Getaway"
George helps Izzie get dressed and she tells him about her family.

5. Lullaby Baxter, "Fontana Fontaine"
This track plays when Derek asks Bailey for advice about Meredith, and as George takes a recovering Izzie down to pediatrics.

6. Maria Taylor, "A Good Start"
Jane Doe argues with Alex. Burke and Cristina talk about Colin at home. Susan confronts Meredith and they have a heart to heart. Addison finds Richard hitting on a woman... and decides to intervene.

Episode 21: "Desire"

1. The Reddmen, "The Secrets of Amanda Prine"
We hear this song as the interns study for a big exam.

2. Let's Go Sailing, "Better Off"
Callie and Addison talk about their various relationships and feelings while this song plays (and Ava listens) in the background.

3. The Bird & The Bee, "Again & Again"
The interns continue studying, while testing out wedding cakes.

4. Beck, "Nausea"
The surgeons and interns participate in various operations.

5. Anna Waronker, "How Am I Doing"
This song plays at the end of the episode, as Cristina is studying and picks a cake, while George and Izzie talk about the future, and Addison unsuccessfully tries to get Alex to hang out with her.

Episodes 22 & 23: "The Other Side of This Life (Parts I & II)"

1. Feist, "Sealion"
The song plays as the interns are wakeful at night, and Cristina awakes to find Burke's mother is there.

2. The Mary Onettes, "Lost"
The song plays as Addison Montgomery drives along the Pacific coast and enters the Oceanside Wellness Clinic.

3. The Broken West, "Down In The Valley"
Addison enters the Wellness Clinic and finds Naomi.

4. The Switches, "Message From Yuz"
Naomi tells Addison they have an opening.

5. The Rosewood Thieves, "Los Angeles"
Couples therapy at the Wellness Center.

6. Jem, "California Sun"
Naomi and Addison talk, Violet runs into her ex.

7. The Adored, "Not Having It"
Cooper cries over his stripped vehicle.

8. Brandi Carlile, "Turpentine"
Addison yells at the elevator to stop talking!

Episode 24: "Testing 1-2-3"

1. Let's Go Sailing, "This Rope Is Long"
This song plays as Meredith gets dressed in a black dress as the interns study. Callie and George study. Meredith talks with Derek at the hospital and Cristina and Burke talk about the wedding.

2. Amy Winehouse, "Wake Up Alone"
The song plays as George tries to talk to the Chief, and the doctors operate on the three hypothermic mountain climbers.

3. Ingrid Michaelson, "Corner Of Your Heart"
Alex and Ava argue about her memory and what she really knows. Izzie tries to talk with George about Mercy West but becomes upset.

4. The Weather Machines, "Stains Of Saints"
This song plays as Addison joins Derek, Mark and Preston at Burke's bachelor party at Joe's bar.

5. Paolo Nutini, "Million Faces"
A mysterious woman offers to buy Derek a drink in the bar, while Ava (or Rebecca Pope) and Alex reconcile, and Richard finds Adele.

Episode 25: "Didn't We Almost Have It All"

1. The Jealous Girlfriends, "Roboxula"
Callie copies Cristina's vows onto her hand, Izzie and Meredith play toilet paper bride, Richard tells Mark he won't be Chief, and Bailey tells Derek that they found the fourth mountain climber.

2. Grace Potter, "Falling Or Flying"
Cristina is unable to sleep on the eve of her wedding day, Alex watches Rebecca and her husband talk, Derek talks to Meredith about his night.

3. Ray Lamontagne, "Hold You In My Arms"
Burke practices his vows in the O.R., Callie says she wants a baby, Alex talks with Rebecca's husband, Jeff, while he holds her baby.

4. Coburn, "Closer"
Cristina operates in order to clear her head before the ceremony. Izzie helps George tie his tie and declares her feelings for him.

5. Ray Lamontagne, "Within You"
The interns get their test results. Ava begs Alex to give her a reason to stay, and Meredith and Derek have a disappointing heart to heart.

6. The Hereafter, "Eulogy"
The song plays as Alex talks to Addison about Ava. George and Bailey talk about his results, and whether they failed one another. Meanwhile, the ladies get ready for the wedding.

7. The Mary Onettes, "Explosions"
Cristina readies herself and Preston goes to check on her.

8. Ingrid Michaelson, "Keep Breathing"
The song plays in the final few minutes of the episode as Alex looks for Rebecca, Meredith helps Cristina out of her dress, Callie watches Izzie sitting in the chapel, George meets Lexie Grey, and Richard talks with Derek about the Chief position.


因为这部剧,记得Jem,记得Thirteen Senses,记得Snow Patrol,记得Keane,当然也会记得Meredith、Dereck、Cristina、Izzie这些人物。他们的哭与笑,快乐与悲伤,都在这些那些歌中。

 6 ) 写给Denny




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  • Doris.ZY
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还蛮好看的 跟白色巨塔调调完全不同//狗血,奇观,哲理,励志,主旋律,人见人爱的女主爱上住房车的男主。超刺激,人皮客栈之后终于有能满足我口味的了。美国人尼玛就是真善美怪不得叫美国。好吧,亚洲人真的太妖魔了。我觉得最巧的是,为了避免太刻意的结尾,正好可以让病人挂掉,反正这也符合常理。

  • 胖丁
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  • 星星小鱼儿
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  • 葛奴乙的香水
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下班回家路上想到burke,我竟然流露出那种想到男朋友时的白痴表情。“thanks for the coffee”

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  • happyoct
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  • 乔阿酥
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看了两集就超级想要上班 想要那种忙碌的感觉

  • .苏三.
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Mc dreaming!

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