• 电影
  • 电视剧
  • 美剧
  • 韩剧



主演:雷娜特·赖因斯夫,安德斯·丹尼尔森·李,巴哈·帕斯,比约恩·桑德奎斯特,扬·海恩凯维奇,本特·博瑟姆,Denise Trankalis,Olga Damani,Inesa Dauksta,Kian Hansen

类型:电影地区:瑞典 / 挪威 / 希腊语言:挪威语年份:2024











  Renate Reinsve and Anders Danielsen Lie see the dead come to life in a confidently executed zombie drama based on John Ajvide Lindqvist's acclaimed horror novel.  Fifteen years after Let the Right One In John Ajvide Lindqvist is back with an existentially high-octane horror film that leaves no one untouched. With emotional depth, visual power, and a perfect tone, director Thea Hvistendahl tells the story of three families recently left in grief after the passing of their loved ones. But suddenly, the power grid goes out, and the deceased start to move. Norwegian stars Renate Reinsve and Anders Danielsen Lie (both acclaimed for The Worst Person in the World) portray complex reunions and interrupted mourning processes, alongside Bahar Pars and Bjørn Sundquist, in a chillingly thought-provoking and truly remarkable horror drama.  源自:https://program.goteborgfilmfestival.se/en/program/handling-the-undead热播电视剧最新电影儿子老子詹姆士的厨房·旅行季坐卧两用室晚餐前男友狂细毛家屋场甲申阴阳界清道夫第一季天将雄师冰血长津湖哗鬼校园迷离劫2022寒战2国语版销尸的夜晚蓝海奇迹剧场版架空OL日记浅蓝深蓝白魔鬼蜂巢2023滑头鬼之孙第二季探长雷布斯第一季黑暗旋涡无畏之心暗金五岛君外传剧暗金犀原小姐亚刻奥特曼大电影:超次元大决战!光与暗的亚刻国语满足第二季杰克·莱恩 第四季青春万岁好戏登场2022终极使命2001除恶:飞车党

