

主演:雷娜特·赖因斯夫,安德斯·丹尼尔森·李,巴哈·帕斯,比约恩·桑德奎斯特,扬·海恩凯维奇,本特·博瑟姆,Denise Trankalis,Olga Damani,Inesa Dauksta,Kian Hansen

类型:电影地区:瑞典 / 挪威 / 希腊语言:挪威语年份:2024










  Renate Reinsve and Anders Danielsen Lie see the dead come to life in a confidently executed zombie drama based on John Ajvide Lindqvist's acclaimed horror novel.  Fifteen years after Let the Right One In John Ajvide Lindqvist is back with an existentially high-octane horror film that leaves no one untouched. With emotional depth, visual power, and a perfect tone, director Thea Hvistendahl tells the story of three families recently left in grief after the passing of their loved ones. But suddenly, the power grid goes out, and the deceased start to move. Norwegian stars Renate Reinsve and Anders Danielsen Lie (both acclaimed for The Worst Person in the World) portray complex reunions and interrupted mourning processes, alongside Bahar Pars and Bjørn Sundquist, in a chillingly thought-provoking and truly remarkable horror drama.  源自:https://program.goteborgfilmfestival.se/en/program/handling-the-undead天龙八部追梦高中2失独我的青春也灿烂微博电影之夜2024甘草叉猎杀(国语版)二十二黑林鼓声玛丽亚·凯莉的圣诞节:魔法继续游览意大利性本恶外婆的重托温柔的谎言老夫老妻重返青春童话公主的罪与罚隐秘而伟大航班蛇患(国语版)亚森·罗宾第三季王大壮的川口春奈后见之明美国犯罪故事 第二季泰山逃亡七只乌鸦真爱奇迹当你拯救完世界普罗米修斯工程公园与游憩第三季达妮卡黑色灵魂家庭战争 第一季少年巴比伦 2024快乐时光2019良知堡垒盾神姐妹情色手记地球上只有我们两人碟中谍5:神秘国度灵书妙探第五季佛顶山下鸳鸯湖鬼马天师国语

