1 ) 不要轻易放弃心中所爱!
若能在一起,一定不要放弃心中至爱啊,任何理由都不可以!“I love who I am when I'm with you, Amanda. You are my dearest friend, my deepest love. You are the very best of me. Forever, Dawson.”泪目…………
2 ) Predestined——推荐原版小说
"You want me to fall back in love with you. But how do I do that when I haven't ever stopped?"
When Amanda shout out the words, the two of them, Dawson and Amanda, both knew that they had to make a decision that should have been made 20 years ago.
The third Nicholas Sparks book I read. Though I started to recognise a certain kind of pattern of his stories, I couldn't help shading tears when I read the accident happened to Amanda's son and the fight started by the two cousins' of Dawson. I could sense the fate of Amanda and Dawson.
For the record, I personally doublt the epic love of 20 years. How could we even understand what love is when we were 17? Not to mention the prison thing and the status gap between the two of them. But, why is the story still so touching? Maybe we don't care the realistic root of this story, it brought me into a world where love can outstand social class and travel through decades. I had to admit that I love broken hearts to be together again.
The best plot is the loop of destiny of Dawson and the doctor he murdered accidentally, David Bonner. The dark-haired man seemed like a metaphor, I'd like to see it as the fate. The ghost of Mr. Bonner was bound to save Dawson twice from the rig and the shoot. For Dawson was also doomed to meet Amanda again and to save Mr. Bonner's son. A life for a life, they said. Though it seemed even more unrealistic in life, I believe sometimes that's the way life is. They were bound to happen.
Just like the reunion of the two love birds. Like Sparks said, Amanda sensed that the story between her and Dawson never stopped and the reunion may be a new begainning or an end. I have to say, this is the best ending that I can ever think of. Because what else do you expect Amanda do? Abandon her husband and three kids and tore the family apart? The sweetheart from Nicholas Sparks's books could never done something like that. Leave Dawson and they both go on with their lives like nothing happened? Not a chance cause this is a novel! NIcholas's novels never end with normal boring endings. Remember 'Message in a bottle'? Now that the two distance lovers wouldn't reconcile where to move and to live a life together, why not give their love an epic and miserable ending. So that everyone would feel like crying when they ever thought of the story.
Same thing happened again here in 'the Best of Me'. Only this time, better. Dawson's heart was transplanted into Amanda's son's body. This is another doomed of fate. Dawson lived a longer life in the body of the beloved son of Amanda's. Whenever Amanda was together with Jared, watching him graduating from collage, falling in love and breaking out with girl, walking down the ailes, she could remember Dawson and the best of him. Ah ah, well, this sound like a well-worn pattern again! But I don't care.
To the poetic and epic love of Dawson and Amanda.
3 ) 字数
原声听了很久,电影拖到现在才看,话说这是什么鬼结局,尼古拉斯其他小说都是好结局或者不怎么悲的。居然给我来这个结局,真是可能跟the notebook故事架构比较类似,都是穷小子和富家女的故事,自然很多情节我会自然的去对照下。偶然知道这剧原来的男主定的是Paul Walker, 怪不得现在的男主跟Paul外形蛮像的,唉,可惜了,貌似还真没怎么见过Paul演爱情片。
4 ) 忒腻
5 ) 俗套但依旧浪漫
剧情有些俗套,情迷恋人遭到家人反对还有男主的过失杀人,但是幸运的事他们有一位始终想要撮合他们的老人,所以多年后为了老人的丧事,两人再相遇。最喜欢的一句台词: You want me to fall back in love with you? How do I do that if I haven't ever stopped. 看到最后我终于明白是怎样扣题的,儿子生病,于是男主故意设计,和仇人正面冲突遭遇车祸,给女主的儿子奉献了自己
6 ) 距离 the best,就差了那么一丢丢(剧透)
一边等着烘干机一边来码字呀~~~ 本来之前看预告片以为结局是苦尽甘来从此就长相思守不离不弃,尤其是当Dawson对Amanda说我曾经失去过你一次不能再失去你的时候真的是各种给人幸福结局的错觉。老实说,电影没有预告片精彩,特别是当John Legend的All of Me在Dawson和Amanda再次重逢把酒话当年的那瞬间响起时,姐的心都被揉碎了。想说这种年少初恋被现实无情扼杀多年后俩人终于得以相见的戏码得有多么浪漫主义情怀多么催人泪下唏嘘不已,想必最后也是有情人终成眷属的美好结局,偏偏导演非要不落俗套的来个生死两茫茫的狗血情节。真心吐槽导演大哥你是不是十年前在韩国修得研究生。
typical Sparks……韩剧一样的浪漫风景跟狗血故事,青梅竹马,时隔N年再叙旧情,跟the notebook以及serendipity一样,这雷同度,也是相当醉
I need a Sparks every five years.
James Marsden还是那么英俊,三星都是因为他。年轻版的实在是不帅。。。两个女主的各种裙子都好美。美国琼瑶的本子是一年不如一年吧
nothing can stop me loving you
Nicholas改编电影中最恐怖的一部 男主终是被注定的命运裹挟 无力回天
could u love me again? I cannot because I has never stopped
如果男主是Chris Pine,女主是Rachel McAdams,年轻版女主是Shailene Woodley,年轻版男主是Ansel Elgort,我就给五星。
"You weren't just someone I loved back then, you are the very best of me." James Marsden直接把花痴片轰到五星爆棚。拜托,大家宽容一点,这终归是Nicholas Sparks的青春片,能把狗血剧情拍到这么好看已经是满分了。另外,我一直觉得John Legend的All of Me超级适合做片尾曲的。