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主演:Demetri Goritsas,Mansour Boraik,Peter Brand





古埃及十大发现 剧照 NO.1古埃及十大发现 剧照 NO.2古埃及十大发现 剧照 NO.3古埃及十大发现 剧照 NO.4古埃及十大发现 剧照 NO.5古埃及十大发现 剧照 NO.6


  埃及高级考古专家Zahi Hawass和他的探索小队挑选出了在埃及所有发现中10种最重要的.在前期对这些巨大建筑的考察中,这些发现揭秘了埃及法老王,埃及艳後以及普通侍从的惊人逸事,踏上这趟绝妙旅程,一起到尼罗河去探寻,追溯埃及许许多多遗失已久的未知谜团.热播电视剧最新电影最后的权利2今夜在コ字形第二季后来的我们(2022)霍华德庄园1992龙与魔女#0.8黑社会档案之黑金帝国一猎钟情毕加索:知性懂爱的艺术大师爱与诚(粤语)小戏骨:洪湖赤卫队蝙蝠侠:披风斗士归来爱情的尽头哦!文姬血欲我的美丽人生那小子真酷民初奇人传[电视剧版]梅子鸡之味欧耶芭蕾呼唤梦幻拍档武士人生爱情避风港猛鬼差馆(国语版)卫国保家直播游戏神探磨辘


 1 ) 新瓶不装旧酒





再者因为是BBC的大制作,含金量还是蛮高的,可以请来札希•哈瓦斯博士作导游同时利用其当时时任埃及文物局橘子的职位便利让观者有幸看到了赛提一世法老之墓,作为其中一个保存的最完好的法老之墓,当中栩栩如生的壁画向我们揭示了埃及人对皇权神化的认知,法老在死后将回归天上与神结合一体 永生不死,一方面揭示埃及人对生死的概念,另一方面也凸显了当时法老通过宗教集中权利,巩固自身王权的手法,向观众解释了埃及特色的政教合一的统治方式。同时在这部分我们也可以看到纪录片比别的二手资料更有说服力的地方,正所谓耳听为虚眼见为实,文字资料永远无法让我们体验到埃及文明中的气派与辉煌,如果无法亲身到访,记录片就是最好的第二选择。

总括而言,本片并不是那种一般性的速成百科 更像一本导赏手册,旨在引起观众对埃及文明的兴趣。如果要求导演在87分钟内向观众巨细无遗的介绍埃及文明无疑是强人所难,如果对埃及墓葬或札希•哈瓦斯博士那有着异域风情的口音有兴趣的同学也可以去看一下另一部纪录片Egypt's New Tomb Revealed,相信不会让你失望而回,而那些对影片中关于图坦卡蒙宝藏解释意犹未尽的同学,我向你们诚挚推荐一部同样是大制作的纪录片,国家地理出品,品质保证——Burying King TUT,定当可以为你解惑。


 2 ) 内容新鲜,画质精美

非常惊讶,大家对这部记录片打分那么低。在我看来,它在短短一个半小时里,跟普通大众分享最新的考古发现, 不但内容丰满有时效性,而且画质相当精美。虽然埃及是我们比较熟悉的古文明,但是中学时期的历史也只涉及金字塔和历法,对于方尖碑、帝王陵墓、胡夫古船、塞迪陵墓壁画也知之不多。这部片子的优点就是每个主题不到10分钟,简明扼要,非常适合想要对古埃及有所了解又没有方向感的朋友,就像一道开胃拼盘,要是你觉得哪个冷菜意犹未尽,就一定要点一道单独的,以飨味蕾。英语发音标准动听,好上加好!

 3 ) 很不错的纪录片

埃及高级考古专家Zahi Hawass和他的探索小队挑选出了在埃及所有发现中10种最重要的.在前期对这些巨大建筑的考察中,这些发现揭秘了埃及法老王,埃及艳後以及普通侍从的惊人逸事,踏上这趟绝妙旅程,一起到尼罗河去探寻,追溯埃及许许多多遗失已久的未知谜团。本着对古埃及产生的极大神秘感去看,以为会有什么惊人的所获,可是发现内容不够深入,只是闲谈了十大发现,没有深入去讲解。总体不够深刻。

 4 ) 不一样的古埃及


 5 ) 观古埃及十大发现 Egypt's Ten Greatest Discoveries后感 英文版(萱)

    Ancient Egypt is one of the four great ancient civilizations in the world, the world 200 years some of the greatest discovery from egypt. The editor included in this ancient Egyptian archaeologists found ten large video senior high school entrance examination will help to scientific analysis, take us from these findings to unravel the secrets. Are interested in quick action to watch!
    History of the Nile, in the residual Hui sunset, like a figure of the enchanting golden snake. She is only a river, but can give the people of ancient Egypt have rich resources and deep love of wealth!
    Egyptian civilization is lucky, it is in the 6000-5000 years ago this stage, rely on the Nile nourish created the fertile Nile delta. Agriculture is the foundation of social economy in the main, the ancient Egyptians with primitive tools simple engaged in farming, and then evolved into primitive tribes, and gradually promote the development of primitive society, the ancient Egyptian civilization rich food make a step forward.
    Pyramid is representative of the ancient Egyptian civilization, is the national symbol of egypt. Pyramid is the tomb of the Pharaoh, the base is four square, more and more narrow, the tower end become spire, Chinese characters like the "gold" word, it Chinese translated into Pyramid. In European countries, languages, usually referred to as "over Ramis" (such as English is pyramid), it is said that in ancient Egyptian, "as Ramis" is "high". Egypt Pyramid existing seven, block eighty, most people are familiar with is the Nile downstream of the West Bank, Giza in the vicinity of the Pyramid, from here to the Egyptian capital Cairo, only 10 km. One of the biggest pharaoh Khufu of the fourth dynasty (about BC 2590 - 2568 in Pyramid), is the only extant monuments seven wonders of the ancient world.
    Speaking of the ancient Egyptian civilization, but also can not fail to mention the famous "Sphinx" -- Sphinx. BC in 2611, fourth of the Faro Bhave La Dynasty in order to make their appearance "go down to posterity", ordered to carve a statue in his Pyramid side. It is said that a young sculptor, carved into a Sphinx. Khafre very happy, immediately start command. The Colossus is 20 meters high, 57 meters wide, ear is 2 meters long, is used to make Pyramid a huge stone carved. The Sphinx ride West to East, a symbol of the sun god as Pharaoh's awesome. It is a great art has a history of over 4600 years, a long time to be buried in the sand, until the 1926 French archaeologists excavated. When dig out, it's 2 meters long nose is badly damaged, is said to be pick plane off the. But this is unlikely, because it has several times been sand buried, has several times been dug out, the nose is the most prominent parts of the head, is very susceptible to damage.
    The ancient Egyptian astronomy and mathematics also contributed. They created the earliest human history of the solar calendar, the year is 365 days. The Egyptian medical achievements prominent than the mesopotamia. Egyptian mummies produced (after special treatment of dry corpse), as with their Pyramid, be known to all the world. The knowledge of anatomy of the Egyptians mummified growth, so that their internal medicine is developed. Their medicine division of very fine, every doctor cure a disease.
    In a word, in this beautiful, fertile land, in the Nile's feeding, gave birth to the brilliant civilization of ancient Egypt, the cradle of human civilization has become one of the modern.
    According to Ciro Dodd said, to build the Pyramid of Khufu was 30 years, 10 years is built to transport head stone road and the construction of the underground chambers, after 20 years for the construction of Pyramid itself, employing 100000 people every year. In the Khufu Pyramid next, and the dynasty of the Harvard pull (the Greeks called him Qi Fulin) and Menkaure (the Greeks called him Mackay Lin Noons) two kings of Pyramid. There is a Sphinx of the king of Pyramid at Harvard before pulling away (S Finn Kors), 20 meters high, 50 meters long, with a piece of stone, is said to the face by Harvard pull like carved. The ancient Egyptians believed that, the lion is to enter the kingdom of heaven portal guardian. In the Pyramid round, but also all over a lot of the aristocratic Masita Ba, which symbolically reflects the autocratic monarchy of the feudatory Supreme status.
    Egypt's position that Egypt rainy. From ancient Egypt to leave plenty of carving and painting can be seen, the characteristics of ancient Egyptians: tall, black hair, a low forehead, dense eyelash, black eyes, a straight nose, wide face, broad shoulders, black skin, robust physique. Their shape, appearance and the ancient Libya and the Nubian people are different, with different ancient Asia, and has its own unique characteristics.
    After watching the film, I deeply appreciate the great charm of history.World all things are in constant motion, but our understanding of the history and the love will never change!

 6 ) 一般都推荐

埃及高级考古专家Zahi Hawass和他的探索小队挑选出了在埃及所有发现中10种最重要的.在前期对这些巨大建筑的考察中,这些发现揭秘了埃及法老王,埃及艳后以及普通侍从的惊人逸事,踏上这趟绝妙旅程,一起到尼罗河去探寻,追溯埃及许许多多遗失已久的未知谜团.


4500年啊!!!1、胡夫法老之船 2、未完成的方尖碑采石场 3、金字塔工人之幕 4、图坦卡门的宝藏 5、陵墓工人城市 6、赛提一世之墓 7、失落的艾赫米姆神庙 8、阿布辛伯神庙 9、木乃伊密穴 10、黄金木乃伊之谷 .

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古墓丽影4 再现了 古夫法老之船、赛斯墓、国王谷

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4500年的太阳船 居然能保存下来

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1、胡夫法老之船 2、未完成的方尖碑采石场 3、金字塔工人之幕 4、图坦卡门的宝藏 5、陵墓工人城市 6、赛提一世之墓 7、失落的艾赫米姆神庙 8、阿布辛伯神庙 9、木乃伊密穴 10、黄金木乃伊之谷

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赶上拉肚子都没好好看……不过好像也没讲到什么特别的- -

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1、胡夫法老之船 2、未完成的方尖碑采石场 3、金字塔工人之幕 4、图坦卡门的宝藏 5、陵墓工人城市 6、赛提一世之墓 7、失落的艾赫米姆神庙 8、阿布辛伯神庙 9、木乃伊密穴 10、黄金木乃伊之谷

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作为纪录片很烂 但是作为影像资料还不错 旅游的入门简介 埃及这个国家还是值得一去再去的

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My God,神奇啊。

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