

主演:艾伦·旁派,帕特里克·德姆西,James Pickens,T·R·奈特,吴珊卓,凯瑟琳·海格尔,钱德拉·威尔森,艾赛亚·华盛顿,贾斯汀·钱伯斯



实习医生格蕾第三季 剧照 NO.1实习医生格蕾第三季 剧照 NO.2实习医生格蕾第三季 剧照 NO.3实习医生格蕾第三季 剧照 NO.4实习医生格蕾第三季 剧照 NO.5实习医生格蕾第三季 剧照 NO.6实习医生格蕾第三季 剧照 NO.13实习医生格蕾第三季 剧照 NO.14实习医生格蕾第三季 剧照 NO.15实习医生格蕾第三季 剧照 NO.16实习医生格蕾第三季 剧照 NO.17实习医生格蕾第三季 剧照 NO.18实习医生格蕾第三季 剧照 NO.19实习医生格蕾第三季 剧照 NO.20



本剧刚刚获得第64届美国金球奖最佳剧情类电视剧大奖。   15小时15分钟,手术室内外科医生让时间飞逝。然而在手术室外,时间把我们玩弄于股掌之间,甚至对最强的人来说 似乎都被时间捉弄,慢下来,徘回着,直至凝固。我们便停留在某一刻 无法向四周移动。   经历了第二季finale中的诸多变故后,每个人都在思考,都在回忆,都在考虑下一步怎么走。macdreamy意识到当初做了个错误的决定,但现在轮到 Meridith做令人伤脑筋的选择了,George还是没能用那三个字回应Kalie的炽烈的爱,Izzie也振作起来,只是不知她还能不能回来, Christina发觉自己是多么深爱Burk,每个人都有新的境遇。最后,第二季结尾悬念的主角——Meridith的内裤原来被Addison给捡到了。。。   欢迎来到Grace医院,west of Harvard最艰苦的外科住院医实...

花花公子1964风骚女子 第二季触目惊心1993苦难的心大脚女婿于成龙骗局2021冒牌卧底残雪飞歌留世酒庄花儿与少年第五季向死而生丢人黑天使的坠落幽灵肖像希望之旅2017画笔与旋律请告诉我们关于战争的事终极追缉令英雄小八路战争之花羞羞的铁拳唐朝诡事录之西行戴通纳之路月黑风高南城宴游牧战神感情生活格莫拉第三季墓王之王:幽都战堪萨斯情仇1996堕玄师与时尚同居心灵暖阳红十字背后决不放弃那些名字那些年复仇第三季边桥谜案 第一季93国际列车大劫案:莫斯科行动魔精3大甩卖


 1 ) Time To Leave Seattle Grace ~~~

      American medical TV series share too much in common. Like Emergency Room, it is always about sex and ex,broken heart and family, cheat and betray, gay and straight, unusual diseases which are once in a million, romantic dramas which are tri-angle or more. Surgeon, one of the most money-making careers in America, is just depicted to be perfect or should I say too perfect to be real. All the hard working and hard playing clealy make these doctors' life much more entertaining and worshiping.

      Can't remember why I watched Grey's Anatomy at first place. But the reason why I keep watching it is for sure, doctor Burke and my love of Grey's Anatomy B&C. Since it will be no more Burke in Seattle Grace after episode III, I believe there will be no more reason keeping me here. Truely it is time say goodbye.
      Doctor Burke, the best heart and chest surgeon for sure. The name it self represents the uncomparable wisdom, technique, delicacy and experience. The moment I saw him, I knew it is him. His confidence, calmness, devotion and dedication, he is the one who embraces all the best qualities you wish you could have. He never makes mistakes, because he is mistake-proof. He won't need pursue perfect, because he is perfect.

      Then he fell for some intern, Christina. Still can't remember who takes the first lead. But their relationship has been keeping steady and strong from the starting. No third-man interverence, no insatiable covetousness, no eating in the bowl while looking at the pot, no playing hard to get. It is not ambiguous, but simple. It is not dramatic, but sincere. It is not twisted but honest. It is not cheerful color, but crystal clear. Love me it you dare... Love me if you are the one... Burke loves Christina. He invites her to move in together. He needs her to be his invisible right hand on the operation when he couldn't handle it. He asks her to make the sacred vows before God. He wants her to be there for richer for poorer through sickness and health. He believes in true love and true heart. But this time, he hesitated. He never had any second thoughts about anything, that's the problem. He's not sure or steady any more. He knows about Christina. He's afraid that he knows her too well. He cares about her. He's afraid that he cares her too much. He wants her to be happy and what's best for her. He wants her to have what's she wants but not what's he wanted her to have. He wants her to be the Christina, not the woman he was trying to make her to be, not the woman he hoped she would become, just Christina. He doesn't want any change for her, any compromise from her. That's Burke, the doctor Burke who loves Christina and would be letting her go.

      As for C, she is just some intern, but still the best. She's got some potential to be one of the best attendings or surgeons. She's smart and competitive. But still she could also be stupid and dumb. She let go of something so beaufiful and precious. She let Burke leave and what's more she let Burke let her go. They never get married because it is not what she wants at that time, marriage or commitment. Career and family, why couldn't they have them all? When episode III ends, we see Christina standing in the empty apartment, in white wedding dress, desperately getting rid of the family tradition jewlery, crying for free. It's not home when it's Burke-less. It's not the Christina we love when it's Burke-less. She's just she, no more tags, just she.
      When Burke practised his wedding vows on the operation with other doctors and nurses witnessing, we nearly believed it, even himself believed it is time...for once and for real...
       I could promise to hold you and to cherish you
  I could promise to be there in sickness and in health
  I could say till death do us part
  but I won't
  those vows are for optimistic couples
  the ones full of hope
  and I do not stand here on my wedding day,
  optimistic or full of hope
  I am not optimistic
  I am not hopeful
  but I am sure
  I am steady
  and I know
  I am a heart man
  I take them apart
  put them back together
  I hold them in my hands
  I am a heart man
  so this
  I am sure
  you are my partner
  my lover
  my very best friend
  my heart,
  my heart beats for you
  and on this day
  the day of our wedding
  I promise you this,
  I promise you
  to lay my heart in the palm of your hands
  I promise you
      Nothing more to lose. Nothing more to remind. Nothing more to hold on to. And nothing more to have faith in. Burke could be chief if not for that accident. Burke could be happily married if not for that Chrstina. What remains in Seattle Grace is just some glorious records of his accomplishments. What remains in Christina's memory is just some fairy without a happy wedding ending. While what remains in my heart is always him, Burke, one and only. If I had the chance, I'd like to say those words exactly what Addison said: Don't marry her, doctor Burke, marry me instead.

      Time to leave Seattle Grace...Time to leave Grey's Anatomy...

      At least, I have said goodbye...


 2 ) 题外话罢了

    最近在看《GREY'S ANATOMY》,断断续续的,不知道为什么开始,其实,我很早就知道了这部剧,但是一直没看,寒假,看能闲来无聊,就看了一下,刚开始,满疯狂的,连续一直在看,后来停了几天,现在又重新开始看,看完了第三季,查了一下剧情和评价,再根据自己的看剧的感受,总结一下不想再看下去了。


    有时候我想,理解一个人真的很难很难,你不知道他的想法,观念,价值,他的行为有时候很简单,有时候简单到就是从他最近看的剧中模仿的或者说是学到的something,但是你却无法理解,因为你不可能知道他最近在干什么。因此误会有时候很简单,简单到双方根本都没有错,错在了错误的时间,错误的地点,错误的context。可笑,ridiculous,不是吗?所以呢,人与人的理解多么重要,人与人的信任多么重要,看淡一些东西多么重要,这样做不代表你不在乎而是你无法做到面面俱到,有时候,你只能let go something,这是给彼此的空间也是维持一段关系的重要方法。现在我想我能够理解一点什么是“距离产生美”,能够理解一点“君子之交淡如水”的真正含义,这是另一种境界,同样美好的境界。




   THE end。

 3 ) 喜欢,就不要吝啬你的爱


 4 ) I love Dr. Preston Burke

       i could promise to hold you and to cherish you
  i could promise to be there in sickness and in health
  i could say till dead do us part
  but i won't
  those vows are for optimistic couples
  the ones full of hope
  and i do not stand here on my weading day,
  optimistic or full of hope
  i am not optimistic
  i am not hopeful
  but i am sure
  i am steady
  and i know
  i am a heart man
  i take them apart
  put them back together
  i hold them in my hands
  i am a heart man
  so this
  i am sure
  you are my partner
  my lover
  my very best friend
  my heart,
  my heart beats for you
  and on this day
  the day of our wedding
  i promise you this,
  i promise you
  to lay my heart in the palm of your hands
  i promise you

 5 ) Beloved Preston Burke

Cristina, I do promise, to hold you and cherish you.
And I promise, to be there in sickness and in health.
I could say, till death do us apart, but I won’t.
Those vows are for optimistic couples, the vows full of hope,
but I do not stand here on my wedding day optimistic or full of hope.
I am not optimistic, I am not hopeful, I am sure, I’m steady
And I know, I’m a heart man,
take them apart, put them back together,I hold them in my hands,
I am a heart man, so this, I am sure,
you are my partner, my lover, my very best friend.
My heart, my heart beats for you.
And on this day, the day of our wedding,
I promise you this,
I promise you to lay my heart in the pond of your hands,I promise you, me.

Grey's Anatomy看完第三季 决定放弃奋勇追平到第七季的既定目标
心路历程是看第一季的时候 刚开始觉得很好看 后来发现医务剧不是我的卦 短短9集 看完又觉得应该give it a shot 所以开始看第二季 第二季是欢喜的至高点 喜欢Burke 喜欢Addison 喜欢第二季设置的情感纠葛 这种喜欢一直延续到第三季的开始 却在某天豆瓣东逛西逛的检索过程中 决定止步于第三季 原来第三季的结尾 Burke和Cristina不能在一起 原来第四季开始 再也没有我爱的Burke
我知道 这个角色的离开 并不是剧情的需要 只是 他是如此优秀 自信 专业 准确地说正因为是如此卓越的心胸外科医生 他的高端更让他自信到很多时候让人觉得自大 而对于爱情 执着 专一 霸道 这样的男主角 一直是我的大爱 我的GA 从第二季的开始 80%的原因是为了Burke 是为了Burke和Cristina的爱情而继续看下去的 no Burke, no Burke and Cristina, no Grey's Anatomy.

"Cristina, I do promise, to hold you and cherish you...." 第三季最后一集里 Burke在手术台上一边缝合一边默默背诵着自己的誓词 He's not optimistic, he's not hopeful, but he is sure, he is steady. The most important thing: he is a heart man.

止步于第三季的GA 止步于Preston Burke
Life sucks 而美剧是sucking life中我逃避的空间 我是脆弱而怕受伤害的小孩 不能接受没有Burke的Cristina 不能接受看到Cristina哭喊:I miss Burke 不能接受Cristina在第六季嫁给了其他人 so it ends here.

 6 ) 生离还是死别——实习医生格雷伯克医生和杨的故事


不再年轻,不会再轻易的为自己的感情付出代价,我有要付出的人,要偿还的债,我再也没法和你厮守,一起做我们都爱的事,纵容你,宠溺你。我可以做的只有用我毕生的心血完成你的梦想,帮你达到你人生的高峰,只是我,依然要为我身边陪伴多年的人负责,那是我的家,我的 "爱"。此生,你我相依,将永远出现在午夜梦回中。



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Mark Sloan出现~多么希望他和Addison能成啊~~

  • Tisch
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  • 肆意肆
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很精彩的第三季。但从 头到尾,最让我记忆犹新的,就是grey爸爸的那一记耳光,让我对这个一向温文而婉的男人,害羞腼腆的男人,有了新的认识...我甚至怀疑他以前是不是就家暴...

  • Miuccia
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后面五级比较不错! 不然不值得5星 呵呵

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各种折腾 折腾吧

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不管婚外恋三角恋N角恋多么恼人床上病床上电梯里多么无聊,都得承认Yang是塑造得非常好的一个形象。最后一段格蕾告诉她Burke走了,她先是不相信,然后眼泪掉出眼眶,然后说了一句意料之外情理之中的台词“I‘m free.”,然后大哭着叫格蕾帮她摘掉勒得很紧的首饰和婚纱。

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