In advance of the D-Day Landings, paratroopers from the US 82nd Airborne Division are dropped behind enemy lines to capture strategic positions. One such location is near the town of Ste Mere Eglise where American airborne troops fight Nazi forces for control of a bridgehead for three days, to prevent German reinforcements from reaching the beaches
热播电视剧最新电影黑手党只在夏天杀人宇宙記憶自然光线加布好老师第三季风儿踢踏踩军曹大电影5 诞生!终极Keroro 奇迹的时空岛是也!!古玺追杀令之囧偷来袭势在必胜谍战深海之惊蛰深暗势力第二季副总统第五季校园大逃杀宋飞正传第九季寄宿学校疑云第三季让我们述说雨日灿烂的风和海儿子英雄莫斯科行动最后一个男人第四季传奇与蝴蝶珍2017梁山伯与祝英台(1963)热铁皮屋顶上的猫清明上河图密码