热播电视剧最新电影深圳湾愚人节七夕之国奖命 1Up本日公休孤单但并不孤独天若有情 (国语版)侏罗纪公园(普通话)Rewrite第一季巴黎陷落英雄荣耀死亡暴动无人生还1945究竟天有几高雾夜足音霹雳红星Smile光之美少女回魂夜粤语版杀之恋1988背叛俄罗斯版黑暗伊甸园摇滚皮影天使在人间夜色中的地球第一季追击2017Robert Rossen’s Oscar BEST PICTURE victor is a prestige production right out of the box, on the strength of its eponymous Pulitzer’s winning source novel from Robert Penn Warren, which is a piercingly acute and tub-thumping reconstruction of the rise and the sudden cessation of an American hick politician encroached by power and corruption, loosely based on the real life figure Huey Long (1893-1935), the former Louisiana senator and governor, who was assassinated on his heyday.
In this film, the politician is Willie Stark (Crawford), and John Ireland plays Jack Burden, a journalist who becomes one of Willie’s closest cronies and his PR man, and almost exclusively, the story enfolds from John’s standpoint, a prodigal son of a well-off family who cannot stand his uppity stepfather (Rhodes), he aspires to make good so that he can marry his sweetheart Anne Stanton (Dru). After a congenial start with Willie and impressed by his mettle, ardor and populist ideal, Jack is fingered for Willie’s righthand man during the latter’s second governor campaign.
Seen on the sidelines, Jack’s moral compass starts to veer when Willie comes off to be exactly the same shady politician he claims to fight against in the first place. But what is more complicating is after sussing out what kind of a person Willie has become, Jack doesn’t leave, he condones the ugly side of Willie’s political game, while is burdened with a hard-pressed complicity, however, the film doesn’t care to spell out his motives (he even swallows his pride after Anne gets infatuated with Willie and becomes a home-wrecker), all seems to simply put him there to be the eye witness of the final poetic justice.
For my two cents’ worth, Crawford attains his Oscar statuette by the sheer volume of his vociferousness, a barnstorming force that is all mighty and impressive at first glance, but teeters onto a one-trick pony after being multiply edited and superimposed on the screen. By and large it is just too incredible that Willie could muster such a magnitude of followers - who is treated with hallowed close-ups of their God-fearing piety in the climatic ferment - after all the evil deeds we have seen that Willie is capable of doing without any modicum of relentlessness, and not much of the counterexample is presented to offset the bitter taste. Although the film still retains its pertinent insight about and its demythologizing resolution to probe into the muddy waters of democratic politicking.
While politics is predominantly a boy’s game at then, ALL THE KING’S MEN’s female characters are much more complex than arm-candies or guileless wives, Mercedes McCambridge’s Sadie Burke is as ambitious and ruthless as her employee Willie, hampered only by her sex persuasion, she can roar like a lioness, shoot venom and barbs at will, not feign a teardrop after receiving a fat slap,and winning an Oscar for her silver screen debut, what a manna from heaven a gal can ever dream of. Joanne Dru, on the other hand, is less fortunate being saddled with a half-baked character, as her Anne is implicated by some real faulty, fatuous decisions which the movie equivocates about, mainly a plot device, albeit Dru clearly has more to offer.
Rapier-like in its censuring attitude, whirlpool-like in its executive fashion, Rossen’s ALL THE KING’S MEN is a major film kit out to dazzle and stun its oblivious audience with its assault on our sensoria, to point up Hollywood’s liberal-minded gesture to welcome something none too patriotic into the fray, one might quibble its cynical footing and minor arrangement in the screenwriting process, but nonetheless, it is a helluva experience to fine-tune our understanding of certain rotten business.
referential entries: Rossen’s THE HUSTLER (1961, 7.7/10); Steven Zaillian’s ALL THE KING’S MEN (2006, 6.6/10).
@filmoteca 相当具有普遍性意义的黑色政治剧,弥赛亚还是独裁者,这个问题放到今天也还是无解。主角们在背离初衷的道路上越走越远,也未尝不是一种必然。台词堪称精妙绝伦,从头到尾的节奏也非常好,完全没有废戏,但似乎太想还原原著的宏大,角色性格和论点挖掘的深度有些欠缺。
82/100 专制和独裁总是打着为贫民造福的幌子登堂入室的,这些人往往又有严重的自恋人格障碍,俘获忠心的卖命者的同时又悄然摧毁他们的生活。
结尾“领袖”出现群众欢呼的镜头俨然纳粹纪录片的架势。然后演变成。。哦。不剧透了。 不过最后Columbia公司那个肖似自由女神像的logo再次出现极有讽刺意味。
受不了了男主臭深柜明显暗恋王鱼青梅竹马自己全家都被王鱼忽悠瘸了还舔狗舔到底死心塌地追随他还不忘给自己开脱struggle with良心为王鱼辩解两句,太毫克了杀杀杀!和原著和现实王鱼出入都挺大的而且这个土到经典的叙事和剪辑方式真的撑不起原型那么重量级(额)的人,王鱼本人别说那堆诡异的感情纠葛了甚至都没出轨过,但是Broderick Crawford演得真好真王鱼啊……朗州长你带我走吧😭😭
第22届Oscar best picture,政治讽刺片。学校事故导致群死群伤,丑闻,互挖黑历史…简直是最近某朝的集中写照…
Bloody, dark politics. Do't try to improve their minds.->The people's will is the law of the State.->End by violence.