热播电视剧最新电影莫斯方世玉之人在江湖天水围的夜与雾十九只海獭致命钥匙 第二季青春流水之校园往事主厨的餐桌 第五季卧底飞龙2(国语版)别动我的女人Matching!少年射箭部音乐会丑闻 第二季宫本武藏2黄河在咆哮战地春梦设备上海滩 (国语版)更喜欢明天的你华沙谍战地狱之轮第五季独身女人世界奇妙物语 15周年特别篇猎魂师大江东去武士畅想曲大内高手那天和朋友聊起TVD,发现记忆点最深刻的除了S04就是S06了。S找C道歉,C说不想再做朋友了时BGM是Unbreakable;S在医院问C为什么会喜欢自己时是Concrete Angel;D和E临别前共舞的是Hunger➕What if Love;这部剧的剧情确实有些拖沓,但是选曲一绝。无论什么时候只要旋律一响起,种种剧情就浮现在脑海中。
“What kind of a stupid question is that? Why did I have a thing for you? I don't know,Stefan, maybe it's because I thought you’re worth having a thing for, because when I woke up as a vampire, you told me that I would get through it and I did. Because when I watched Elena move on with your brother, I couldn't imagine why she would let anyone like you go. Because you were practically my best friend, because I trusted you.“
Our situation is totally different from the TV series,but at least the emotion is interlinked. Damon said "I literally went through time and space to be with you. And no matter how much I missed you or how much pain I was in, I never would have erased everything we ever had. Even if I was drowning in grief, I'd rather hang on to every moment that I ever held you or every laugh that I ever heard,every shred of happiness that we ever had. I would rather spend every moment in agony than erase the memory of you." Elena and Damon fell in love and have already promissed forever. But Damon died,later Elena drowned herself in grief and couldn’t help herself stop thinking about Damon.Finally she decided to beg for the vampire original compel her to forget about the fact that she has been deeply loved Damon. If at the same circumstance,Damon would not do this. He would rather drowned himself in grief than choose to forget that he used to love someone with all his strength. I think I feel the same way. Caroline said "I know what you felt,because even if just a little tiny piece of you felt for me what I was starting to feel for you,you wouldn't have walked away. And I don't hate you for that and I accept your apology." "But you do still hate me." "Yes, I hate you because if I don't hate you for ruining our friendship,then I have to hate myself for ruining it,and I think I deserve better than that." Caroline fell in love with Stephen unconsciously. Stephen is her friend and her supervisor and she could always trust the person.She could not imagine that such a wonderful person would broke up with Elena and Elena would love someone else. But there is no way other people can feel the same as the chemical reaction between the two couples happens. Stephen could not handle the fact that his brother died,only to escape the truth that he could not live a life without his brother alive. He wanted to start a new life,and he thought that he could cut off the connection with his past by cutting off the connection with Caroline. Because Caroline is the one that he could cry on her shoulder.His escape disappointed Caroline. It doesn't matter that Stephen do not love Caroline as she do,but she is despaired of the relationship between them. Why he cannot trust her without any hesitation. Why he cannot choose to rely on her. I think I have experienced this kind of feeling.
终归,在超能力世界没有人能死绝了。Goodbye Elena, 恭喜超度,欢迎回来客串。
从头到尾DE党 终于完成历史任务 可以不用再快进刷cp了 整整六季 免不了越来越扯 下一季再也不见。
女主都没了 无语了 永远站SE 就是不喜欢D 要不是他们现实在一起 编剧怎么可能小三上位成全DE 好了 现在分手了 nina不想看到D 然后就退出剧组 我真特么的醉了 长评有句话说的很对 编剧拆了SE这对cp的时候 就已经毁了这部剧 各种圣母脑缺的剧情