











主演:维多利亚·米罗什尼琴科,瓦西丽莎·佩里吉娜,Andrey Bykov,Igor Shirokov,Konstantin Balakirev,克塞妮娅·库捷波娃,Olga Dragunova,Timofey Glazkov,Filipp Zhloba



高个儿 剧照 NO.1高个儿 剧照 NO.2高个儿 剧照 NO.3高个儿 剧照 NO.4高个儿 剧照 NO.5高个儿 剧照 NO.6高个儿 剧照 NO.13高个儿 剧照 NO.14高个儿 剧照 NO.15高个儿 剧照 NO.16高个儿 剧照 NO.17高个儿 剧照 NO.18高个儿 剧照 NO.19高个儿 剧照 NO.20


 1 ) 意象和表达里的列宁之城


“дылда”在维基辞典里的解释为高而笨拙的人。影片里身材高瘦性格腼腆的iya被医院的同事和邻居们这样称呼,对战争的记忆让她留下不可逆的精神创伤,独自抚养着奔赴前线的masha留下的独生子,1945年卫国战争胜利,masha在苏军攻陷柏林后返回列宁格勒,在得知儿子因为意外去世后,失去生育能力的她决定用iya的身体去填补丧子之痛在心中留下的空缺。影片始于iya发病时那种笼罩全身的窒息感,朦胧的音效和景深让观众直观体验到了精神创伤所带来的失焦。导演镜头下描摹出的战争背后的病痛真实而抽象,医院里残肢的士兵,破败的街道,陈旧,行驶缓慢的电车,和一群群不安的民众;角色们都压抑着情绪,在难得的战后的片刻安宁里,任由它在崩溃的间隙消失殆尽。 实在不太想去深究剧情,感觉巴拉科夫意在观众的潜意识里重塑那些生命在那样的环境里是如何去挣扎,怎样和生活斗争的;那种记忆必定不像是《罗马》或是《永恒一日》一样概括又全面。这种独特的表达方式必然超脱于情节本身,让电影披上些许实验性的外衣。

影片的意象着墨浓重。瘦高病态的iya和坚毅却不育的masha像极如今的俄国,带着惨痛的战争疤痕蹒跚前进,在废墟和彷徨失措中孕育新的生命;笨重的电车如同苟延残喘的战后世界,拖沓陈旧,噪声轰响,象征如今这社会没法满足人们基本的需要和期望。片中借背景不止一次提到孩子是国家的希望,而这种希望也因为被动变得牵强和渺茫。电影里色彩的意象也更细腻更明显。代表生命的绿色在iya和masha间不停流窜;对立,乖张又带有一丝戾气的血红色不时武装着iya,让她反抗着这个时刻想要扭曲她的病态畸形的社会。影片中的对话多半是耳语,模糊, 带着一种无法超脱的不自然。俄罗斯“豆瓣”上这样一条短评很是让人感触:虚弱无意识状态下的生活不足以称作电影,无论是否努力,都只组成一副静物画。( Жизнь в предобморочном состоянии недостаточно кинематографична, как ни старайся, и фильм остается лишь натюрмортом. )这多半是导演在拍摄和镜头调度上裸露的一大弱项。其中几个片段反复不停的正反打让我怀疑是重播了两遍的同一画面,在演员努力塑造的同时镜头却起到了完全相反的作用。


 2 ) 《高个儿》的努力

才经过战争施虐的列宁格勒城(现在改名为圣彼得堡),高个儿伊雅(维多利亚·米罗什尼琴科 Viktoria Miroshnichenko饰)在战场上由于重伤而留在战时医院里为护士照顾医院里伤残的士兵。她还带着一个在前线战友的托她代管的一个小男孩。很不幸的,有天伊雅旧病复发而整个人发僵把孩子闷死了。

她的战友也就是孩子的母亲玛莎从前线回来找到了她(瓦西丽莎·佩里吉娜 Vasilisa Perelygina饰)来了。她申请了医院的工作。她告诉领导她和伊雅曾是高射部队的战友,伊雅因伤而回到了后方。她随着部队一直到了柏林。医生告诉她,由于受伤后的手术她已经不能生育了,可是她却想要个自己的孩子。所以她要伊雅帮助她生个孩子作为弥补。为了这件事,她们两人费了九牛二虎之力搞了半天还没有成功。



就拿美国来说吧,服役期是8年,而上前线为6到12个月, 然后休整一年到一年半。这还是世界超级强国和一个小国的战争,主要是扫荡武装叛乱分子(都继续快十年了)。远不能和二次大战中苏德之争硬核战役的残酷性相比。即便如此,他们退伍后,除了因战争受伤外,还常常会创伤后遗症给以心理上的创伤。也就可以理解苏联战后人们的心理状态了。更不说女兵了。官二代的母亲说的非常透彻和残酷,把她们看作军妓,到底是否如此,但也说明了她们的境遇。

再加上几句,我其实不认同导演的看法。把幸福的和平说的如此不堪。再苦,再冷,再穷也要比打战强无数倍。看过不少战争片子,最令人高兴时候就是战争结束时候那个轻松气氛。就记得充满了死亡和血腥的痛苦经历的《英伦病人》“The English Patient (1996)”结束时候,朱丽叶·比诺什 Juliette Binoche坐在卡车后面面带微笑背对着阳光,为她的幸福感到无比高兴。战争给人以创伤,但和平是最好的治疗药。伊雅和玛莎还都年轻,她们两人之间的爱情更为坚定。以后还有的是各种机会。她们以后可能如玛莎说的,将会有个孩子,三个人幸福的生活在一起。就如我下面说的,被破坏的皇宫都能从废墟恢复到往日的辉煌,更何况两个年轻人呢。


 3 ) [Film Review] Beanpole (2019) 7.4/10

The sophomore feature of emergent Russian filmmaker Kantemir Balagov (born 1991), BEANPOLE’s spatiotemporal juncture is set in Leningrad immediately after WWII. Its title refers to the sobriquet of Iya (Miroshnichenko), a pale, blonde, rangy nurse working in a veteran hospital.

The film opens with Iya stuck in a bizarre catatonic state, the world around her is muffled, foregrounded by her own rhythmic breathing sound. Hers is a PTSD symptom which has invalided her from front-line duty. Living in a Communal apartment, Iya ministers to her young son Pashka (Glazkov, whose ill-sorted big head and emaciated body uncomfortably suggests a tot suffers from malnutrition, a casting job well done), but a horrific accident occurs when she has another frozen-up episode, a young life is put out of his misery. However, audience will soon get wise that Pashka is actually the son of Masha (Perelygina), Iya’s comrade-in-arms and best friend, who returns from Berlin in one safe piece.

Masha effects a more philosophical guise toward her bereavement, but in time, acknowledging that she is now infertile, she will oblige Iya to get pregnant and bear a child (a son) for her, claiming that only a newborn baby can fill that profound void (child becomes a fungible item to quench a woman’s maternal distress). But Iya harbors her own suppressed feelings for Masha, things get even trickier when Masha has a new suitor in the person of Sasha (Shirokov), who actually hails from an apparatchik family.

BEANPOLE sieves through the post-war aftermath with grand discernment (a quadriplegic war-hero has no intention to live; Masha’s own experience in the front line is a tacit, dodgy business that puts young women in unspeakable travail and sacrifice; all those who are fortunate enough to survive the ordeal is rewarded with PTSD as a chronic sequela; not to mention the utter class divide which substantiates the powers that be is too callous and sanctimonious by a half towards cannon fodder) and takes its own protracted pace to map out its two female protagonists’ scarred psyche and mutual dynamism, but apparently, Balagov over-eggs the pudding by extracting as much empathic impact as possible from them. The camera obdurately fixates on them longer than average and their verbal delivery is often deliberately timed in an elliptical affectation only frustrates a viewer’s patience and betrays Balagov’s conceit-boasting.

Whereas both Miroshnichenko and Perelygina are tenderfoots in their feature debut, the former, benefiting from her literal head-and-shoulders-above-others otherworldliness, is able to retain Iya’s emotional temperature in scalding measurement that runs rings around the latter’s affected, dicier oscillation between a friend and a frenemy, therefore renders the two’s reconciliatory ending a tad less heartwarming than what is in Balagov’s intent.

Against the grain of the usual methodology of depicting post-war privation, Balagov’s picture is first and foremost, enwrapped in an eye-pleasing chromatic agglomeration of red, green and yellow, formulates a warm-colored painterliness, often being showered under guttering candle light. Thence the most exhilarating takeaway is that, albeit his whippersnapper’s artistic pretension, Balagov might just as well a new virtuoso of cinematic intimism whose star is definitely rising.

referential entries: Cristian Mungiu’s 4 MONTHS, 3 WEEKS AND 2 DAYS (2007, 8.9/10); Jan Komasa’s CORPUS CHRISTI (2019, 7.4/10).

 4 ) 底色的悲





 5 ) 把生活过成一首庄严的诗









 6 ) 《瘦人》:战后苏维埃满目疮痍的日子

Beanpole (Dylda): Disturbing scenes of postwar Soviet life


By Clara Weiss

17 July 2019

The second film by 27-year-old Russian dirtor Kantemir Balagov, Beanpole (Dylda), gained praise at the recent Cannes Film Festival where it won the FIPRESCI (International Federation of Film Critics) prize.

作者:韦斯·克拉拉 2019年7月17号


The film treats the damaged lives of two young women who have returned to Leningrad (today St. Petersburg) from the front in the immediate aftermath of the Second World War. The conflict claimed the lives of over 27 million Soviet citizens, including over 1 million in the siege of Leningrad alone.


“Dylda” in Russian describes a tall and somewhat awkward person and refers to the film’s protagonist, the young nurse Iya (Viktoria Miroshnichenko), who works in a Leningrad hospital treating wounded Red Army soldiers. She is also looking after a young boy, who seems to be her son. The film opens with a scene in which Iya experiences something of a fit or seizure and loses consciousness and the ability to hear what is going on around her.


Within the first 20 minutes of the film, Iya, in a highly disturbing scene, strangles a little boy, Pashka (Timofey Glazkov), during another fit, while the two are playing. Soon afterward, Iya’s friend Masha (Vasilisa Perelygina) returns to the city from the front. It turns out she was the boy’s mother and had asked Iya to look after him. When Iya tells Masha that her son is no longer alive (without acknowledging she has killed him), she says, “I’m guilty in front of you.”

电影开场后的二十分钟里出现了令人不安的场景,lya和小男孩Pashka(蒂莫菲·格拉兹科夫饰)正在玩耍时突然抽搐发作,勒死了小男孩。不久之后,lya 的朋友Masha从前线回到了列宁格勒,原来她是小男孩的母亲,拜托lya照顾孩子。当lya告诉Masha小男孩已不在人世(并未承认是自己杀了他)时,她对Masha说:在你面前我有罪。

The rest of Beanpole focuses on the relationship between Masha and Iya, which develops in an increasingly abusive and troubling manner. Masha, having undergone multiple abortions (we later learn that she worked as a prostitute for Red Army soldiers at the front), is unable to bear another child. She forces Iya to “pay” her debt by giving birth herself, an effort that proves futile.


Masha also develops a relationship with the son of high-ranking Communist Party bureaucrats. Though she initially pursues this relationship for the purpose of obtaining proper food supplies for herself and Iya, she eventually also hopes to find some emotional refuge by marrying him. Toward the end, after a physically violent confrontation with Iya, the two lie in each others’ arms and Masha tells Iya: “We will have the child, and it will heal our wounds.”


There is little question about the sincerity or artistic talent of Beanpole’s director Kantemir Balagov and the entire very young cast and crew involved in the making of the film. The performances by the actors and actresses are impressive, especially considering that several have never appeared before a camera before. The camerawork and the film’s palette (its restriction to deep red and brown and some green tones) do much to recreate the atmosphere of the immediate postwar period. The director’s evident and sincere concern to show the long-lasting psychological and physical effects of the war on those who survived comes through to some extent.


However, Beanpole has substantial weaknesses, bound up above all with the lack of any coherent understanding and conception on Balagov’s part, not only of the postwar period, but of the nature and history of the Soviet Union more generally.


The film does hint at some of Soviet society’s deep-going problems—hunger, the unequal food distribution and the general social inequality separating the bureaucracy from the rest of the population. The parents of Masha’s lover lead the lives of virtual aristocrats, in a palatial mansion outside Leningrad. However, for all of this and the considerable effort that went into reproducing the atmosphere of that time on a visual level, Balagov’s work remains strangely ahistorical and abstract.


Beanpole’s primary theme seems to be that war as such has horrific, perhaps even irremediable consequences. The war of the Soviet Union against the Nazi invaders, however, was not just any war, and the mass trauma it produced in the Soviet population, a trauma that endures until the present day, cannot be simply attributed to the crimes and horrors of the Nazi occupation and the experience of war “as such,” no matter how terrible all that was.


Genuinely coming to terms with the state of postwar Soviet life also requires an understanding of the role played by Stalinist political oppression of the working class and its historic betrayals—both in the Soviet Union and abroad—and the resulting immense confusion. Despite the bloody repression under Stalin in the 1930s, tens of millions of Red Army soldiers and civilians working for the war effort were dedicated to defending the state that had emerged out of the October Revolution in 1917 against the fascist threat. This heroic effort proceeded at every step of the way against and despite the ruling bureaucracy and many fought in the war believing or hoping that after Hitler, they could do away with Stalin.


Although the prestige of the bureaucracy was to some extent increased by victory in World War II, the reestablishment of a rigid and violently repressive regime after the war, under conditions of enormous material hardship and suffering, produced great anger and disappointment in the Soviet working class and youth. Beanpole, unfortunately, does not manage to convey any of those sentiments


Operating largely outside this historical context, Balagov proves unable to rise above the level of somewhat morbid individual psychology. This contributes not only to depictions of the central figures, and especially Masha, that appear at times unnecessarily cruel and lacking in empathy, it also leaves much of the storyline extremely difficult to follow. It remains unclear, for instance, why Iya, who is generally portrayed as an exceptionally kind and generous person, would kill the little boy, even in a fit, or indeed where these attacks themselves come from.


The problem of sexual relationships and child-bearing was a very real one for millions of working-class and peasant women at the time in the USSR, given the massive demographic crisis that had been produced with the loss of an entire generation of young men in the war—a crisis that prompted the bureaucracy to issue an abortion ban in an effort to increase the birth rate. But Beanpole largely reduces this painful situation to the question of the tortured personal relationship between these two women and their specific experiences during the Second World War. Lastly, it is somewhat troubling that the director’s own attitude toward the war remains unclear.


Balagov belongs to a group of young directors trained in a film school founded by Russian film director Alexander Sokurov as part of the university in Nalchik, the capital of the North Caucasian region of Kabardino-Balkaria, a region that has been left in virtual ruins by the restoration of capitalism in the 1990s. The anti-historical artistic conceptions of Sokurov will have played their role in the development of these young artists and their generally dispirited tone. However, ultimately, much more fundamental problems in the development of the arts and the Russian intelligentsia are involved.

巴拉戈夫就读于由俄罗斯电影导演亚历山大·索库罗夫创办的名为“纳尔奇克“的青年导演电影学校,坐落于北高加索地区的首府巴尔卡里亚, 1990年代为恢复资本主义,这个地区一直保留着战后的废墟。索库罗夫的反历史艺术观念将在这些年轻艺术家的发展和普遍沮丧的基调中发挥影响。然而,最终在俄罗斯的艺术和知识发展中,涉及到更为根本的问题。

Balagov and other graduates of the Nalchik film school (including Vladimir Bitokov and Kira Kovalenko) grew up in the wake of the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991, the year of the first-named director’s birth. Despite the influence of Sokurov and the predominance of various disoriented and anti-Marxist conceptions among intellectuals and artists, they have shown an interest in tackling complex historical and social questions in an honest manner.

巴拉戈夫出生于1991年,纳尔奇克电影学院(Nalchik film school)的其他毕业生(包括弗拉基米尔·比托科夫(Vladimir Bitokov)和基拉·科瓦连科(Kira Kovalenko))都是在1991年SL解体后成长的。尽管受到索库罗夫的影响,知识分子和艺术家中存在着各种迷失方向和反马克思主义的观念,但他们表现出了以诚垦的态度处理复杂的历史和社会问题的兴趣。

Balagov’s first feature film, Closeness (Tesnota, 2017), was a highly original and promising work, dramatizing the life of an impoverished Jewish family in the 1990s in the North Caucasus region, against the background of inter-ethnic tensions, poverty, anti-Semitism, the First Chechen War and the predominance of very traditional conceptions of family relations in post-Soviet Russia.

巴拉戈夫的第一部故事片,亲密(Tesnota, 2017),是讲述了在1990年代,在北高加索地区,一个贫穷的犹太家庭戏剧化的非常原始的生活的和工作,包含了在SL解体后的俄罗斯,


However, precisely because of the undoubted seriousness and talent of the filmmakers behind Beanpole, the new work sheds a stark light on the impossibility of grasping, artistically or intellectually, the reality and experience of life in the Soviet Union outside a broader understanding of the origins and outcome of the October revolution, the rise of Stalinism and the nature of the Soviet state. This reviewer hopes that Balagov and other young intellectuals and artists of his stature and talent will take up a genuine study of these questions.

然而,正是因为不容置疑的严肃性和《瘦人》背后制作人的才能,使得该片颇具野心,却无法 跳出SL的现实和生活经验的大环境,没能深入地了解十月革命的起源和结果,SDL主义的崛起,以及SL的本质,以至于想要表达的艺术效果和主题不够凸显。这位评论家希望巴拉戈夫和其他与之才能相当的年轻知识分子和艺术家能够对这些问题进行深刻的研究。




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D+/ 这大概就是所谓的“全面升级即退步”。人物的状态拧巴不是问题,在环境中架空缺乏互动的拧巴才是问题;强戏剧性剧本不是问题,但是干硬的细节嵌入甚至妄想以此有效推动情节才是问题;标志性的双色运用不是问题,但是在人物已经只有单薄的“声音”与“身体”之时,色彩就也只能成为被牺牲的材料而已。最终形成的是一个僵死的时代切口,而不是释放着着冷静的悲悯与洞察的“入口”。

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#72nd Cannes# 一种关注费比西+最佳导演奖。戛纳亲儿子巴拉戈夫已经拍出第二部长片了,但是我仍然喜欢不起来……两星全给摄影和美术吧。摄影确实好,跟上一部《狭隘》一比,就看出巴拉戈夫的导演风格是“浓墨重彩”的配色和(低机位)长镜头了。片名其实应该翻成“豆芽菜”,——Iya的女友Masha在前线的工作基本就是陪各种军官睡觉……反复流产导致不育,这种故事之前绝无被讲出的可能。不过影片过于拿腔拿调的舞台剧表演风格实在是让人看得如坐针毡,加之长镜头的设计其实也不够圆熟。考虑到以导演的年纪,敢于去碰老导演都未必驾驭得了的历史题材,巴拉戈夫真的前途无量。

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Ия对Маша说: И я. 我也是。那一瞬间觉得这才是她名字的意义啊。不是什么紫罗兰,也不是什么女圣徒,只是一句不能更温柔的答话。/Аврора /Родина

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