“In the dream of the man that dreamed, the dreamed one awoke.”
—The Circular Ruins by Jorge Luis Borges
When I was watching Open Your Eyes, Borges’s short story The Circular Ruins also came up to my train of thoughts. Both stories narrate a similar theme, which is the protagonists’ waking from a dream that belongs to another dream. The absurdity of life is vividly revealed through these stories, pulling the audience into panic and skepticism, unable to discern what is real and its projection. Time seems to become an element of nihilism, as the path to wake up from the dream is like a matryoshka doll but infinite. It’s often difficult to have the self-consciousness of being in a dream when we are dreaming, the definition of reality is also obscured. The conflicts we face while choosing between dream or reality belongs to one of the most fundamental philosophical questions.
When the protagonist Cesar is disfigured in the accident, he loses the appearance that he’s proud of. For Cesar, the disfigurement for him is also the impairment of his love relationship, self-confidence, and his life. Facing the cruelty of truth, Cesar traps himself in the endless loop of dreams. The constant switching between hideousness and beauty also blinds the truth from us. To disguise his fragmented face, Cesar eventually accepts to hide behind the mask despite the initial rejection. At this moment, Cesar’s identity is also fragmented into disorder. There’s a backlighting scene in the movie when Cesar wears his mask on his back head, forming a silhouette of two side faces. This can also be interpreted as symbolism for Cesar’s divided identities and his disoriented perception of his existence in time. The protagonist has been asked several times in the movie about what is happiness, but he fails to answer. Whether it’s a nice dream or a nightmare, all depends on Cesar’s choices. When Cesar chooses his looks to be the protagonist of his dreams, he also chooses the most precarious shallowness which appears as frequent nightmares. In Descartes’ Meditations on First Philosophy, he also expresses this entangled confusion between illusion and truth: “I suppose therefore that all things I see are illusions; I believe that nothing has ever existed of everything my lying memory tells me.” Despite we believe that our sensory perceptions are real enough to be considered as realities, we shouldn’t forget that we were also deceived by the same thoughts in dreams.
However, when Cesar realizes that he lives in a constructed dream, he still faces the dilemma of choosing to live in the lucid dream or reality. The final moment when he chose to jump off the building also reminds me of the Matrix. While the Matrix delivers a sense of self-transcendence, Abre Los Ojos emphasizes the courage to face the truth. Can Cesar truly enter the reality after he opens his eyes or would he still be trapped in the endless loop of dreaming?
九十年代的科幻,还真是小看了,现在动不动就拿什么盗梦空间,去比较,人家九十年代就这么脑洞大开了,你盗梦空间是近几年的。九十年代的科幻才是百花齐放的时候,今敏的未麻的部屋,渡边信一郎的cowboy bebop ,寄生兽的漫画,等等。九十年代的奥特曼脑洞都好大。现在的这些科幻,不能比
上周五的思考人生悬疑爱情科幻片 西班牙电影的戏路真是叫人捉摸不透 但是真情真爱美男美女的还是让人心动呢 露天电影的好处就是大树底下挂银幕马路两边滴滴叭叭呜啊!
弗洛伊德可能太负盛名,以致于一切和梦境相关的电影似乎都能首先联系上<梦的解析>?尽管我也不知道是否有关联性。 // 回到本片,梦与现实发生偏差,也许人心深处都有凡事先利己的本性,所以当现实糟糕到无可挽回,反映到梦境里就是极度压抑下对重筑美好的迫切憧憬,当这种迫切越过理性分界线,就很容易被引诱进虚实不分的危险迷域(话说我自己也有几次极接近的恐怖体验);有时觉得那些筑梦师看似人畜无害地游说完全就是邪教传教。// 但其实梦中那个怪诞离奇饮鸩止渴的世界,本就是令人心向往之难以拒绝的甜美精神鸦片。// PS. 1.西班牙野玫瑰热情如火;2.摄影/色调皆一流。
不知道是这片子比我印象中的vanila sky更逻辑清楚,还是我现在的智商比我以前高。
7.9/10 (26,399 user)睁开你的眼睛.Abre.Los.Ojos.1997.D9.HALFCD- TLF.mkvaq7oce02
Penélope Cruz在本片以及Tom Cruise主演的翻拍作Vanilla Sky里饰演了同一个角色。
这部电影颇有Inception的感觉 梦中套梦 到最后像一颗洋葱 层层包裹 辛辣讽刺人性劣性 让人无所适从 唯独缺憾在于科幻因素引入不够真实 同时脉络不够清晰 或许会致使观众看完后一头雾水 但是作为97年的西班牙电影 已经是难能可贵了