• 电影
  • 电视剧
  • 美剧
  • 韩剧



主演:Masayu Anastasia,Wafda Saifan Lubis,Gisellma Firmansyah






  Ningrum has had to face negative views from local residents since childhood because her mother, Handini, was always accused of having sex with many men. The death of one of Handini's close friends further plunges her family into local gossip. Ningrum's life becomes increasingly uneasy when the man she secretly loves, named Jalu, is trapped as Handini's new sacrifice. Ningrum has to face various supernatural terrors. Finally, Ningrum got a clue and asked for help from a Kyai who gave him a powerful spear to destroy black magic on earth.热播电视剧最新电影重金属心有猛兽阮氏三雄恶棍2019炽爱商道·天问野马2019幽情密使1971来一打麻花恐怖之声空中悍将福琼·费姆斯特:甜甜咸咸反斗神偷敌对分子挚爱奇缘僵尸脱衣舞娘好友请求假面骑士BLACK RX蝙蝠侠:漫长的万圣节(下)流血的心女子监狱 第五季博斯科老威的X计划第一季新生六居客 第一季

