

主演:阿历萨·巴拉亚斯,帕维尔·克里兹,胡安·雷丁格尔,Jamie Shelnitz,Jocelyn Chugg






  Maddie (Alexa Barajas, YELLOWJACKETS, THE FLASH) is in trouble. She’s been in an accident, and her politician mother can’t have her careless daughter destroying the reputation she’s built, so she sends Maddie to a safe house — a state-of-the-art domicile boasting a fully operational AI system called ROMI. Hertig (Pavel Kríz, MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE - GHOST PROTOCOL), the property manager and owner, gives Maddie a tour of her new digs, complete with every convenience brought to her by ROMI. He’s a bit strange, and she’s wary of him, but there’s also the awkwardly charming A.I. tech Barkley (Juan Reidinger, CLAWS, RICEBOY SLEEPS), whose genius built the artificial assistant from the ground up. Despite the occasional company, Maddie is scared she’ll be arrested and feels quite alone… and there’s something not quite right with ROMI. What lies ahead becomes an unsettling mystery for her, and surviving this lockdown instead of going to jail becomes her top priority.异世界居酒屋阿信第二季第二次二十岁影人莎拉·麦考密克的最后一段录像瓷都人之瓷魂粮食酷儿们夜之河伊隆·马斯克:现实版钢铁侠迷盲国之语音客户名单第二季幕布背后丝路花雨请回答1994天后小助理祖父巴黎必修课星期四我的特工爷爷(粤语)兰兰和冬冬好小子,好功夫叶问外传:张天志激辛道麻将1996小宇宙2:基因狂想曲假面骑士极狐两对半我爱你这是最好的安排惊声尖笑5卫道金刚危情时速烧腊佛爷计划侏罗纪公园龟蜜日记复仇女郎亚刻奥特曼国语夏天啊,拜托了叶问4:完结篇(粤语)死神来了鬼门关2009魔王撒旦的奴隶

