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无可救药爱上你2002 剧照 NO.1无可救药爱上你2002 剧照 NO.2无可救药爱上你2002 剧照 NO.3无可救药爱上你2002 剧照 NO.4无可救药爱上你2002 剧照 NO.5无可救药爱上你2002 剧照 NO.6无可救药爱上你2002 剧照 NO.13无可救药爱上你2002 剧照 NO.14无可救药爱上你2002 剧照 NO.15无可救药爱上你2002 剧照 NO.16无可救药爱上你2002 剧照 NO.17无可救药爱上你2002 剧照 NO.18无可救药爱上你2002 剧照 NO.19无可救药爱上你2002 剧照 NO.20


  因为研究维多利亚女王时代的著名诗人伦道夫·亨利·阿什(杰瑞米·诺森 Jeremy Northam 饰),罗兰(艾伦·艾克哈特 Aaron Eckhart 饰)在学术界名声大噪。莫得(格温妮丝·帕特洛 Gwyneth Paltrow 饰)也是一名学者,她的研究对象则是维多利亚女王时代的另一名诗人——拉蒙特(詹妮弗·艾莉 Jennifer Ehle 饰)。在历史中,这两位才华横溢的诗人尽在一次餐会上有过一面之缘,此外再无联系。  偶然中,罗兰和莫得发现一封年代久远的情书,而这封情书有极大可能是伦道夫写给拉蒙特的,这也意味着,罗兰和莫得将凭借这一发现在学术界里叱咤风云。随着调查的深入,一段缠绵悱恻的爱情故事展现在了两位学者的眼前,而为了找到最后的真相,一段传奇的旅程就此展开。热播电视剧最新电影工厂1971白天使马尔蒂瓦公寓小偷家族(国语版)别惹小孩萨勒姆的女巫2014童话镇第四季尖东枭雄树熊症病患者幸存者:珍珠岛 第七季德云社癸卯年封箱庆典行尸走肉:死亡之城第一季我们的新时代杜丽娘菲尔来蹭饭第三季晨曦将至非凡营救2023把幸福拉近一点爱的勘探法追随者2019麻辣教授地狱厨房(美版)第十一季叛爱游戏爱LOVE薪火相传30正美丽


 1 ) 电影不错, 比原作差得还是很多

有时间的话读一下原著吧, Byatt模仿维多利亚时代诗人Robert Browning和美国女诗人Emily Dickenson写的那些戏剧独白和短诗着实精彩, 还有浸泡着浓浓的书卷气的无比含蓄却热烈的书信,读起来浑身鸡皮疙瘩...小拜模拟人物说话写作的水平是一流的.就像她形容男主角Randolph Ash的那样, 是一伟大的ventriloquist

 2 ) Possession







 3 ) Possession

    Gwyneth Paltrow的外形很适合演Maud,不过电影版应该已经抛弃了原著中Maud的冷漠,高傲,疏远,怀疑的特质了吧。电影开头出现的Cropper倒是挺符合我想象中的模样,拥有极大的自我优越感,可惜戏份极少。

 4 ) Feminism in Possession

    Possession: a romance is often considered as a complex suspense novel regarding history of literature and love. The story starts with a twentieth century dead-in-wood scholar Roland who spends all his time studying a poet Ash from the nineteenth century. It appears at the beginning of the novel that this book focuses on the position of males, particularly Roland and Ash, in different social background. However, new highlights are brought into the novel when Roland discovered the love letters between Ash and Christabel, another poet at that time. The author portrays Christabel and Maud Bailey, tow ladies from different times who change to fight for their freedom to discuss the roles of women through out the history, and how the talent and freedom of women was suppressed.

       Both Christabel and Maud are described in a somehow negative manner when they first appeared in the story. Roland describes the photo of Christabel as “no clear impression of anyone in particular; it was generic Victorian lady, specific shy poetess” (Byatt 44) Similarly, Maud is described as a very ordinary figure. “At first he did not identify Maud Bailey, and he himself was not in any way remarkable” (44). Thus, it can be clearly seen that both Christable and Maud were not considered stunning based on how they looked. Roland even has the impression that Maud “smelled of something ferny and sharp. Roland didn’t like her voice” (44). This shows that most people in the society didn’t appreciate women’s beauty at first sight.

     Byatt makes lots of hints and metaphor regarding the fact that people didn’t realize the talent and importance of women. Maud Bailey’s hair is blonde and metallic, a gold that might have existed before the discovery of precious metal: As she unbinds her mane "Roland saw the light rush towards it and glitter on it, the whirling mass, and Maud inside it saw a sea of gold lines, waving" (296). This represents Maud’s stunning beauty and talent; however, She wears it covered with a scarf, symbolic of repressed Victorian sexuality. Although Christabel’s hair color (like Maud’s hair and the scintillating waters of the fountain) is metamorphic in hue, we have seen that it contains pale loops of silver-gold (301). Gold – the color of charm, confidence, and power linked two women together in reflecting an essential element of their feminine nature—fertility, confident and attracting.
“Mine the bright earth
Mine the corn
Mine the gold throne
To which you’re born
Lie in my lap
Tumbled with flowers”
This is the song of the gold lady who wears a "queenly crown of gold, a filigree turret of lambent sunny gleams and glistering wires above crisping gold curls as heavy with riches as the golden fleece itself" (169). Based upon these parallels, we can conclude that in Possession, women’s wealth — their power and energy — lies in their hair. Even though Christabel’s and Maud’s beauty and power is not recognized, their natural female characters still exist and shine just like the sparkling gold lady.

The connection between Maud and Christabel serves also to connect the past to the present, the Victorian to the Post-modern. Feminism is an important aspect in each time period of the novel. Maud is a modern feminist, attempting to balance her identity as a woman with her identity as an academic scholar, and Christabel is trying to overcome her femininity by living as a recluse with another woman before she met R. H. Ash. Similarly, Maud is a withdrawn person, wary of men, and distrustful. Christabel is doing what many women of her time were doing, that is, struggling for masculine freedom in a world that was very limited for a woman. Maud is doing what many women today are attempting to do, that is, trying to reconcile and accept her femininity in an academic, typically male, environment. Byatt plays up this feminist view of literature and society by choosing to base Christabel's poetry on the strongly feminist poetry. She and Maud are living the liberated version – living on their own, being away from the secular society. These all indicate the ways that women fight against the social pressures and choose their own liberate styles to live.

          Not surprisingly, the light that gold emits cannot be covered up. Eventually, the free soul broke out and the courage pursuing liberty and love beat the fear of being different from others. Christabel and Maud both changed, as they could not reserve their true feelings anymore. In Victorian tradition, it was the man who 'owned' the woman, his wife. Yet in this modern Victorian work, that becomes twisted. When Ash attempts to 'claim' Christabel on page 308 by holding her and making love to her, the act of possession is switched around. He is trying figuratively to grasp her, and 'she was liquid moving through his grasping fingers, as though she was waves of the sea rising all round him.' He tries to take her all in, to know her, and her womanhood eludes him, as personality always will. Byatt's message seems to be that a personality cannot be taken or possessed by someone else, that individuality always remains, even in Victorian situations of female oppression and domination by males. The same love story that defines Christabel and Ash in the 1860's also describes Roland and Maud in the 1980's. Roland gradually changed his impression about Maud and found her extremely charming as a serious scholar and a beautiful independent woman. As two hearts got closer and closer, Maud finally chose to be her true self. She told Roland about her relationship with Fergus, and the reason why she reserved beauty. Then she was convinced to uncover her hair. “The segments of the plaits were like streaked and polished oval stones, celandine yellow, straw-yellow, silvery yellow, glossy with constricted life. Roland was moved—not exactly with desire, but with an obscure emotion that was partly pity, for the rigorous constriction all that mass had undergone, to be so structured into repeating patterns. If he closed his eyes and squinted, the head against the sea was crowned with knobby horns.” (291) This was how Roland felt when he saw Maud’s hair. The incomparable stunning beauty shocked Roland. “Life is so short,” said Roland. “It has a right to breathe.”(291) The courage and desire for love and freedom made them decide to give their love the right to breathe.

          Through the two love stories, sexuality is also discussed. On page 6, there is a passage on R.H. Ash's poem representing Proserpina, an ideal Greek woman, as 'gold-skinned in the gloom..grain golden… bound with golden links.' This is an example of idealized fertility and sexuality in Victorian women. It represents sexuality as something that can be conquered and possessed, like gold or grain. The suppression of sexuality in the Victorian era is a theme throughout the book, in both time periods, as is the sexual freedom that both couples eventually reach. The sexuality in Victorian society can be traced in Possession.

        Byatt successfully displays the change of the roles of women through out the history by shifting from the 1860's to the present. The romances are so similar that it is often difficult to tell which couple Byatt is writing about in any given situation. The way this romantic narrative fits both couples and time periods seems to suggest that not so much has changed, and romance from one time to another is not so different as we thought. The characters mix the old and the new; Maud wears a brooch once belonging to Christabel, and another Ash scholar, Mortimer Cropper, carries Ash's pocket watch. In the end of the novel, the last love letter written by Christabel enables Maud to finally enjoy the value of love in the present, and give her trust to Roland. The cyclical time frame of the novel provides an interesting contrast to the normal, stifling, linear time frame of typical literature and everyday life.

         Possession, a novel with lots of feminism color, does a good job in portraying two female characters from different times to call for the respect and attention for women from the society. Christabel and Maud are two respectable females who set an example for women to be who they want to be and gain respect and love they deserve.

 5 ) 看毕





 6 ) 沿着铁路线生根发芽

我一直讨厌格温妮丝帕特洛,冲着Jennifer Ehle把她忍下来了,没想到还有Toby Stephens和Tom Hollander作为惊喜和囧....

Jennifer Ehle的眼睛真是太美了,当他们终于决定再次见面,穿着披风穿过人群的Christabelle如同从中世纪的油画里走出来一样,脸上神秘温柔甜蜜的笑容,害我一直质疑这个电影难道说的是中世纪的一对恋人,让我想起爱洛伊丝和阿拉贝尔,他两的相爱同样不能公开,同样“唯美”。

当然如果用天涯标准来衡量,这爱情绝不美好。伤害的人除了Christabelle的同性恋人,还有Ash的妻子。不过电影有个细节让我觉得很囧,那就是,MS Ash跟他老婆都没xx过?说什么physical 的,我搞晕了,英语太差劲了...

爱依然是美好的,我如果是Ash,也一定会一头栽死在jennifer Ehle的眼睛,和诗歌里.............



奈特利先生+Lizzy小姐,还有Emma。结局居然有点感人。Lena Headey怎么总演Les。

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  • 环玥
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古装部分那点其中有一个跳河自杀的,她一定是一个心怀坚定的les 对了,p个s那个女的是现在演冰与火里傲慢的王妃一角色。gwen老了不能和无情大地里比

  • UrthónaD'Mors
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like that still thread from the falling river, one from source to last embrace in the still pool, and ever renewed, and ever moving

  • mosquito惟
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  • SAY
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对Gwyneth Paltrow真是怎么都提不起好感来,也没拍出A.S. Byatt原作的感觉(虽然书我当时也只是草草看完的)。黄哲伦的改编剧本里还是最中意蝴蝶君啊,虽然那效果多半是柯南伯格的奇情镜头在背后助力了一把。

  • CharlesChou
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2009.09.30英国的乡村风光实在很宜人,给三颗星主要就是为了它。男猪脚的气质非常蓝领,还非要让他演高知,确定不是用他来黑美国人的?不过,Jeremy Northam依旧很有爱啊~~

  • 小悬子
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诗歌与文字作起点 相遇是神秘又浪漫 时空交错英伦梦 它总是那样讨厌 让人深深中感动却忘不了哀怨....forever love~

  • 爱茉绿绿
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  • 小小虫
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相当有趣的故事。选角精当。尤其是Jennifer Ehle 和Jeremy Northam常演古代的名媛绅士,气质与那个时代再符合不过了。评分:8 out of 10

  • 我呼吸的空气
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  • 九尾黑猫
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  • 天禧在人间
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I cannot let you burn me up, nor can I resist you. No mere human can stand in a fire and not be consumed. And I took your hand, mine rested in yours with trust and relief. 隐秘的爱情,在重新被发现的那一刻,仿佛又重来了一次,在当下人们的身体上、血液里,那种激情肆意流淌,不管结局是毁灭还是沉寂。维多利亚时代的诗人Rudolf Henry Ash 与女作家Christabel LaMotte那一段不伦之恋,隐匿于英格兰的乡间、蒸汽火车、山川河流,深绿丛林之中。正如他的名字Ash已经预示了结局。

  • 蔷薇泡沫
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  • 南溟
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一段关于维多利亚时期爱情的追寻,很美。 不得不承认用英伦腔念中古英语的感觉很好。

  • 六月。喵
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一直在考虑片名,觉得剧情和迷恋无关。绝对是当下穿越剧学习的典范,思维状态的时光穿梭定是好过身体乱窜的。总的来说故事太平淡了,英伦深情又隐忍得要死,更加对不上'Possession'这个题了。俩女主都蛮好,Aaron Eckhart和这个文艺调调相当不搭啊。。。【Gwen演这种文艺小资女不要太好了~

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