#豆狸推荐# 头脑解密 | 科学/纪录片/美国 记住的 真的是真的吗 正是曾经深信不疑的记忆 编织出“完整”的人生 “支配”日常的言行 无意中进入的“坑” 找到它 了解它 利用它 获得继续前行的力量 清醒梦 其实不难 推荐指数:⭐⭐⭐⭐️⭐
#豆狸推荐# 头脑解密 | 科学/纪录片/美国 记住的 真的是真的吗 正是曾经深信不疑的记忆 编织出“完整”的人生 “支配”日常的言行 无意中进入的“坑” 找到它 了解它 利用它 获得继续前行的力量 清醒梦 其实不难 推荐指数:⭐⭐⭐⭐️⭐
ep. dreams, explained emotional brain 情感大脑 reasoning brain 推理大脑 睡前喝三杯水→能帮你记住梦 Egyptians用puns解梦。 lucid dream 清醒梦:做梦的人知道自己在做梦。 dreaming about the task→↑解决问题的速度 selective forgetting 选择性遗忘 REM sleep 被追逐、性交和坠落的梦最普遍。 我们梦到的东西大多是清醒时的记忆。 ep. anxiety, explained panic attack fight/flee 压力大影响消化。 恐惧类型: 1.catastrophic 如separation anxiety, specific phobias eg. glossophobia演讲恐惧症 2.evaluation 如social anxiety, selective mutism选择性缄默症 3.losing control 如panic disorder, agoraphobia广场恐惧症 4.uncertainty 如generalized anxiety disorder, OCD 恐惧原因: 1.genes 2.chemicals 如serotonin experiences norepinephrine 去甲肾上腺素,dopamine 多巴胺,gaba 氨基丁酸。 解决方法: medicine+therapy meditation cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT): 如exposure therapy 了解、体验自己的经历。 ep. memory, explained 50% of memory→change after 1 year implicit memory explicit memory 如1.semantic语义: facts, dates, numbers, words 2.episodic情节: 比如不知道自己刚刚干了什么 影响记忆深不深刻的因素: 1.emotion:情感越强,印象越深 2.place:人有cell,主管时间地点。有意识地锻炼记忆力→海马体(主管记忆)变大 3.story(语言/视频):a.通过编故事来记无关的随机词汇 b.结合已有知识,可以更快地记新知 the memory palace false memory memory和imagination的大脑活动区域几乎一样。 DNA exoneration免罪:通过DNA翻案(比如强奸案) ep. mindfulness, explained mindfulness exercise 提高记忆力?对long-term meditators才有效,短期练习meditation不能帮你提高多少记忆。 正念训练的分类: 1.transcendental meditation,比如念mantra 2.dynamic meditation 运动冥想(动态化的,而不是坐着只做很少的动作。) 3.religious meditation,比如宗教practice the noble eightfold path 佛教八正道,里边有一个是正念。 default mode network (DMN): 预设模式网络 monkey mind 心猿 有App帮你mindfulness。 ep. psychedelics, explained magic mushroom LSD的分子式像serotonin Turn on, tune in, and drop out. 激发热情,向内探索,脱离体制。——Timothy Leary LSD不一定对人体有害。 merge with something bigger 吸完的状态与set和setting有关。 mind set 心态: mood, expectation… setting 环境:place, people… 有些宗教仪式需要用这些,所以在某些国家的某些仪式里边,psychedelic可以合法使用。 嗑嗨的大脑神经元高度活跃。
Memory: Our brain weaves our memories of the past and dreams of the future to create our sense of self.
Confidence in even false memories can be boosted by confirming or at least repeating them.
Memories are not high-fidelity records we store away but more like live performance that is taking place in the moment.
Gaps: long-term memories and short-term memories? Anxiety - the most common mental illnes - as a result of the fight-or-flight responses that we have evolotionarily developed to survive in natural envirnoment yet missfired in modern living conditions.
catastrophe-driven - phobia;
social anxiety - fear of being watched or evaluated;
fear of losing control - Agoraphobia
fear of uncertainty - OCD - engaed in rituals.
Most efdective treatment is a combination of meds and therapy. Benzodiazepine - to make brains more reponsive to a natural chemical in brains; antidepressants that evens out the serotonin level. exposure tharapy.
Hippocampus - the one which sews all pieces of information together to form an episodic memory (eg. A performing experience)
Memories are connected to
They are foundations of some of our strongest memories.
“In general we are more like emotional and visual learners, and story tellers.”
Memories are more like a live performance, created with inputs from different parts of the brain in the present moment.
过去和未来是联系在一起的,past—拼凑 模拟 预见-future
It weaves memories of the past and dreams of the future. Sense of self is thus created.
REM sleep helps us remember (by repeating the same pattern) and forget (by erasing unnecessary things)
强化记忆:each night the pattern gets looser, and the next day it gets more tightened up.
Selective forgetfulness 选择性遗忘
Creative Power of dreams:
Creativity is nothing more than taking information we already have and seeing how it fixed together in a new exciting way.
Meditation is the tried and true course to investigation of nature of mind, and psychedelics is the CRASH COURSE.
Intention : maximize these experiences. (eg. Only if you want to quit smoking that they can help you further achieve this goal.)
The experiences depend largely on
SETTING: your environment, place where you are and people you are with.\
Guided trip:
关窗,耳机,眼罩-turn the intuition INWARD
How to make this PART of YOU, rather than just experience?
Write everything down, to solidify the experiences in you.
A potential to rewire and make new connections. That’s possibly why these effects are so enduring.
改变固有的 不断被加固的 单一思维定式(如同滑雪道),致幻药让你的大脑下一场新雪,你可以重新自由在上面滑出新的轨道。
Depression and Anxiety are like Addictions
You get stuck in loops of thought, get stuck on narratives of who you are.
“That (death exp) was sort of power because I made the choice not to let it affect me. I’ve been different ever since, in a good way.”
E1:Memory记忆:story,place,imagination:it knits together memories in the past and dream in the future to create your sense of yourself(记忆是会有偏差的,人会拼凑片段形成自己认为所谓合理性的故事回忆)
E2:Dream梦境:Carl Jung梦境是来自潜意识的讯息,梦境中包含了代表我们内心世界各个方面的人物,弗洛伊德梦的解析,其实人们梦到的大多数东西都来自他们清醒时的记忆,梦中有一个故事,它是通过我们自己的记忆和情感创造出来的,清醒梦,练习质疑现实,快速动眼睡眠,达利的梦五颜六色
E3:Anxiety焦虑:anxiety-the most common mental illness,大约百分之三十的人一定会受到焦虑的严重损害,疣猪和狮子的比喻,racing heart,tense muscles,stomachache,a feeling of pins and needles,dry mouth,not want to or being able to have sex,焦虑症分组:catastrophic(separation anxiety,specific phobia),evaluation(social anxiety,selective mutism),losing control(panic disorder,agoraphobia),uncertainty(generalized anxiety disorder,OCD),焦虑症如何而来:遗传/大脑中化学物质平衡,社交媒体可能会导致焦虑?焦虑症的发病率没有变,我们不断发明新的理由来焦虑,我们无法反抗或逃离的理由,每一代人都力图找出解决这个问题的办法,exercise,placebo pills,therapy,mindfulness therapies,medications,medication&therapy是最有效的方法,认知行为疗法(CBT):暴露疗法,治疗焦虑的重点是学习如何体验焦虑,我们的计划不是摆脱焦虑,而是从生物学角度而言,拥有理性且真实的基础来开启我们的系统
E4:Mindfulness正念:冥想不全是正念,transcendental meditation,dynamic meditation,religious meditation……佛祖Satipatthana四念住冥想(把注意力集中在内心to keep your attention inside)是正念冥想传统方式,乌龟与狐狸比喻:real fox in life,like stress tension depression anxiety sadness worry,you should be like Mr. turtle,情感转瞬即逝交朋友,思维漫游monkey mind,注意力回到呼吸,Headspace&Calm软件,Jon Kabat-Zinn(Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction),达赖喇嘛现代神经科学,杏仁核,反应方式的控制,降低自我里面的死板性,改变与环境的关系
E5:LSD迷幻剂:霍夫曼,60年代迷幻之旅,turn on,tune in,and drop out——反文化运动,awareness can expand beyond the rangof your ego,your self,your familiar identity,beyond everything you have learned,摇滚和反越战,尼克松禁用药物监管,转化性体验是否可以协助治疗思维疾病:抑郁,关于死亡的焦虑,酗酒,烟瘾,depends almost entirely on set and setting,sober brain-tripping brain,Default mode network陷入想法的循环,陷入对真实自我的描述,脑回路不停琢磨过去和未来,打造狭隘的自我感
哇…… 后面几集大开眼界。
且不说每一集解释的多么通俗易懂妙趣横生 episodes之间逻辑也是紧密相扣 无限callback 服了
E1, Implicit memory: 技能型肌肉记忆。Explicit: semantic (facts, numbers), episodic。而episodic是最容易被篡改的部分。因为记忆在回忆构建的时候本来就允许了想象力的重建。又见记忆宫殿,确实,emotion, narrative, location都是重要的元素。原来失去过去的记忆也同时失去了对未来的向往。E2, 梦。REM期打破逻辑,且夜有所想的创造了新的solution。梦境不仅加强记忆,也辅助,遗忘。3和5一起看真是绝望,运动没用,CBT还可以,最好其实是meditation+drug. 谁能想到我的研究ep4结果成了404呢
Informative. 最后一集迷幻剂,突然想到,这个世界进行到现在有多少其实已经已知了,只是对绝大多数人来说未知,因为人们的“已知”很大程度上局限在基础教育、日常生活、主流媒体上?不想说细思极恐吧,只想说,好浪费。
Very trendy topics, but the limited series could have explained more. When I get more intrigued in each episode, it ends in a hurry and leaves me with more questions.
第二集讲梦境,印象深刻: 只有好好睡觉才能让你忘却,只有忘却才能让你好好活下去。