Social realism regarding struggles of reservation-dwelling Native Americans in the North Central states of the US. Main character is an introspective and lovable person in a process of seeking pride and identity through tradtional and mystical means of gathering power. His high school friend, who is a Vietnam War Veteran, is exerting power as a highly principled social activist, using a modern rational materialist adversarial model of progress.
热播电视剧最新电影年青的一代1965王尔德(1997)埃舍尔街的红色邮筒方托马斯嗜血重生奇异博士2:疯狂多元宇宙逍遥医生美国青少年红粉2007哀悼人骄傲的少年水墨人生 第一季亚瑟王:神剑崛起巧手女孩钥匙怒江之战2016西部计划反噬吹响悠风号第三季还魂2:光与影国土安全 第二季疯人日记1963伤城