热播电视剧最新电影死亡搁浅游戏鲁滨逊漂流记婚礼大导火星情报局第六季红蝎子3之妖惑人心发丘天官:昆仑墟太阳照常升起黑暗弥漫国语提线木偶行尸走肉 存活之人步步杀机1994风暴午夜巴塞罗那多彩庄稼院 第二季尼尔·布伦南:心结去往更高处。与安德烈晚餐美丽的南方掉头即死深夜食堂3白狐仙我的机器人男友在名建筑里吃午餐 大阪篇守林者第一季魔鬼命令之任务未了(国语版)Preparation h is cream for ur asshole 😂 Medication His plan names. His dad didn't come, The janitor laughing. "I am a sexy beast" Haha Gold 🍆 Member is slang for penis Goldmember? 🍆 There's a bond movie called goldfinger, They did goldmember instead. Goldmember, it's the same actor again Austin and fat bastard and Dr evil lol "that's not right" 😂 He said he only hates 2 things People who are intolerant of other people's cultures. And the Dutch. Do u understand the joke? No. He said he hates people who don't like other cultures. Then he said he hates the dutch.so him too 😂 😂 ♥️ 🔥 Mole 😂 Bye. Mole! 😂 Word play again. U don't even have a name tag, you've got no chance 😂 Means ur nobody. Cast in a movie just to die. "did u just soil yourself?" (shit your pants) he said "maybe" 😂 😂 Sharks with lasers Not seabass lol The subtitles lol The fountain 😂 Horny bugger 😂 Poor mini me The joke was good. Do you have a little clone in you? She says no He said would you like to? 😂 He said horny lol Maybe ur subtitles were wrong 😂 U haven't laughed that hard since i was a little girl. Always shocked by the hair ha9 Spilling on him 😂 Yeh like I can say, do u have any English in u? (means English blood or heritage) and then I can say "would u like to?" means me in u, fucking u He said do u have a clone in u? Would you like to?lol That's why he said "horny bugger'This guys is a great rock singer too He's a bit broken cus of too many drugs Very rich and famous in the 70s 90s comedy.
Preparation h is cream for ur asshole 😂 Medication His plan names. His dad didn't come, The janitor laughing. "I am a sexy beast" Haha Gold 🍆 Member is slang for penis Goldmember? 🍆 There's a bond movie called goldfinger, They did goldmember instead. Goldmember, it's the same actor again Austin and fat bastard and Dr evil lol "that's not right" 😂 He said he only hates 2 things People who are intolerant of other people's cultures. And the Dutch. Do u understand the joke? No. He said he hates people who don't like other cultures. Then he said he hates the dutch.so him too 😂 😂 ♥️ 🔥 Mole 😂 Bye. Mole! 😂 Word play again. U don't even have a name tag, you've got no chance 😂 Means ur nobody. Cast in a movie just to die. "did u just soil yourself?" (shit your pants) he said "maybe" 😂 😂 Sharks with lasers Not seabass lol The subtitles lol The fountain 😂 Horny bugger 😂 Poor mini me The joke was good. Do you have a little clone in you? She says no He said would you like to? 😂 He said horny lol Maybe ur subtitles were wrong 😂 U haven't laughed that hard since i was a little girl. Always shocked by the hair ha9 Spilling on him 😂 Yeh like I can say, do u have any English in u? (means English blood or heritage) and then I can say "would u like to?" means me in u, fucking u He said do u have a clone in u? Would you like to?lol That's why he said "horny bugger'This guys is a great rock singer too He's a bit broken cus of too many drugs Very rich and famous in the 70s 90s comedy.
Austin Powers和Dr. Evil的惊天大秘密。开头那段友情客串很好很有爱。对日漫的致敬终于真正显山露水,这次到东京了,还看到两很像ando和hiro的日本人,不过那时还没heroes了。皮影戏。
吓死我了,我还以为演员都换了,怎么变成阿汤哥了,原来是戏中戏,但是阿汤哥造型确实帅!然后还是有坏人团的群体尬笑,日本人那边的搞笑字幕,还有Heroes里面的日本小哥也出现了下😂中途迷你me还叛变了Powers,然后造型跟男主差不多,我就说男主怎么跟Dr. Evil还有Number Two是同学,年纪明显不一样大想了想可能是因为他们经常穿越的原因,结果他们是兄弟,然后Evil的儿子子承父业了。。。🇳🇱人的金吊很无语,最后他好像变成了个傻子。。。然后就是第二部男女主的影子给人感觉是fisting,这一部体检男主跟迷你me的影子也很异曲同工。。。
这个差点意思感觉,主要是里面的迪士尼行为太多了,有点烦。well,还是蛮搞笑的,我本来都困了,然后那个影子戏,太污了woc感觉给人留下难以磨灭的阴影了,太搞了,笑醒了,少儿不宜。结尾也是比较迪士尼,不喜欢,然后这个还有一个就是各种大牌客串,尤其开头,这不是汤神吗?这女的好像还是水后,然后OMG还真是水后(扣1*),还有什么kevin,ss导,女主这个碧昂斯我一直对不上,然后一看,woc还挺hot很好看的,然后声音感觉也很有辨识度(crazy in love听过),除了这个爆炸头感觉很夸张。
跳伞进入行驶中的敞篷车是高难度的,top gear中挑战过。中文配音,字幕有问题,词不达意。男主角真讨厌呀,不喜欢。男主和女主毫无CP感。失散多年的兄弟呀。为什么黑荷兰?荷兰怎么了?
比前两部更逗,开场汤姆克鲁斯 凯文斯派西 斯皮尔伯格 布兰妮 全大牌阵容,Dr evil 更可爱了,Mini me 投诚跟Austin power在一起太爆笑了,尤其是检查身体的部分,太有创意了
在恶搞类电影里,这三部曲绝对是经典级别。如果不是因为题材限制,Mike Myers至少可以有奥斯卡最佳男主男配提名,这一部里他又是一人分饰四角,其中两个我都没看出来是他……还有阿汤哥、格温妮丝帕特洛、Kevin Spacey,甚至斯皮尔伯格都进去客串了,可见这系列作品影响之大。
6.0/10 分。初看,蓝光。三年后的第三部,一如既往的,三分逗比,三分无聊,三分烂俗,一分弱智。。。这一部我居然没有看过呀。。。好多大牌客串。。。女主居然是碧昂丝,我居然不认识,只听过歌曲,没看过图片,身材还是非常好的,不过长相没有辨识度。。。男主一人分饰几角,演技还是很不错的。
F*cking piece of shit
众星云集 连斯皮尔伯格都来打了把酱油,一部恶搞片能吸引这么多大牌倾情加盟我当时就震惊了。本片结局竟然都能反转成这样,不愧是王牌大贱谍系列最淫贱的一部。不过从第二部开始登场的“迷你迷”绝对是全系列最受欢迎的角色之一。至于学生时代的邪恶博士,奥斯汀以及NO.2,猥琐到我无力吐槽