Two detectives seek a stripper's killer in the Japanese quarter of Los Angeles, but a love triangle threatens their friendship.
热播电视剧最新电影声生不息·家年华卫视版赵云传之莫问少年狂小行星城金之国水之国龙之家族第一季活着(1994)西游之牛魔王三宝闹深圳伊娜:初生之犊热气球飞行家国语花满楼VR剧番外篇带我飞天竺葵传奇海盗船长黑胡子(上)亲爱的伽利略封神之九曲黄河阵爱渴1950他们正年轻反恐特警组 第八季小红豆比利小子第二季临阵脱逃搬进你心里很高兴遇见·你“James Shigeta breaks the glass ceiling in Samuel Fuller’s off-the-radar metteur en scène."
Against Hollywood's mainstream value, Samuel Fuller’s vintage L.A. murder mystery gallantly sets off a love triangle where a Caucasian woman falls for an Asian man in lieu of the latter’s Caucasian friend, but the nisei has his own battle to fight, concerning the congenital racial bias stigmatized Japanese-American in the wake of WWII.
Yes, first of all, there is a murder, a burlesque stripper Sugar Torch (Pall) is gunned down on the main street in the Little Tokyo district, and two detectives Joe Kojaku (Shigeta) and Charlie Bancroft (Corbett) are investigating the case, they are Korean war veterans and best friends, even sharing a snug apartment, theirpolice procedural pans out a bit languorously, but Fuller profiles the enclave's ethnographic traits with a wandering eye, while the meat of the story is concerned with a key witness, Christine“Chris" Downes (Shaw), who paints the portrait of Sugar Torch dressed in a crimson kimono for the preparation of a Japanese-themed act (one can only imagine what technicolor would do justice to the chromatic appeal here).
When her own life is in peril after drawing an identikit of the possible killer, Joe and Charlie invite Chris to stay in their apartment, naturally both bachelors become besotted with her, but it is the interracial romance gains an upper hand (Joe is the more refined, sensitive and art-savvy one), which leaves Joe clammed up in a state of guilt of betraying his best friend, as he knows Charlie reckons Chris as the girl of his dreams, and when the truth finally comes out, Joe’s inborn inferiority complex reaches a boiling point, moreover, let’s not forget a heartless killer is still at large (although a whodunit’s allure has seismically eclipsed by a torrid love triangle at that stage), and Fuller fabricates an analogous tie-in between the killer and Joe, which rounds off the story adequately during the annal Japanese pageant in the Little Tokyo.
A fly in the ointment is that Fuller insensitively shoves the moral ambiguity to Chris, being the one who is courted by both men, she doesn’t refuse Charlie’s advance in the first place and acquits herself as if she has no qualm of reciprocating Joe’s feelings, then, even egregiously acts oblivious of the fact that it is her deeds drive a wedge between them, and isn’t it up to her to clear the air? Of course, such action isn’t allowed in Fuller’s script. Consequently, audience will find more relish in a Bourbon-tippled Anna Lee, whose worldly counsel including“Love does much, but Bourbon does everything!”.
A Golden Globe-winning Shigeta seizes upon this rare opportunity vested by thisgroundbreaking treatment of racial minority and the lingering, deleterious fallout of WWII afflicting on the next generation, thus, breaks the glass ceiling as an Asian leading actor, with his palpitating affection and disarming demeanor, in Fuller’s off-the-radar metteur en scène.
3.5; Standard film-noir, sophisticated portrayal of interracial couples and reverse racism
开篇还以为是个钱德勒式的谋杀推理故事,没想到是个三角感情剧里插入了凶杀案,差点以为最后都不破案了(大雾…(多给一颗星,因为繁田太帅了(感谢拖延症字幕组提供资源 @2019-10-27 17:45:51
☆:3.5-4 意外地非常耳目一新!倒不是因为对东方元素堆砌般的展示,而是情节的“失焦”反而容许了探索的自由度-在本片中是情感与身份-脱离了制片厂范式的“随心所欲”。特写与恋人絮语的呢喃一段非常打动人(繁田太帅了
Fuller在50年代就有至少两部关于亚洲人的电影,这是第二部:本片日裔主角警探阳性十足、无任何被阉割感,他进入跨种族爱情的惆怅也被真实描述,并跟白人女性有银幕接吻(连成龙、李连杰这些在好莱坞混的好的亚洲人都没有出现过),片子深入地讨论了亚裔男性的处境;此外,他和其他亚裔(除老人外)都说的地地道道的英语、没有被迫使用口音……白人导演Fuller拍出的亚裔主题电影放在今时今日也还是超前的,不知算不算是一种另类的悲哀。 /////// 取景都是洛杉矶实地:这座城市虽然是电影基地,但以真实面目频繁呈现在银幕上其实很晚,在50年代这么拍是很罕见的,从这个意义上看本片也是超前的。
« Crimson Kimono est l'un des deux ou trois plus beaux films de Fuller. Un film inclassable. Cet ancêtre de Godard n'en est alors pas à son premier film mais à son treizième. » (Jean-Claude Biette)
Tasteful dialogues on race and interracial relationships
人家在那时候就勇敢的这种环境下讨论asian-american 的种族女权问题了调调的。