热播电视剧最新电影男身女身放学后再推理死亡电梯母亲与疯子们天堂日落铁胆雄风(国语版)风流小站脆弱不就这样-拉黑她西风烈2004无所畏惧的女孩85年盛夏同谋 同謀母亲的女友重口味绝世娇妃巅峰拍档第十七季自由意志杨成武强攻东团堡覆面D桃色交易1993武则天1963赤裸女特工3太阳的后裔抢来的新娘公羊几天内刷完了四季,唯一的问题是:在父母都是金发的同时,全家除了盖比都是金发,怎么没人怀疑过盖比到底是不是亲生的,他可是黑发!老实说,看他们生第五个的时候甚至有点生气,为什么还要一个孩子,明显带不动,而且里面的妈妈真的,太专注自我了,总想表现自己而不是真的关心孩子,太表演型人格了,这对孩子来说不太公平。
(╥╯﹏╰╥)ง 舍不得 希望妈妈成为最受欢迎的主持人 希望爸爸能够治倒所有的虫子 希望pj小天使的餐车红红火火 希望Teddy的大学生活多姿多彩 希望gabe永远那么鬼马 希望查莉永远那么可爱 希望toby与邻居太太相爱相杀 希望Spencer和Teddy长长久久 希望emmett能够找到所爱 希望艾米和她的父母永远欢乐 希望 多年以后 他们还是在一起
The first time I watched Good Luck Charlie when I was Junior One. My English teacher usually played the drama during the rest time. We watched the whole Season 4 in a term. This is a pretty good American drama, leaving a really deep impression on me.
I just briefly introduce the characters in the play.
Smart, positive and optimistic, caring for othersas she is, Teddy is the heroine of this drama. But sometimes shewill bring troubles to others. 15 years old, she is the second child in the family, relatively responsible at home. Every day, sheusesDV to keep a growing diary for herlittle sister Charlie as her advice on her growing up. The mantra is "good luck Charlie" at the end of each episode.
PJ is the eldest sonand very concerned about his brother and sister. Clumsy and simple, but sometimes he is witty and brave. He form a band with hisfriend Emmett and dreamsof becoming a famous singer. After the third season, he showed amazing culinary talent, so he dropped out of college and went to culinary school to study. After graduation, he started a fast-food truck selling excellent sandwiches.
Gabriel, everyone called him "Gabe", 10 years old, is the thirdchildin the family. At first, hedidn't like hissister Charlie very much, but gradually he changed hismind. hedoesn't like learning, but sometimes he isserious. He is a member of the basketball team at school.
Charlie, everyone called her "Charlie". Although the fourth in the family was a baby, she was smiling almost all the time. She didn't cry. She just lost her temper occasionally because of some littlethings. Twobrothers and sisters in the process of taking care of Charlie triggered a series of funny events.
Mom, a hospital nurse, is a strong, responsible and humorous woman, loving herfamily and doingeverything for them. In the familysheoften bring happiness to the family, and many times in the children's emotional discomfort for them. The relationship with Karen, the superior of the hospital, was not particularly good.
Dad, Amy's husband, has a deinsectizationcompany, and has a great love for exterminating insects. He always takegood care of the children. He is fans of science fiction series. Helike s eating and watching animation very much. He is the coach of Gaby's basketball team. He has practiced ballet and danced well in square dance.
The plot is very attractive and worth recommending.
(╥╯﹏╰╥)ง 舍不得 希望妈妈成为最受欢迎的主持人 希望爸爸能够治倒所有的虫子 希望pj小天使的餐车红红火火 希望Teddy的大学生活多姿多彩 希望gabe永远那么鬼马 希望查莉永远那么可爱 希望toby与邻居太太相爱相杀 希望Spencer和Teddy长长久久 希望emmett能够找到所爱 希望艾米和她的父母永远欢乐 希望 多年以后 他们还是在一起
the jig is up 把戏被拆穿了;完蛋了
slack 松弛的;敷衍的;清淡的
gene pool 基因库
catchphrase 警语;标语
⚠️impact 撞击;巨大影响
main drag 要道
catnap 瞌睡
bedhead 床头板
make a fuss 大惊小怪;吵吵闹闹
the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree 有其父必有其子
crab apple 野苹果
hash sth. out 解决某事
under-performing 表现欠佳
curb appeal 外观吸引力
goon 呆子;受雇暴徒
mope 忧郁(mop 拖把)
work like a charm 有奇效
nice touch 妙招;好品味;好行为
goes around comes around 因果循环
drill 钻;训练
patrol 巡逻
crack me up 使我发笑
get a rise out of 招惹;使有反应
tick of 生气;用记号标出
reckon 计算
tyke 劣犬;小孩子
⚠️wit 机智的;说话风趣的
big cheese 大人物
bow out 退出;辞职
⚠️layer 层;层次
zap 糟了
an awful lot 相当多
drop the ball 犯错
falling out 争吵
monkeyshine 胡闹
poppycock 废话
balderdash 胡言乱语
每部剧都有结尾 每个人的人生都伴随别离 曾经那些我以为还能再遇到的人也没有机会再见 身边路过的都是陌生人 也许成长就是这样吧 但希望心里可以一直住着一个孩子 慢慢的一切都会来的 Good luck maggie Ps:希望有下一季 希望T&S现实中也能复合 毕竟真的爱过
超喜欢shane harper!!帅!
感受到了每位演员特别是女主对一部拍了四季的家庭剧的倦意。但Ivy和T分别那也是哭出了声,从一开始看成长剧的时候就要做好物是人非的准备。Teddy去耶鲁,PJ有了工作,妈妈实现了主持梦想,连最爱的Gabe居然也长大了,和Dabney握手言和… 最后一集大团圆,成长让一切都不一样了。
Hey, Charlie~高中的时候英语老师为了调节课堂气氛课间或者上课前十分钟会让我们看一会儿就这样断断续续竟然把三季都看完了第四季没看完,我们就高考了……很美好很搞笑是那时少有的轻松时刻❤️Goodbye~CharlieP.J.TeddyGabe
评分这么高。。。。。。妈妈这个人设 越来越自私了 就像老友记里的Joey,也是越来越蠢哈哈
good luck Charlie ,good bye Charlie。 my gebe 。 see you .
我真的太爱这部迪士尼的喜剧了。播了四季完结了。迪士尼众多少儿剧中这个算是不那么闹腾不怎么唱歌的。喜欢teddy,teddy男友也是现实男友,PJ。不愿意说再见。看这剧能提高口语。真的。Good luck teddy.
最后一集……应该是完结了吧 追了那么久 有点遗憾 见证每个演员尤其是孩子们的成长 gabe小时候也是萌萌哒 都变成男子汉了 查莉一开始还不会说话呢 后来也可以说很多台词了
全剧终了。。哭。 舍不得啊,超爱这一家的,gabe这季好有男子汉风范,泰迪瘦了更漂亮了。。goodbye charlie
看了第四季前两集,哈哈,charlie会说好多话了噢,真是可爱。Teddy一定会和Spencer再在一起的T0T 一定要等啊~~
看了四年终于全部看完了,蛮喜欢这个剧的,可能是最近看了太多关于时间的东西,结尾又都是送自己孩子去上学,所以这部剧的最后一集同样戳中我的泪点,原来每个人都要长大的:P.J有了自己的事业,Teddy去了耶鲁,Gabe不再整蛊……希望迪士尼还可以推出电视电影,so,good luck Charlie。
Still my favourate of all time
Thanks for the company during my last few days in America, such a lovely and sweet show:)