楼上,楼下 第四季






楼上,楼下 第四季美剧免费高清在线观看全集。

  It's October 1914 and the war is not going well. The Germans are smashing through Belgium and the allies are in retreat. Hazel Bellamy is on a committee with Lady Prudence Fairfax to find temporary homes for the 5000 or more Belgian refugees that have come to Britain. Feeling an obligation to set an example, Hazel agrees to take in a family and expecting an aristocratic family of 3, receives an extended family of 5 peasant farmers who speak no English. They take residence in the servants' quarters but with the language barrier, it all proves to be a bit much for both sides. The servants find the refugees odd in their tastes and their refusal to take a bath in particular offends them. Rescue of a sort comes from Georgina who returns from a weekend away and having been schooled in Switzerland, is a fluent French speaker. The refugees tell her their horrific tale of death and terror at the hands of the invading Germans creating a greater understanding and a degree of empathy from the ... Written by garykmcd

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