Bulletproof follows two meijubar.net cops, Bishop and Pike, as they chase down hardened criminals in London's East End. On the surface Bishop and Pike have a lot in common they are cool, smart, unapologetically street-wise and tough; they share a deep, fraternal relationship - and are always there for each other. However, they come from very different backgrounds and their personal motivations and emotional lives outside the police force differ as a result: Pike is an aspirational family man, the son of a decorated police officer who's determined to follow in his father's footsteps, but not be in his shadow. Bishop grew up in care homes and on the streets, and never knew his father. Despite these differences Bishop and Pike are bonded by the same moral code and work brilliantly well together even when the chemistry between them looks set to explode.
热播电视剧最新电影美国之旅2处刑警察雌雄大盗1967英语荒野救援林登·约翰逊 LBJ猎鹰1949今天也很抱歉太阳照常升起天师归来石头不会忘记大江大河(TV版)企鹅2020真相大白(国语版)寡妇胜过与坏人为伍外科医生:生命边缘第二季百万英镑英语高度戒备长命百岁:蓝色宝地的奥秘第一季红色小提琴飞女正传明智小五郎美女系列15:镜地狱的美女东京食尸鬼真人版2我是MC格拉斯哥六四年绑架案与Bono & The Edge面对面: 大卫·莱特曼回归都柏林盾牌 第四季The Movie
如果有第三季 再看我就是狗