Famed rock and roll guitarist Johnny Thunders arrives in New Orleans to get his life together after a toll of hardships, but instead falls into a dark journey and trail of events that are based on his real life unexplained mysterious death.
热播电视剧最新电影班长大人喜鹊谋杀案第一季千金傲游记侠盗魅影普通的乔相拥一家亲甜心宝贝2018你也可以是天使一往无前埋葬2023米果的秋天铠甲勇士猎铠之神脑危机活跳尸秋山夜谭古剑奇谭婉通夫人住在我家的男人候爱·青春波士顿法律 第四季解忧之父子除魔尤利圣诞来信2024软男与铁妹子致命的瑜伽还有明天一部让人产生不适感的电影:是致幻药物的神经错乱,生理疾病的虚弱恍惚,还是另有他人作祟,在 37号房间发生的一切到底是真实还是幻觉,直到最后二十分钟才揭晓。电影题材阴郁迷幻,有些许《机械师》的影子,男主角扮相很哥特化,神似李小龙儿子李国豪在他的遗作《乌鸦》里的造型,把这个精神错乱的摇滚乐手演绎的入木三分,无论是逼真的呕吐表演,还是时刻虚弱而冷汗满脸的惶恐状态。在医院停尸房里三次环顾的那一幕,没有刻意的jump scare,恐惧感营造的恰到好处,毛骨悚然的感觉瞬间就溢出了屏幕。
An outstanding ad for drug-quitting. There is only pure pain the drug-abusing produces and it's surely no fun as it's supposed to be. It's hard to watch this biography holding a clam, outside-observing, indifferent attitude. Cuz as the audience, I have already known that this accident was a well-organized loop intending to strip Thunders' money off, also his mathadone supply. And all the personages presented in the film, the butler and the maid of the hotel, the receptionist in the hospital, the mother-fucking dealer, they showed a cold face to Thunders' struggling, and were unconscious or unwilling to throw a rope to the poor drowning guy in his abyss. Just like the scripts screenwriter summarized and performed by the actor: this ride comes at a price, and billy (the drummer of NY Dolls died in 1971 by OD) bought himself an one-way ticket that he never came back. He came to warn me, but now is my turn. You would get no respect till death. Keep away from the drugs, cuz YOLO.
没看懂 我愚钝~~ 只是觉得开头的风格我很喜欢
是个悬疑烂片 跟偶像没啥关系🤓
Johnny Thunders值得纪念,值得怀念,值得大书特书,但是把他生前最后时光翻拍成恐怖悬疑片就有点过了。。。
1)https://shilfa.com/unitedkingdom/father-writes-his-own-heartbreaking-obituary-to-warn-others-about-smoking/ ………… 2)https://www.gvm.com.tw/article.html?id=55987 …………………… 3)https://www.gvm.com.tw/article.html?id=60743 甘吝那布炒基掰脑瘫犯贱,愚蠢到臭菸毒品放入口,菸草等同毒品,可笑全球禁毒不禁菸,希冀菸在世界上销声匿迹!!己所不欲,无施于人,自食其果,终将泯灭!(KARMA)菸不离手暴毙不稀奇…………
还原挺神似,除born to lose尬对口型。没人想死成一部劣恐吧,心疼Johnny
一部让人产生不适感的电影:是致幻药物的神经错乱,生理疾病的虚弱恍惚,还是另有他人作祟,在 37号房间发生的一切到底是真实还是幻觉,直到最后二十分钟才揭晓。电影题材阴郁迷幻,有些许《机械师》的影子,男主角扮相很哥特化,神似李小龙儿子李国豪在他的遗作《乌鸦》里的造型,把这个精神错乱的摇滚乐手演绎的入木三分,无论是逼真的呕吐表演,还是时刻虚弱而冷汗满脸的惶恐状态。在医院停尸房里三次环顾的那一幕,没有刻意的jump scare,恐惧感营造的恰到好处,毛骨悚然的感觉瞬间就溢出了屏幕。
Room 37: The Mysterious Death of Johnny