• 电影
  • 电视剧
  • 美剧
  • 韩剧













主演:加布里埃尔·伯恩,米拉·索维诺,欧嘉·苏图洛娃,亚历山大·拜尔,亚历山大·阿卜杜洛夫,弗拉基米尔·伊林,朱利亚·鲁特伯格,米克哈尔·弗里蒙弗,Mikhail Trukhin,叶甫根尼·希迪金



列宁格勒 剧照 NO.1列宁格勒 剧照 NO.2列宁格勒 剧照 NO.3列宁格勒 剧照 NO.4列宁格勒 剧照 NO.5列宁格勒 剧照 NO.6列宁格勒 剧照 NO.13列宁格勒 剧照 NO.14列宁格勒 剧照 NO.15列宁格勒 剧照 NO.16列宁格勒 剧照 NO.17列宁格勒 剧照 NO.18列宁格勒 剧照 NO.19列宁格勒 剧照 NO.20



  英国女记者凯特·戴维斯(米拉·索维诺 Mira Sorvino 饰)在前线采访时,与她的爱人美国记者菲利普·帕克(加布里埃尔·伯恩 Gabriel Byrne 饰)失散,被困列宁格勒。孤立无援的凯特幸得列宁格勒义勇军女警妮娜(欧嘉·苏图洛娃 Olga Sutulova 饰)的帮助与庇护。两人坚守在冰天雪地的战火之中,与饱受饥饿折磨的苏联军民一起,为生存而战。

热播电视剧最新电影杨乃武与小白菜1962阿穆的生存之道 第二季华丽的假期先生贵姓敌营十八年2008当家的女人凯萨里哥,你好大地与阴影让人生变得轻松的幸福法则母大虫顾大嫂罗马帝国荒淫史木兰从军1939我的老婆失忆了第一季明智小五郎美女系列15:镜地狱的美女咒语笑拳怪招粤语欢乐一家亲第七季抱紧他婚礼1973火箭人十三个原因:幕后故事本尼迪特天才秘社 第二季彭德卡·阿旺:达拉·因德拉·加贾我不讲理吗?


 1 ) 阿基和贾爷,一样和不一样的酷






 《地球之夜》讲述地球上五个城市在夜晚开出租车的人的故事。最后一个故事,地点在赫尔辛基,人物是清一色的蓝领,失业而一蹶不振的男人,家庭的温情与不幸,加上阿基的御用男主角,活脱脱就像阿基的片子。 可是最后,失业者的两个铁哥们儿都下了车,没人付车费也没人搀走一醉不醒的失业者。当观众担心他会不会没钱付车费会不会赖账时,他却很干脆地付完账下车。天刚蒙蒙亮,他一个人抱着膝盖坐在冰冷的雪地上,孤单无助地等待太阳升起。这结局分明带着贾爷的酷。

 2 ) 这是一个有态度的家族。





在牢房,他们利用酒瓶罐制造了五天颇有节奏的打击乐。最后带着耳机抵制这种噪音的狱警也无奈,看着他们出狱的背影说,“never come back!”




 3 ) 对热爱以外的事物保持一定的木讷






 4 ) #

阿基·考里斯马基多数作品关注底层人的生存状态,对消费主义、文化霸权等现象持坚定的批判态度。字里行间流露出夺目的人道主义光辉。风格冷峻,善用反讽、形式极简,标志性的“呆照风格”营造出疏离凝滞的电影效果。 这部荒诞、幽默、深刻的作品,虽然与多数他的现实主义作品风格上有所区别,但其核心部分却是一致的。《列宁格勒牛仔征美记》用一则极富戏谑意味的故事,解构了权力结构的建立与演进,更是对当时苏联现实的揶揄。这部电影还是对“集体与个体关系确立”的一则寓言,秃头年轻人缺乏某种形象上的特征而被某一集体拒之门外,一种维系亲近性的关键性因素便露出了真容。集体的凝聚力并不是建立于人性的、天然的本能,甚至不受血缘因素的影响,它是被规定、被意识形态化的结果。但我们只是把这部电影当作一则激烈的“ZZ声明”的话,那是对它内容丰富性的无视。 在这部作品中,与尖锐伴生的是温情,秃头年轻人最终是用爱和热忱唤醒了同伴们的良知,他们更是在一个乌有之乡式的地方摆脱了控制与自我控制,并在音乐这一层面上寻求到了认可。这种乌托邦式的幻想是对冷酷现实的批判,更是对人类困境的超越。 《列宁格勒牛仔征美记》完成了对公路片这一经典类型的戏仿与解构,现实旅途是一则文明演进寓言,也对应着心灵的蜕变。这部只有78分钟的电影野心是惊人的,他用身体的造型、精妙的视觉场面设计制造喜剧感,摈弃多余的场景和语言,用悲喜剧的方式展现现实的荒诞冷暖,并借用这些手段把作品引入崇高的境界。这种电影样貌和精神发源于卓别林,考里斯马基的作品从形式到内容,都是我们这个时代所稀缺的,是必将在电影史上留下浓墨重彩的一个篇章的。

 5 ) 列宁格勒牛仔征美记 英文字幕+粗略翻译



1 00:00:00,818 --> 00:00:03,582 [Wind Whistling]


2 00:00:27,077 --> 00:00:28,977 [ Wind Continues Whistling]

[风声] 3 00:00:46,396 --> 00:00:48,694 [ Engine Whirring ]


4 00:01:00,277 --> 00:01:03,405 %% [ Russian Folk] 俄罗斯民歌

5 00:01:06,950 --> 00:01:08,850 %% [ Continues ] 6 00:01:13,857 --> 00:01:18,351 %% [ Singing In Foreign Language ] 7 00:01:47,925 --> 00:01:50,587 %% [ Vocalizing ] 8 00:02:02,439 --> 00:02:03,770 %% [ Ends ] 9 00:02:14,384 --> 00:02:16,113 [ In Finnish ] Crap. 垃圾

10 00:02:17,087 --> 00:02:18,577 Why's that?

为什么? 11 00:02:18,689 --> 00:02:21,089 No commercial potential. 没有商业潜力

12 00:02:29,733 --> 00:02:33,328 Go to America. They'll buy anything.

去美国吧。美国人对什么都买账。 13 00:02:37,140 --> 00:02:41,167 Call my cousin. Hotel Mansfield, Manhattan.


曼哈顿曼斯菲尔德酒店。 14 00:02:50,053 --> 00:02:51,611 [ In English ] Yes? 嗯?

15 00:02:51,722 --> 00:02:54,919 Yes, it's a great, great band. 是的,是一个特别好的乐队。

16 00:02:55,025 --> 00:02:57,516 Yes. One of the best.

是的。最好的乐队之一。 17 00:02:57,627 --> 00:03:01,961 Yes. Sure. All are - are American boys. Sure.

是的。当然。他们都是美国男孩。 18 00:03:02,933 --> 00:03:07,199 Only the name is Leningrad Cowboys. Da, I mean yes. 只有名字是“列宁格勒牛仔”。是的。

19 00:03:07,304 --> 00:03:08,566 Yes.

是的。 20 00:03:09,473 --> 00:03:12,499 Can't hear you. It's a long distance.

听不清了!这是长途电话。 21 00:03:13,677 --> 00:03:16,908 All right. All right. I'll bring them to you. 22 00:03:17,014 --> 00:03:19,073 Yes. Thank you. 23 00:03:19,182 --> 00:03:20,911 Thank you. 24 00:03:21,018 --> 00:03:22,542 Thank you. 25 00:03:22,652 --> 00:03:23,778 Bye-bye. 26 00:03:56,386 --> 00:03:58,411 [ Honking ] 27 00:04:24,714 --> 00:04:29,208 % Oh, my baby % 28 00:04:29,319 --> 00:04:33,756 % My curly-headed baby % 29 00:04:34,357 --> 00:04:38,191 %% [ Vocalizing ] 30 00:04:39,062 --> 00:04:40,757 [ Baby Cooing ] 31 00:05:03,220 --> 00:05:05,745 [ Clock Ticking ] 32 00:05:12,963 --> 00:05:14,089 [ Growls ] 33 00:05:18,502 --> 00:05:21,266 [ In Finnish ] Pekka stayed up to rehearse alone. 34 00:05:22,639 --> 00:05:25,506 There was nothing we could do in the morning. 35 00:05:28,612 --> 00:05:31,672 I understand. Frozen stiff. 36 00:05:32,883 --> 00:05:35,408 And you want a finder's fee. 37 00:05:35,519 --> 00:05:36,486 Yes. 38 00:05:38,321 --> 00:05:40,983 We have to get to America. 39 00:05:41,758 --> 00:05:47,355 Grandpa went there too, and hasn't been heard from since. 40 00:05:55,172 --> 00:05:57,436 I'll pay for the trip. 41 00:05:57,541 --> 00:06:02,274 You'll take the corpse with you and show the boy the world. 42 00:06:05,448 --> 00:06:09,475 [ Baby Coos, Cries ] 43 00:06:10,754 --> 00:06:13,222 [ In English ] Hudson River up and down. 44 00:06:13,323 --> 00:06:15,382 [ Rooster Crows ] 45 00:06:25,769 --> 00:06:28,738 %% [ Accordion ] 46 00:06:34,744 --> 00:06:37,304 %% [ Continues: Russian Folk] 47 00:07:08,445 --> 00:07:09,912 [ In Finnish ] You're not coming. 48 00:07:26,529 --> 00:07:28,656 - [ Groans ] - [ Blows Landing ] 49 00:07:33,169 --> 00:07:35,569 %% [ Accordion: Russian Folk] 50 00:07:43,380 --> 00:07:46,645 [ Airplane Passing Overhead ] 51 00:08:00,530 --> 00:08:01,997 [ Clears Throat ] 52 00:08:04,601 --> 00:08:07,365 A few words before we leave. 53 00:08:08,571 --> 00:08:12,530 Only American orchestras are allowed to play in America. 54 00:08:13,510 --> 00:08:15,410 You're now one of them. 55 00:08:16,913 --> 00:08:19,814 In America, they speak English. 56 00:08:19,916 --> 00:08:21,747 English. 57 00:08:22,819 --> 00:08:24,650 So will you. 58 00:08:24,754 --> 00:08:29,214 Those who can't will have to learn. 59 00:08:30,026 --> 00:08:31,755 [ In English ] That's all. 60 00:08:40,370 --> 00:08:43,498 259. 260. 61 00:08:44,607 --> 00:08:48,509 261. 262. 62 00:08:48,611 --> 00:08:51,239 263. 264. 63 00:08:51,348 --> 00:08:53,077 You see the girl. 64 00:08:53,183 --> 00:08:54,844 - Her ball is blue. - 265. 65 00:08:54,951 --> 00:08:56,816 The gym is yellow. 66 00:08:57,520 --> 00:08:58,987 [ Pronouncing Badly] Hammer. 67 00:08:59,089 --> 00:09:01,023 Hammer. Hamm - 68 00:09:01,124 --> 00:09:02,853 Hang - 69 00:09:04,094 --> 00:09:05,220 Hello - 70 00:09:06,196 --> 00:09:07,823 [ In Finnish ] I'm too tired. 71 00:09:08,631 --> 00:09:11,361 Success has gone to Vladimir's head. 72 00:09:11,468 --> 00:09:12,662 Without us - 73 00:09:13,303 --> 00:09:15,567 Shut up. Spinglish! 74 00:09:15,672 --> 00:09:18,004 [ In English ] I mean, speak English. 75 00:09:18,108 --> 00:09:19,575 Otherwise - 76 00:09:25,181 --> 00:09:30,084 How many dollars cost for getting that couch? 77 00:09:30,687 --> 00:09:33,451 I don't have the slightest idea. 78 00:09:33,556 --> 00:09:37,549 - How many dollars - - Cow - Cowboy. 79 00:09:38,962 --> 00:09:40,657 Cover. 80 00:09:40,764 --> 00:09:42,664 Cowherd. 81 00:09:44,033 --> 00:09:46,024 Do you miss home? 82 00:09:47,036 --> 00:09:48,594 Not really. 83 00:09:49,639 --> 00:09:50,867 I do. 84 00:09:50,974 --> 00:09:53,033 [ Siren Wailing] 85 00:09:53,143 --> 00:09:56,806 %%[Jazz] 86 00:10:10,160 --> 00:10:14,256 [ Engine Whirring ] 87 00:11:03,847 --> 00:11:05,747 Wait in the bar. 88 00:11:06,749 --> 00:11:08,444 Here's a quarter for you. 89 00:11:09,118 --> 00:11:11,086 But don't drink it all. 90 00:11:17,360 --> 00:11:19,294 You wait here. 91 00:11:44,988 --> 00:11:47,081 [ Toilet Flushes ] 92 00:11:51,227 --> 00:11:53,058 Do you mind? 93 00:11:53,162 --> 00:11:54,629 Yes. 94 00:12:14,651 --> 00:12:16,949 I've got some good ideas for your band. 95 00:12:24,127 --> 00:12:26,357 Maybe we could start with Madison Square Garden. 96 00:12:28,998 --> 00:12:30,659 Or Yankee Stadium. 97 00:12:33,436 --> 00:12:34,562 Good. 98 00:12:39,108 --> 00:12:40,735 Anyway... 99 00:12:40,843 --> 00:12:43,209 before I can book your band, I gotta hear 'em play. 100 00:12:45,315 --> 00:12:48,648 Maybe they could set up in my studio downstairs. 101 00:12:52,055 --> 00:12:53,955 Is that necessary? 102 00:12:55,992 --> 00:12:57,152 Yes. 103 00:13:00,730 --> 00:13:03,426 - You can't help it? - No. 104 00:13:08,304 --> 00:13:09,771 All right. 105 00:13:10,907 --> 00:13:13,398 %% [ Russian Folk] 106 00:14:23,079 --> 00:14:24,546 %% [ Ends ] 107 00:14:30,453 --> 00:14:32,387 Do you know Mexico? 108 00:14:33,222 --> 00:14:34,655 Sure. 109 00:14:34,757 --> 00:14:36,224 Go there. 110 00:14:36,959 --> 00:14:39,223 My cousin's getting married. 111 00:14:39,328 --> 00:14:41,262 Needs a band for his wedding. 112 00:14:53,776 --> 00:14:55,607 Here's the address. 113 00:14:59,482 --> 00:15:01,950 Could you pay something now? 114 00:15:02,919 --> 00:15:04,386 Sure. 115 00:15:07,390 --> 00:15:10,826 Here's a dime. And you can sleep here one night. 116 00:15:13,062 --> 00:15:14,461 Thank you. 117 00:15:14,564 --> 00:15:16,691 Your music will go over big down there. 118 00:15:17,934 --> 00:15:20,164 Here we have something different. 119 00:15:20,269 --> 00:15:22,203 It's called rock and roll. 120 00:16:15,458 --> 00:16:18,188 I wonder when the violence starts. 121 00:16:22,565 --> 00:16:25,432 You always get murdered when you go to New York. 122 00:16:33,910 --> 00:16:36,071 I've seen it on television. 123 00:16:36,179 --> 00:16:39,171 [ Siren Wailing In Distance ] 124 00:16:46,589 --> 00:16:48,784 [ Siren Continues ] 125 00:16:54,163 --> 00:16:55,653 [ Siren Fades ] 126 00:16:56,999 --> 00:16:59,331 %%[Jazz] 127 00:17:04,774 --> 00:17:06,833 Do you have rock and roll? 128 00:17:06,943 --> 00:17:08,035 Of course. 129 00:17:08,144 --> 00:17:10,669 - Can I buy it? - Sure. Help yourself. 130 00:17:38,507 --> 00:17:41,340 Have you ever heard of rock and roll? 131 00:17:49,785 --> 00:17:51,480 Study this book. 132 00:18:14,277 --> 00:18:16,507 [ Air Hissing ] 133 00:18:18,948 --> 00:18:20,916 This here? 134 00:18:21,017 --> 00:18:23,747 I don't think you want this. This is Japanese junk here. 135 00:18:23,853 --> 00:18:26,378 You want an American car. Take a look at this here. 136 00:18:26,489 --> 00:18:27,956 This is a checker. 137 00:18:28,057 --> 00:18:31,220 Needs a little bodywork. It ain't a beauty, but, uh... 138 00:18:31,327 --> 00:18:33,158 take a look at that engine there. 139 00:18:33,262 --> 00:18:35,628 That is solid. That's an American engine. That's a V-8 - 140 00:18:35,731 --> 00:18:37,460 - Oh. Sorry. - It's all right. 141 00:18:37,566 --> 00:18:41,093 With a V-8 engine, this baby'll run. You can drive her away right now. 142 00:18:41,737 --> 00:18:43,534 Well - 143 00:18:43,639 --> 00:18:45,368 I don't know. 144 00:18:46,008 --> 00:18:47,703 What about that? 145 00:18:47,810 --> 00:18:49,801 - That over there? - Yeah. 146 00:18:49,912 --> 00:18:54,042 I thought you guys wanted a cheap ride. That's a luxury car. That's the best thing I got. 147 00:18:54,150 --> 00:18:57,278 That's got power steering, power brakes, cruise control. 148 00:18:57,386 --> 00:19:00,048 It's got a 448, four-barrel, V-8 engine. 149 00:19:00,156 --> 00:19:03,751 That's a luxury car. You could drive that car through World War III and come back again. 150 00:19:03,859 --> 00:19:05,417 You know what I mean? 151 00:19:05,528 --> 00:19:08,088 - That's a good car. - How much? 152 00:19:08,931 --> 00:19:10,626 For you guys? 153 00:19:10,733 --> 00:19:12,462 Ah, 700. 154 00:19:13,469 --> 00:19:15,403 That's all we have. 155 00:19:15,504 --> 00:19:17,199 I know. That's why. 156 00:19:18,107 --> 00:19:20,007 Take it or leave it. 157 00:19:22,078 --> 00:19:23,705 We'll take it. 158 00:19:36,792 --> 00:19:39,693 Boy, I'll tell you something. You boys got the best car in the lot here. 159 00:19:39,795 --> 00:19:42,025 I could have got two, three grand for a car like this. 160 00:19:42,131 --> 00:19:44,361 Hey, I hope one of you guys has a pilot's license. 161 00:19:44,467 --> 00:19:46,697 I mean, a car like this - you don't drive it, you fly it. 162 00:19:46,802 --> 00:19:48,827 You could take this car to the moon and back. 163 00:19:48,938 --> 00:19:50,633 Quarter-inch steel, brand-new tires. 164 00:19:50,740 --> 00:19:54,403 That's a beauty. You know what I say? Cadillac equals luxury. 165 00:19:54,510 --> 00:19:56,239 - Let's go. - What about us? 166 00:20:00,483 --> 00:20:01,575 [ Clicks ] 167 00:20:55,538 --> 00:20:58,006 [ Motorcycle Engines Revving] 168 00:21:12,021 --> 00:21:13,716 We'll try that one. 169 00:21:28,671 --> 00:21:30,002 Hello. 170 00:21:30,673 --> 00:21:31,765 Hi. 171 00:21:35,377 --> 00:21:37,470 We are rock-and-roll band. 172 00:21:38,614 --> 00:21:40,309 Can we play here? 173 00:21:43,819 --> 00:21:45,753 Sure. Help yourself. 174 00:21:47,656 --> 00:21:49,556 Fifty-fifty. 175 00:21:50,192 --> 00:21:51,659 Okay. 176 00:21:56,165 --> 00:21:58,929 %% [ Rockabilly ] 177 00:22:00,302 --> 00:22:02,998 %% [ Vocalizing ] 178 00:22:08,277 --> 00:22:10,370 % Rock and roll is here to stay % 179 00:22:10,479 --> 00:22:12,413 % It will never die % 180 00:22:12,515 --> 00:22:16,474 %That was meant to be that way No, I don't know why % 181 00:22:16,585 --> 00:22:20,351 %Well, I don't know what people say Rock and roll is here to stay % 182 00:22:20,456 --> 00:22:24,688 %We don't care what people say Rock and roll is here to stay % 183 00:22:24,793 --> 00:22:28,729 % Rock and roll will always be our ticket to the end % 184 00:22:28,831 --> 00:22:32,699 % It'll go down in history Just you wait, my friend % 185 00:22:32,801 --> 00:22:36,794 % Rock and roll will always be It'll go down in history % 186 00:22:36,906 --> 00:22:40,899 % Rock and roll will always be It'll go down in history % 187 00:22:41,010 --> 00:22:42,944 % Everybody rock % 188 00:22:43,045 --> 00:22:45,070 % Everybody rock % 189 00:22:45,181 --> 00:22:46,944 % Everybody rock % 190 00:22:47,049 --> 00:22:48,949 % Everybody rock % 191 00:22:49,051 --> 00:22:51,110 % Rock % 192 00:22:51,220 --> 00:22:53,085 % Everybody rock % 193 00:22:53,189 --> 00:22:57,091 % Everybody rock and roll Our ticket to the end % 194 00:22:57,193 --> 00:23:01,220 % It'll go down in history Just you wait, my friend % 195 00:23:01,330 --> 00:23:05,323 % Rock and roll will always be It'll go down in history % 196 00:23:05,434 --> 00:23:09,461 % If you don't like rock and roll think what you've been missing % 197 00:23:09,572 --> 00:23:13,565 % But if you want to bop and stroll come on down and listen % 198 00:23:13,676 --> 00:23:17,806 % Let's all start to have a party Everybody rock and roll % 199 00:23:17,913 --> 00:23:21,747 % If you don't like rock and roll think what you've been missing % 200 00:23:21,850 --> 00:23:25,946 % But if you like to bop and stroll come on down and listen % 201 00:23:26,055 --> 00:23:30,116 % Let's all start to have a party Everybody rock and roll % 202 00:23:30,226 --> 00:23:32,160 % Rock % 203 00:23:32,261 --> 00:23:33,489 % Rock % 204 00:23:33,596 --> 00:23:35,655 % Oh, baby, rock % 205 00:23:35,764 --> 00:23:37,789 % Oh, baby, rock % 206 00:23:37,900 --> 00:23:39,595 % Oh, baby, rock %% 207 00:23:42,638 --> 00:23:45,607 [ Scattered Applause ] 208 00:23:45,708 --> 00:23:47,300 %% [ Blows Note ] 209 00:23:53,582 --> 00:23:55,482 %% [ Blows Note ] 210 00:23:55,584 --> 00:23:57,074 [ Coin Clinks ] 211 00:23:57,953 --> 00:24:00,217 %% [ Glissando ] 212 00:24:01,257 --> 00:24:03,191 [ Coins Clink] 213 00:24:18,907 --> 00:24:22,365 - Yes, sir? - Can I have a doggie bag, please? 214 00:24:22,478 --> 00:24:24,207 - Yes, sir. - Thank you. 215 00:25:10,893 --> 00:25:13,521 [ Stomach Growling ] 216 00:25:23,472 --> 00:25:25,235 [Ship Horn Blowing] 217 00:25:29,545 --> 00:25:31,240 %% [ Banjo ] 218 00:25:31,347 --> 00:25:35,249 %Waste all they earnings % 219 00:25:35,351 --> 00:25:38,752 % On games they're not sure of % 220 00:25:39,555 --> 00:25:43,548 % If only they could see % 221 00:25:43,659 --> 00:25:47,425 %What I feel for you % 222 00:25:48,030 --> 00:25:51,261 % A true love of giving % 223 00:25:51,367 --> 00:25:53,460 % And sharing % 224 00:25:53,569 --> 00:25:55,298 %With you % 225 00:25:56,939 --> 00:25:59,203 % And when they ask % 226 00:26:00,743 --> 00:26:03,644 % I will sing this to you %% 227 00:26:05,414 --> 00:26:07,939 %% [ Continues, Indistinct ] 228 00:26:15,991 --> 00:26:18,721 [ Wind Howling] 229 00:26:38,147 --> 00:26:41,082 No way. Your hair's too short. 230 00:26:41,784 --> 00:26:42,944 No. 231 00:27:02,638 --> 00:27:04,606 No. Too short. 232 00:27:06,975 --> 00:27:09,307 %%[Acoustic Guitar: Folk] 233 00:27:09,411 --> 00:27:13,177 % So love is blind % 234 00:27:13,282 --> 00:27:16,308 % I should have known % 235 00:27:18,253 --> 00:27:22,451 %Just call me lonesome % 236 00:27:22,558 --> 00:27:25,254 % From now on % 237 00:27:25,994 --> 00:27:29,452 % I climbed the stairs % 238 00:27:29,565 --> 00:27:32,898 % Up to my room % 239 00:27:34,136 --> 00:27:37,697 % But no one greets me % 240 00:27:37,806 --> 00:27:40,331 % In my gloom % 241 00:27:41,543 --> 00:27:45,070 %The silence tells me % 242 00:27:45,180 --> 00:27:48,240 % She has gone % 243 00:27:49,818 --> 00:27:54,016 %Just call me lonesome % 244 00:27:54,122 --> 00:27:57,580 - [ Sign Clattering ] - % From now on % 245 00:27:58,193 --> 00:28:04,996 % I pray my memories at last % 246 00:28:06,335 --> 00:28:12,865 % Will fade into the distant past% 247 00:28:13,408 --> 00:28:16,434 %If I must live % 248 00:28:17,246 --> 00:28:21,239 %And love alone % 249 00:28:22,217 --> 00:28:26,153 %Just call me lonesome % 250 00:28:26,755 --> 00:28:29,315 % From now on % 251 00:28:30,425 --> 00:28:34,122 % These walls will hide me % 252 00:28:34,730 --> 00:28:36,664 % When I cry % 253 00:28:38,567 --> 00:28:42,663 % I feel so lonesome % 254 00:28:42,771 --> 00:28:45,296 % I could die %% 255 00:28:46,141 --> 00:28:48,234 %% [ Fades Out ] 256 00:28:51,013 --> 00:28:54,710 %% [ Radio:Jazz ] 257 00:29:01,089 --> 00:29:03,489 I wonder where he gets al I that beer. 258 00:29:03,592 --> 00:29:05,059 Me too. 259 00:29:29,985 --> 00:29:31,953 You al I go to restroom. 260 00:29:36,325 --> 00:29:38,293 I don't have to. 261 00:29:39,261 --> 00:29:40,728 Move. 262 00:30:51,066 --> 00:30:54,058 %% [ Choir: Gospel, Faint ] 263 00:31:11,019 --> 00:31:13,283 [ Chattering ] 264 00:31:14,122 --> 00:31:16,784 %% [ Latin Rock: "Tequila" ] 265 00:31:40,916 --> 00:31:42,850 Tequila! 266 00:32:17,886 --> 00:32:19,615 - Tequila! - %% [ Ends ] 267 00:32:19,721 --> 00:32:21,586 [ Cheering ] 268 00:32:22,124 --> 00:32:24,649 [ Whistling ] 269 00:32:28,163 --> 00:32:30,723 [ Dog Barks, Growls ] 270 00:32:34,603 --> 00:32:37,731 [ Growling, Barking ] 271 00:32:44,179 --> 00:32:46,340 I think we better bury him. 272 00:32:47,048 --> 00:32:48,242 Soon. 273 00:32:48,984 --> 00:32:50,747 [ Dog Growling ] 274 00:32:50,852 --> 00:32:52,820 How come? 275 00:32:52,921 --> 00:32:54,149 Guess. 276 00:32:54,256 --> 00:32:57,521 [ Barking ] 277 00:32:59,861 --> 00:33:02,091 %% [ Funeral Dirge ] 278 00:33:51,580 --> 00:33:54,071 [ Siren Wailing ] 279 00:33:56,751 --> 00:34:00,118 [ Siren Wails ] 280 00:34:04,226 --> 00:34:05,784 [ Horn Honks ] 281 00:34:17,806 --> 00:34:21,435 Y'all keep it quiet over there. All right? Just keep it quiet. Hold it down. 282 00:34:21,543 --> 00:34:23,738 I don't want to hear none of that. 283 00:34:23,845 --> 00:34:26,541 Get your fuckin' hand out of the pocket. Get it out of the pocket. 284 00:34:26,648 --> 00:34:28,639 Get around. Stay like that. 285 00:34:33,955 --> 00:34:35,422 Hey. Hey. 286 00:34:36,057 --> 00:34:38,685 What the shit is going on here? 287 00:34:38,793 --> 00:34:40,454 This guy's frozen. 288 00:34:41,062 --> 00:34:43,792 - Where you takin' this guy? - We're going to bury him, Chuck. 289 00:34:43,899 --> 00:34:46,129 - You got a permit to do this? - No. 290 00:34:46,234 --> 00:34:48,862 - Is the body a U.S. citizen? - No. 291 00:34:48,970 --> 00:34:52,167 Well, how you know this guy's dead? I mean, he's loaded down with beer. 292 00:34:52,274 --> 00:34:54,208 You know, ice. I mean - 293 00:34:54,309 --> 00:34:57,540 You know, this is gonna cost you a few days in jail. 294 00:35:01,983 --> 00:35:04,850 %% [ All Tapping Rhythmically] 295 00:35:13,995 --> 00:35:15,895 %% [ Continues ] 296 00:35:24,839 --> 00:35:26,534 %% [ Continues ] 297 00:35:35,583 --> 00:35:37,881 %% [ Louder] 298 00:35:53,768 --> 00:35:55,258 %%[ Continues ] 299 00:35:59,975 --> 00:36:01,442 %%[ Fades ] 300 00:36:04,779 --> 00:36:06,246 And never come back. 301 00:36:15,657 --> 00:36:17,591 [ Truck Horn Honks ] 302 00:36:55,730 --> 00:36:56,958 Vladimir. 303 00:36:57,065 --> 00:36:58,396 Hmm? 304 00:36:58,500 --> 00:37:00,263 We are hungry. 305 00:37:00,368 --> 00:37:01,562 - Food. - Food. 306 00:37:01,669 --> 00:37:03,569 - Food. - Hungry. 307 00:37:03,671 --> 00:37:05,002 All right. 308 00:37:05,106 --> 00:37:08,075 Stop the car to the next supermarket. 309 00:37:10,178 --> 00:37:12,510 [ Tires Screech ] 310 00:37:30,999 --> 00:37:31,966 [ Beeps ] 311 00:37:41,843 --> 00:37:43,310 You eat. 312 00:37:44,913 --> 00:37:46,972 I go to telephone. 313 00:38:49,844 --> 00:38:53,245 [ Train Whistle Blowing ] 314 00:41:20,028 --> 00:41:21,928 [ Insects Chirping ] 315 00:41:23,998 --> 00:41:25,898 [ Water Sloshing ] 316 00:41:36,377 --> 00:41:37,901 [ Grunts ] 317 00:41:45,086 --> 00:41:46,553 [ Grunts ] 318 00:41:51,626 --> 00:41:53,423 - [ Pool Balls Clack] - %%[ Rock] 319 00:41:53,528 --> 00:41:55,723 %Well, that's all right, my mama % 320 00:41:55,830 --> 00:41:57,855 %That's all right for you % 321 00:41:57,965 --> 00:41:59,523 %That's all right, my mama % 322 00:41:59,634 --> 00:42:02,569 %Just anyway you do Well, that's all right % 323 00:42:03,504 --> 00:42:05,495 %Well, that's all right % 324 00:42:05,606 --> 00:42:08,666 %That's all right, my mama % 325 00:42:08,776 --> 00:42:11,267 % Anyway you do % 326 00:42:14,649 --> 00:42:16,879 %Well, mama, she done told me % 327 00:42:16,984 --> 00:42:18,884 % Papa done told me too % 328 00:42:18,986 --> 00:42:22,319 % "Son, that girl you're fooling with, she ain't no good for you" % 329 00:42:22,423 --> 00:42:26,621 % But that's all right It's all right % 330 00:42:26,728 --> 00:42:29,595 %That's all right, my mama % 331 00:42:29,697 --> 00:42:32,257 % Anyway you do % 332 00:42:35,636 --> 00:42:37,729 % I'm leaving town, baby % 333 00:42:37,839 --> 00:42:40,000 % I'm leaving town for sure % 334 00:42:40,108 --> 00:42:43,509 %Then you won't be bothering with me hanging 'round your door % 335 00:42:43,611 --> 00:42:45,511 % But that's all right % 336 00:42:45,613 --> 00:42:47,877 % It's all right % 337 00:42:47,982 --> 00:42:53,284 %That's all right, my mama Anyway you do % 338 00:42:55,423 --> 00:42:59,359 %Well, that's all right, my mama % 339 00:42:59,460 --> 00:43:01,894 % Anyway you do % 340 00:43:04,232 --> 00:43:07,895 %Well, that's all right, my mama % 341 00:43:08,002 --> 00:43:10,493 % Anyway you do %% 342 00:43:13,341 --> 00:43:15,070 %% [ Ends ] 343 00:44:22,510 --> 00:44:25,536 Do you know why the audience doesn't like us? 344 00:44:27,915 --> 00:44:29,780 You are too pale. 345 00:44:30,384 --> 00:44:35,913 People here like healthy-looking bands, like the... Beach Boys. 346 00:44:37,024 --> 00:44:38,924 Look at yourself. 347 00:44:40,761 --> 00:44:42,991 You look sick. 348 00:44:43,097 --> 00:44:45,122 Then give us more food. 349 00:44:45,233 --> 00:44:47,861 The problem we have is not food problem. 350 00:44:49,470 --> 00:44:51,836 You need sunshine and fresh air. 351 00:44:53,441 --> 00:44:55,534 You two, go to work. 352 00:45:14,428 --> 00:45:16,328 [ Coin Clinks ] 353 00:45:19,934 --> 00:45:21,629 %%[ Rock] 354 00:45:31,312 --> 00:45:32,540 Ahhh. 355 00:45:34,181 --> 00:45:35,648 [ Burps ] 356 00:45:45,459 --> 00:45:48,121 %%[ Continues ] 357 00:46:15,156 --> 00:46:16,817 Can he sing country music? 358 00:46:16,924 --> 00:46:18,653 He's the best. 359 00:46:18,759 --> 00:46:20,727 How come I never heard of him before then? 360 00:46:20,828 --> 00:46:24,491 We've been touring in Norway for years. That's why. 361 00:46:27,134 --> 00:46:28,829 Have you got a band? 362 00:46:28,936 --> 00:46:30,597 The best one. 363 00:46:33,140 --> 00:46:34,630 All right. 364 00:46:36,010 --> 00:46:40,071 I'll give you a week. But only because Kenny Rogers canceled. 365 00:46:44,652 --> 00:46:50,420 Ladies and gentlemen, in this town there are millions of stories. 366 00:46:51,592 --> 00:46:53,287 This one is mine. 367 00:46:53,394 --> 00:46:56,295 %% [ Country] 368 00:47:06,874 --> 00:47:11,072 % I've always been a farmer % 369 00:47:11,178 --> 00:47:15,342 % At Collective 49 % 370 00:47:17,251 --> 00:47:20,948 %Worked the black soil of Russia % 371 00:47:21,055 --> 00:47:25,788 % Growing potatoes and some wine % 372 00:47:25,893 --> 00:47:30,921 % But I was happy driving tractors % 373 00:47:31,032 --> 00:47:35,731 % For last 20 years % 374 00:47:36,303 --> 00:47:39,500 %Till the local commissar % 375 00:47:39,607 --> 00:47:43,008 % Let my wife disappear % 376 00:47:45,813 --> 00:47:50,580 % I'm a Leningrad cowboy % 377 00:47:52,286 --> 00:47:55,278 % Raising cattle on the steppes % 378 00:47:56,223 --> 00:48:01,183 %Won't you pour me another vodka % 379 00:48:01,295 --> 00:48:05,629 % 'Cause I'm drinking to forget % 380 00:48:06,534 --> 00:48:10,994 % He's a Leningrad cowboy % 381 00:48:12,673 --> 00:48:15,699 % Raising cattle on the steppes % 382 00:48:16,777 --> 00:48:20,907 - %Won't you pour him another vodka % - What a load of shit. 383 00:48:22,216 --> 00:48:25,583 - Yeah. - % 'Cause he's drinking to forget % 384 00:48:27,221 --> 00:48:30,349 All right, let me hear a little bit of guitar. 385 00:48:30,458 --> 00:48:33,154 Oh, that's better. A balalaika it is. 386 00:48:33,260 --> 00:48:34,955 Not too loud. Not too loud. 387 00:48:36,230 --> 00:48:38,255 That's my song. That's my song. 388 00:49:08,796 --> 00:49:13,062 % He's a Leningrad cowboy % 389 00:49:15,002 --> 00:49:18,028 % Raising cattle on the steppes % 390 00:49:18,839 --> 00:49:23,435 %Won't you pour him another vodka % 391 00:49:24,011 --> 00:49:28,311 % 'Cause he's drinking to forget %% 392 00:49:28,849 --> 00:49:30,077 [ Whistles ] 393 00:49:30,184 --> 00:49:31,947 Yee-ha! 394 00:49:37,191 --> 00:49:38,681 Here's the money. 395 00:49:40,094 --> 00:49:41,561 Thank you. 396 00:49:42,596 --> 00:49:44,723 Now get lost. 397 00:49:44,832 --> 00:49:46,732 And don't come back. 398 00:49:52,540 --> 00:49:54,633 %% [ Whistling ] 399 00:50:09,557 --> 00:50:11,354 [ Dog Whimpering ] 400 00:50:12,493 --> 00:50:14,427 Hey. Look at those jerks. 401 00:50:14,528 --> 00:50:16,723 [ Man ] Slow. Slow! 402 00:50:16,831 --> 00:50:18,765 Come on, puppy. Come on. 403 00:50:20,234 --> 00:50:22,600 I bet they have stolen it from some idiots. 404 00:50:22,703 --> 00:50:24,603 [ All Laughing ] 405 00:50:40,888 --> 00:50:42,651 - [ Chuckling ] - [ Engine Sputters ] 406 00:50:44,225 --> 00:50:47,456 Hey. There's something wrong with the engine. 407 00:50:51,398 --> 00:50:53,332 We need a new car. 408 00:50:53,434 --> 00:50:54,901 No. 409 00:50:55,002 --> 00:51:00,531 Mexico is quite near. We can walk or... hitchhike. 410 00:51:03,510 --> 00:51:05,478 [ Gasping ] 411 00:51:07,848 --> 00:51:09,179 Help! 412 00:51:27,368 --> 00:51:29,302 - Okay. This one? - Yeah. 413 00:51:29,403 --> 00:51:32,600 You can get it real cheap. 3,000. It's too new. I don't like it. 414 00:51:32,706 --> 00:51:34,537 Mmm, 2,000. 415 00:51:34,642 --> 00:51:35,973 Nah. 416 00:51:36,076 --> 00:51:38,010 2,700. Take it. 417 00:51:38,112 --> 00:51:40,012 No. Twenty-three. 418 00:51:41,148 --> 00:51:42,740 Twenty-five. Come on. 419 00:51:43,417 --> 00:51:44,884 2,500. It's yours. 420 00:51:44,985 --> 00:51:46,885 - Okay. It's a deal. - All right. 421 00:52:16,784 --> 00:52:18,843 You go and buy food. 422 00:52:25,659 --> 00:52:27,388 [ Clock Ticking] 423 00:52:29,396 --> 00:52:31,091 There he comes. 424 00:52:34,335 --> 00:52:36,735 %%[ Upbeat Jazz] 425 00:52:40,674 --> 00:52:42,301 [ Horn Honks ] 426 00:52:43,777 --> 00:52:45,745 %%[ Continues ] 427 00:53:01,862 --> 00:53:03,625 Where is the food, Ivan? 428 00:53:06,233 --> 00:53:07,359 %%[ Ends Abruptly] 429 00:53:11,205 --> 00:53:13,139 [ Blows Landing] 430 00:53:14,141 --> 00:53:16,132 %% [ Resumes ] 431 00:53:44,905 --> 00:53:46,964 [ Insects Chirping ] 432 00:53:54,581 --> 00:53:56,481 [ Wolf Howls ] 433 00:53:56,583 --> 00:54:00,178 - %% [ Russian Folk ] - %% [ Vocalizing ] 434 00:54:02,189 --> 00:54:04,282 [ Howling ] 435 00:54:40,994 --> 00:54:42,461 %% [ Fades ] 436 00:54:42,563 --> 00:54:44,588 [ Wolf Howls ] 437 00:54:49,236 --> 00:54:51,670 [ Wolf Howling ] 438 00:55:01,682 --> 00:55:03,650 [ Wolf Howls ] 439 00:55:33,847 --> 00:55:36,042 [ Snoring ] 440 00:55:56,203 --> 00:55:58,364 [ Wolf Howling ] 441 00:56:30,771 --> 00:56:32,238 Igor. 442 00:56:33,173 --> 00:56:35,073 Untie me, please. 443 00:56:36,243 --> 00:56:39,178 If you do that, I will take you... 444 00:56:40,180 --> 00:56:42,273 as a road manager. 445 00:57:03,737 --> 00:57:05,705 [ Shouts ] 446 00:57:09,810 --> 00:57:13,109 Bloody bastards! [ Grunting ] 447 00:57:24,992 --> 00:57:26,983 [ Hawks, Spits, Grunts ] 448 00:57:57,691 --> 00:57:59,386 [ Rattling ] 449 00:58:53,847 --> 00:58:55,314 Cousin? 450 00:59:15,902 --> 00:59:18,803 [ Southern Accent ] Sure been a long time. I've been missing you guys. 451 00:59:18,905 --> 00:59:21,635 We were all four years old when it happened. 452 00:59:21,742 --> 00:59:24,768 Yeah, I remember it clearly. Uh, we were fishing... 453 00:59:24,878 --> 00:59:26,709 and I fell overboard into the Gulf Stream... 454 00:59:26,813 --> 00:59:29,043 and it carried me all the way to Galveston Beach... 455 00:59:29,149 --> 00:59:31,379 where my foster parents fished me out. 456 00:59:32,285 --> 00:59:37,222 You know, it sure was peaceful drifting in the middle of the sea. 457 00:59:37,324 --> 00:59:39,952 - And you can bet it took a long time. - Yeah. 458 00:59:40,060 --> 00:59:41,891 I have an extra jacket here. 459 00:59:41,995 --> 00:59:44,088 - You can keep it. - Well, thank you. 460 00:59:44,197 --> 00:59:47,132 - Can you play music? - No. 461 00:59:47,234 --> 00:59:49,862 - Can you drive a car? - No. 462 00:59:49,970 --> 00:59:52,700 - All right. You'll be the singer. - All right! 463 00:59:52,806 --> 00:59:54,330 - Yeah. - Yeah. 464 01:00:16,897 --> 01:00:20,560 - [ Motorcycle Engines Revving ] - [ Loud Chattering ] 465 01:00:24,271 --> 01:00:25,898 I'm afraid. 466 01:00:26,006 --> 01:00:27,906 Shut up and play. 467 01:00:28,008 --> 01:00:30,738 %% [ Up-tempo Rock] 468 01:00:32,345 --> 01:00:35,473 [ In Finnish ] %Who made that horrible noise in the sauna, what, huh? % 469 01:00:36,082 --> 01:00:38,710 %Who made that horrible noise in the sauna, what, huh? % 470 01:00:40,187 --> 01:00:42,655 % I think it was Eero who made that scream, what, huh? % 471 01:00:44,090 --> 01:00:46,854 %Who made that horrible noise in the sauna, what, huh? % 472 01:00:47,994 --> 01:00:49,484 % Maybe it was you % 473 01:00:50,030 --> 01:00:51,759 % And maybe it was me % 474 01:00:51,865 --> 01:00:53,924 %Who, what, huh? % 475 01:00:54,034 --> 01:00:56,901 % Huh, what happened to Eero after that? % 476 01:00:58,305 --> 01:01:01,138 % Huh, what happened to Eero after that? % 477 01:01:02,309 --> 01:01:05,437 % I think he burned his balls completely after that % 478 01:01:06,546 --> 01:01:09,208 % Huh, what happened to Eero after that? % 479 01:01:10,450 --> 01:01:12,145 % Maybe it was bad % 480 01:01:12,252 --> 01:01:13,947 % And maybe it was good % 481 01:01:14,488 --> 01:01:15,853 %Who, what, huh? %% 482 01:01:24,831 --> 01:01:26,731 I can handle this. 483 01:01:26,833 --> 01:01:28,926 [ Whistling ] 484 01:01:29,035 --> 01:01:31,094 [ Man ] Whoo! 485 01:01:31,204 --> 01:01:33,297 [ Motorcycle Engines Revving ] 486 01:01:40,514 --> 01:01:42,482 %% [ Rock] 487 01:01:53,226 --> 01:01:55,456 % Set your motor running % 488 01:01:56,463 --> 01:01:58,829 % Head out on the highway % 489 01:01:59,533 --> 01:02:01,592 % Looking for adventure % 490 01:02:02,402 --> 01:02:04,529 % And whatever comes our way % 491 01:02:06,306 --> 01:02:09,434 %Yeah, I knew I could make it happen % 492 01:02:09,543 --> 01:02:12,637 % Hold the world in a love embrace % 493 01:02:12,746 --> 01:02:18,548 % Fire all of your guns at once and explode into space % 494 01:02:18,652 --> 01:02:20,620 % I just like the lightning % 495 01:02:21,688 --> 01:02:24,714 % Heavy metal thunder % 496 01:02:24,824 --> 01:02:27,349 % Racin' with the wind % 497 01:02:27,460 --> 01:02:29,951 % And the feeling that I'm under % 498 01:02:30,063 --> 01:02:31,553 [ Man ] Yeah! 499 01:02:31,665 --> 01:02:34,691 %Yeah, I know I can make it happen % 500 01:02:34,801 --> 01:02:37,964 % Hold the world in a love embrace % 501 01:02:38,071 --> 01:02:43,475 % Fire all of the guns at once and explode into space % 502 01:02:43,577 --> 01:02:46,603 % Like a true nature's child % 503 01:02:46,713 --> 01:02:49,477 %We were born, born to be wild % 504 01:02:50,083 --> 01:02:51,880 % I can climb so high % 505 01:02:51,985 --> 01:02:56,354 % Never wanna die % 506 01:02:56,957 --> 01:03:00,620 % Born to be wild % 507 01:03:03,496 --> 01:03:07,398 % Born to be wild % 508 01:03:12,839 --> 01:03:14,864 % Set your motor running % 509 01:03:15,942 --> 01:03:18,103 % Head out on the highway % 510 01:03:19,279 --> 01:03:21,372 % Looking for adventure % 511 01:03:21,915 --> 01:03:24,042 % And whatever comes our way % 512 01:03:25,852 --> 01:03:28,844 %Yeah, I know I can make it happen % 513 01:03:28,955 --> 01:03:32,152 % Hold the world in a love embrace % 514 01:03:32,258 --> 01:03:37,890 % Fire all of your guns at once and explode into space % 515 01:03:37,998 --> 01:03:40,933 % Like a true nature's child % 516 01:03:41,034 --> 01:03:44,162 %We were born, born to be wild % 517 01:03:44,270 --> 01:03:46,101 % I can climb so high % 518 01:03:46,206 --> 01:03:50,540 % I never wanna die % 519 01:03:51,311 --> 01:03:55,042 % Born to be wild % 520 01:03:57,951 --> 01:04:01,978 % Born to be wild %% 521 01:04:03,356 --> 01:04:06,951 Yee-ha! 522 01:05:04,551 --> 01:05:06,075 [ Crowd Cheering ] 523 01:05:07,921 --> 01:05:09,286 %% [ Ends ] 524 01:05:09,389 --> 01:05:10,856 [ Cheering, Whistling ] 525 01:05:32,812 --> 01:05:34,780 [ Toilet Flushes ] 526 01:05:42,422 --> 01:05:45,914 [ Door Spring Buzzes, Rattles ] 527 01:06:09,983 --> 01:06:11,450 One beer. 528 01:07:10,743 --> 01:07:12,335 I love you. 529 01:07:12,445 --> 01:07:14,140 I love you too. 530 01:07:14,814 --> 01:07:16,805 But it's a pity I'm married. 531 01:07:17,684 --> 01:07:19,151 Yeah. 532 01:07:55,421 --> 01:07:57,480 - [ Pool Balls Clack] - [ Chattering ] 533 01:07:59,759 --> 01:08:01,727 %% [ Rock] 534 01:08:15,642 --> 01:08:18,975 %Wheels turn, sunset burns % 535 01:08:19,078 --> 01:08:22,206 % I'm driving west towards the sea % 536 01:08:23,283 --> 01:08:26,411 % And I know deep down in my heart % 537 01:08:26,519 --> 01:08:29,955 %There's no goin' back to the way it used to be % 538 01:08:30,056 --> 01:08:32,183 %Well, I remember the girl with the tight blue jeans % 539 01:08:32,292 --> 01:08:34,419 % Kissed so hard but kept it clean % 540 01:08:34,527 --> 01:08:35,994 % Held me close Held me tight % 541 01:08:36,095 --> 01:08:37,858 % Looked down saw her neck was turning white % 542 01:08:37,964 --> 01:08:41,900 %Were we just chasin' Were we just chasin' % 543 01:08:42,001 --> 01:08:44,435 %Were we just chasin' the light? % 544 01:08:52,845 --> 01:08:56,713 %When summer's here that old misery % 545 01:08:56,816 --> 01:09:00,217 % Drinkin' my first beer in a roadhouse bar % 546 01:09:00,820 --> 01:09:03,948 %The summer long the passion strong % 547 01:09:04,057 --> 01:09:08,016 % Discovering love in the back of my father's car % 548 01:09:08,127 --> 01:09:10,061 % I remember the girl with the tight blue jeans % 549 01:09:10,163 --> 01:09:11,755 % Kissed so hard but kept it clean % 550 01:09:11,864 --> 01:09:13,764 % Held me close Held me tight % 551 01:09:13,866 --> 01:09:15,424 % Looked down saw her neck was turning white % 552 01:09:15,535 --> 01:09:19,596 %Were we just chasin' Were we just chasin' % 553 01:09:19,706 --> 01:09:21,674 %Were we just chasin' the light? % 554 01:09:21,774 --> 01:09:23,241 Yee-ha! 555 01:09:31,384 --> 01:09:34,376 %Yeah,Josie, come on down with me % 556 01:09:34,487 --> 01:09:37,786 % Ain't nothin' left now but memories % 557 01:09:38,591 --> 01:09:41,924 % Small towns change People rearrange % 558 01:09:42,028 --> 01:09:45,794 %There's a shopping mall where the drive-in used to be % 559 01:09:45,898 --> 01:09:48,025 % I remember the girl with the tight blue jeans % 560 01:09:48,134 --> 01:09:49,761 % Kissed so hard but kept it clean % 561 01:09:49,869 --> 01:09:51,666 % Held me close Held me tight % 562 01:09:51,771 --> 01:09:53,830 % Looked down saw her neck was turning white % 563 01:09:53,940 --> 01:09:57,467 % Were we just chasin' Were we just chasin'% 564 01:09:57,577 --> 01:10:00,171 % Were we just chasin' the light? % 565 01:10:00,279 --> 01:10:01,246 % Yeah % 566 01:10:01,347 --> 01:10:04,976 % Were we just chasin' Were we just chasin'% 567 01:10:05,084 --> 01:10:06,949 % Were we just chasin' the light? % 568 01:10:07,053 --> 01:10:08,714 One more time! 569 01:10:08,821 --> 01:10:12,518 % Were we just chasin' Were we just chasin'% 570 01:10:12,625 --> 01:10:15,253 % Were we just chasin' the light? %% 571 01:10:48,828 --> 01:10:51,194 Soon we cross the Mexican border. 572 01:10:52,498 --> 01:10:54,193 Keep your heads down. 573 01:11:19,992 --> 01:11:21,960 [ Dog Barking ] 574 01:11:31,037 --> 01:11:32,766 [ Barking Continues ] 575 01:11:43,783 --> 01:11:46,149 Welcome, welcome. We've been waiting for you. 576 01:11:46,252 --> 01:11:48,152 Yes. That's why we came. 577 01:11:48,821 --> 01:11:50,550 We are the Leningrad Cowboys. 578 01:11:54,293 --> 01:11:56,420 [ Chattering, Laughing ] 579 01:11:58,764 --> 01:12:02,097 %% [ Mexican Folk] 580 01:12:15,214 --> 01:12:18,115 [ In Spanish ] % I love you, my darling % 581 01:12:18,885 --> 01:12:20,944 %With tenderness and passion % 582 01:12:22,288 --> 01:12:25,451 % Come and heal this wound % 583 01:12:25,558 --> 01:12:29,187 % In my heart % 584 01:12:29,295 --> 01:12:32,992 % I've always adored you % 585 01:12:33,099 --> 01:12:35,761 % And don't want to keep on suffering % 586 01:12:36,769 --> 01:12:39,795 % I am brokenhearted % 587 01:12:39,906 --> 01:12:44,138 % And can't be at peace % 588 01:12:49,849 --> 01:12:51,817 [ Whirring ] 589 01:13:00,993 --> 01:13:04,485 %Those beautiful eyes of yours % 590 01:13:04,597 --> 01:13:07,430 % Used to be my joy % 591 01:13:08,401 --> 01:13:11,427 % But there's no hope now % 592 01:13:11,537 --> 01:13:15,439 %That could fill this heart % 593 01:13:15,541 --> 01:13:19,068 % If you regret it one day % 594 01:13:19,178 --> 01:13:21,738 % If you want to come back % 595 01:13:22,882 --> 01:13:25,942 % I will take you back eagerly % 596 01:13:26,052 --> 01:13:30,250 % Even if it ends my pain % 597 01:13:47,373 --> 01:13:50,342 % I love you, my darling % 598 01:13:51,110 --> 01:13:53,578 %With tenderness and passion % 599 01:13:54,714 --> 01:13:57,740 % Come and heal this wound % 600 01:13:57,850 --> 01:14:01,286 % In my heart % 601 01:14:02,121 --> 01:14:04,988 % I've always adored you % 602 01:14:05,524 --> 01:14:08,493 % And don't want to keep on suffering % 603 01:14:09,395 --> 01:14:12,592 % I am brokenhearted % 604 01:14:12,698 --> 01:14:17,101 % And can't be at peace % 605 01:14:33,352 --> 01:14:36,685 %Those beautiful eyes of yours % 606 01:14:36,789 --> 01:14:39,758 % Used to be my joy % 607 01:14:40,626 --> 01:14:43,595 % But there's no hope now % 608 01:14:43,696 --> 01:14:47,757 % That could fill this heart % 609 01:14:47,867 --> 01:14:51,394 % If you regret it one day % 610 01:14:51,504 --> 01:14:54,268 % If you want to come back % 611 01:14:55,308 --> 01:14:58,505 % I will take you back eagerly % 612 01:14:58,611 --> 01:15:02,342 % Even if it ends my pain %% 613 01:15:18,097 --> 01:15:20,031 - %% [ Ends ] - [ Cheering ] 614 01:15:28,674 --> 01:15:31,939 [ Crowd Chattering, Laughing ] 615 01:15:52,064 --> 01:15:54,328 [ Chattering Fades ] 616 01:16:07,413 --> 01:16:09,347 %%[ Russian Folk Rock] 617 01:18:03,729 --> 01:18:05,219 %%[ Ends ]

 6 ) 关于喜剧片的一些反思







  • 影观
  • 力荐


  • Doublebitch
  • 力荐


  • 张百万
  • 力荐


  • [己注销]
  • 力荐


  • 撕撕撕
  • 力荐


  • 坦克手贝吉塔
  • 推荐


  • 冰红深蓝
  • 推荐


  • ❤sissy❤
  • 力荐


  • 西楼尘
  • 推荐


  • 巴喆
  • 推荐


  • mdld
  • 推荐


  • 蝉鸣知了
  • 推荐


  • 超cute侠
  • 推荐


  • 焚紙樓
  • 还行


  • 赱馬觀♣
  • 推荐


  • 掉线
  • 力荐

堪称冷幽默的极致——整齐划一的队形永远保持高冷表情而开口即崩的笨蛋言行,头可断发型不可乱的强迫症,为抵梦想的卑微/强大之对比,莫名其妙的灵光台词迸发,种种细节铺设的奇怪笑点;亦堪称阿基夹带“私货”的最高级——完全满足其以公路片形式演绎音乐风格的流变(路上捡到的亲戚成功转换heavy metal笑死),贾木许客串过于应景(两位是我心目中最有音乐品位的导演)。zz隐喻不仅是东西方宏观方面的所指,也在这个小团体内部有所体现。

  • 欢乐分裂
  • 推荐


  • 醉舟
  • 推荐


  • 米粒
  • 推荐

Leningrad Cowboys倒是翻唱了一些很热的英文歌曲,不错这片子实在太欢乐了,他的荒诞喜感又和黑色喜剧不一样,阿基·考里斯马基的电影再怎么谈阶级政治,他的故事的背后也总能让人感觉到温暖和悲悯,整部电影的故事都像上帝掷骰子一样,各种让人难以预料。★★★☆

  • 亵渎电影
  • 推荐