罗素·克劳将合作《当幸福来敲门》导演加布里尔·穆奇诺拍摄一部新片《父女情》(暂译:Fathers and Daughters)。
罗素·克劳今年在结束《钢铁之躯》的宣传后,接下来的新片还有达伦·阿罗诺夫斯基执导的《诺亚》以及《美丽心灵》《我是传奇》著名编剧阿齐瓦·高斯曼的电影导演处女作《冬日传奇》,除此之外,克劳还要初执导筒,拍摄并主演电影《The Water Diviner》(暂译,The Water Diviner)。
失去,特别是面对突然的失去,被动的失去了最爱的人,让他们无法从巨大的伤痛中走出来。 家庭的出轨,母亲的遽然离世,父亲的遽然离世 原本和睦的家庭场景:
Potato Chip. Potato Chip? I'm here! Here I come! I'm hungry now! Go! Run, run! I want the Potato Chip! Guess who's home.
就如开头,当父亲在房间里追赶这 Kitty,大声喊叫这potato chip,家庭的温馨,让我想起,小时候最喜欢的就是自己双臂撑直立于身体两侧,与父亲掌心对掌心,被父亲高高举起。甜蜜的场景依旧浮现在脑海中。
You know, I saw the wayyou were looking at her.
Come on, there was a room full of writers. I was just talking to her.
Oh, come on! I know the difference between talking and flirting.
I wasn't flirting. You shoudn't've had that third glass of wine.
Oh really? Yeah, listen, once you've been betrayed...
...there's no way in the world that I would ever...
Once, Tricia, once! Seven years ago.
Once is enough for me! And...
seven years,一次的不忠带给家庭的不信任,虽然已经过去七年之久,
所以我可以理解片头罗素克劳和副驾老婆关于出轨的吵架,对于坐在后面的kitty的负面影响其实是很深的。隐约能感到罗素克劳夫妇平时的感情也许并没那么甜蜜,kitty对于婚姻的不安全感应该是有的。 承认从小是对婚姻完全不信任的,无论是父爱和母爱 ,童年的回忆充斥这父母的争吵,记得有一天 夜里姐姐叫醒我说听见声响,一起出门往父母的房间望去,发现父亲因怀疑母亲不忠,实在咽不下这口气,将母亲头部捂在被子下,母亲在下边哀求哽咽,这个场景一直忘不了。那时我才9岁。
The problem now is that now you're experiencing...
...a manic depressive psychosis
brought on by the accident, the brain trauma, the loss of your wife.
What concerns me, Jake, are the seizures,
because those seizures are definitely a sign of something far more serious.
And if you don't at least try treatment and give yourself a chance,
you will end up with a much worse condition.
Like what?
Psychotic breaks.
I would like to strongly suggest that you consider staying at St. Francis.
I know doctors there. I really recommend you get treatment for a few weeks.
Maybe even a few months.
A mental hospital?
Come on.
I can't do that. I have a... I have a daughter to raise.
And that's exactly why you need to,
because you have a daughter to raise. 当医生告知他因为脑部受伤需要离开一段时间时,他选择了直面自己的女儿,
Still your favorite, isn't it?
I have to go away.
Just for a little while.
How long?
I don't know, just a while.
I wanna come.
Not this time, baby.
You know...
the accident's made me a little bit sick and I have to get fixed.
I need to be stronger so I can take care of you.
You do!
Not the way I need to, baby. Okay?
You're gonna go stay with Aunt Elizabeth and Uncle William
and your cousins in West Chester.
But I don't want you to go!
When I come back it'll be for good, forever.
It's gonna be fine.
Hey. Hi, sweetheart!
Jake. Hi!
Oh, I'm so happy you come to stay with us.
Say goodbye.
I'll be back soon as I can.
You're my Potato Chip, You and nobody else, okay?
I love you so much.
I love you, Katie!
Dad! You're my Potato Chip,You and nobody else, okay? 温暖的言语与告别。 突然发现这部电影没有一个镜头与情节是无关紧要的,在影片的开头就展现了如何面对正确的失去与离别。父亲做了一次离别的教科书示范。
Hey, Katie, wait up.
I Can't believe you're getting a graduating degree in psychology,
sitting around listening to people whine about their problems all day.
I like helping people.
You can help me.
I'm lonely as hell.
What could I possibly do to help you, Evan?
I don't know. We could go out for a date sometime.
You're a confident man, huh?
Am I? I think so.
So tell me, what do you really want?
女主获得了graduating degree in psychology,并且选择了社区心理辅导员,整日听人倾诉他们的问题,听起来似乎很无聊(sitting around listening to people whine about their problems all day.),但女主却很喜欢,有种说法说,读心理学的都是希望内心得到医治,在某种程度上说,这种说法是对的。
25 Years Later. Do you wanna date me, or do you wanna fuck me?
'cause I'm fine either way.
What happened to your confidence?
Can I see you again?
No, man.
Why'd you do that if you don't wanna see me again?
I didn't have to time to work out today.
See you around, Evan.
Which one's your favorite?
You can just point.
I like the cat. But that's just me.
Lucy, I know you're scared.
But you're in a really safe place, okay?
And I wanna be here to help you.
I promise you that.
...don't love.
But you have loved.
Yeah, a long time ago once.
So you know that you can love?
I'm... There's nothing in here. There's nothing.
It's like... It's an empty well. It's...
just dry and barren.
Is that why you sleep with all these men?
you continue to do it.
So how does it make you feel?
It makes me feel...
It makes me feel... something,
because most of the time I feel nothing.
And these are men that you don't even like.
So what would you do if you met a man that you actually did like?
I don't know.
Probably make him regret the day he laid eyes on me.
I... don't love 一句话揭露了女主的感受, I don't love,It makes me feel something,
我总是在不停的陷在暧昧的关系中,女主的这句台词表达了 我的感受,It makes me feel something,because most of the time ,I feel nothing.这种感受能够在内心的空洞中感受到一点波澜,感觉到我与这个世界还有联系。
I don't know.
Probably make him regret the day he laid eyes on me.
有一天,那好心的妇人发现,盘子里的一块果仁巧克力不见了。她大得鼓励,于是继续为安妮念书,为她祷告。终于,那女孩隔着铁栏,开口跟她说话。不久,那妇人说服医生,再给安妮接受治疗的机会。他们把她从地下室带上来,继续给予她帮助。 两年之内,院方告诉安妮,她已经可以出院,享受正常人的主活。但她决定留下来。她非常感激那位虔诚的基督徒的照顾和爱心,所以她决定留下来,爱护其他人,像她被爱护一样。于是,小安妮留在精神病院,帮助其他像她一样受苦的人。
安妮的故事(安妮即盲女海伦.凯勒的老师) - [ 感恩见证 ]『约拿的家』基督徒网络交流论坛
You know...
Normally I would never approach someone like you, but...
I heard a rumor.
What rumor?
Um... That my literary idol and your father are the same person.
I don't know if that's true.
So they lied to me?
My friends, they're liars. You're not Potato Chip?
I can't really hear you. Can we move?
What were you babbling about?
Nice. Um...
Jake Davis,
he wrote my favorite book, of all time, "Fathers and Daughters".
Wow. It's a popular book?
I know. It's just been with me ever since I was a little kid.
literally changed my life. So...
Hi. My name's Cameron.
I'm Katie.
As in, "Kate Davis"?
You're the real Kate Davis?
How close is the book to what actually happened?
It's a lot funnier in the book.
Is this your thing? You go out, alone, no friends?
Sometimes I really just... I prefer being alone.
It's a lot easier.
So what do you do?
I'm a social worker. I work with kids with problems.
I like it.
So how do you get by?
I'm a freelance writer for a few newspapers
and starting my first book.
What's it called?
Uh... "Two is the Perfect Number."
Is that a love story?
Uh... Yeah. Kind of.
This is me.
Wow, this is really nice!
Perfect for a Potato Chip.
Well, you're never seeing my apartment.
I'm... well, not the would... This is a... date or... anything but... uh
What are you doing tomorrow?
Well, so we can continue this conversation.
I was, you know, running.
I can run.
Meet me up here at four.
Four? Okay.
Um... Sweet... Sweet dreams.
Sweet dreams to you too, Cameron.
You know...
Normally I would never approach someone like you, but...
I heard a rumor.
What rumor?
Um... That my literary idol and your father are the same person.
I don't know if that's true.
So they lied to me?
My friends, they're liars. You're not Potato Chip?
I can't really hear you. Can we move? 女主一开始本不想和Cameron有过多交往,直到他提及potato chip,唤起了女主小时被爱的画面,
Ah, thanks for coming.
I'm sorry. I hear about your book.
It must've been rough the way the criticism pegged down to you.
Yeah, well, you know...
I don't know why God invented cockroaches or literary critics. I'm sure he had his reasons.
Well, you know, I mean, they just hated it.
I mean, they actively hated it. How do you get passed on like that?
Well, you know, pick a cellphone, the self-affluent.
That kind of thing.
You know, have you even noticed...
that you're shaking.
The last time we met, it looked to me like you were about to have a seizure.
And I... I admit,
I mean I was disturbed to see you still wrestling with an impulses you can't control
even after all that time in the hospital.
The book's prove, Jake.
You're not ready for the real world. You're not cut out to be a father.
You just give Katie to somebody actually can take care of her.
Tell your kid that you love her, and then you can't do what's best for her.
That's hypocrisy at the worst.
Carl, just not so much left-hand.
That's funny, man. That's funny.
You're in deep shit now.
Nice move.
You'd better mind. He's mannerless.
如何才是对孩子比较好,一方是家庭条件优越 婚姻幸福(当时来看)的姨妈家,还是身处财务危机,面临不可何时癫痫发作的的父亲,两者都非常爱女主Katie,
You wanna know what made me decide to become a writer?
Really stick to it?
Well, when I was in Kenya,
one morning I woke up and jumped out of the car, to pee,
and... I was face to face with a lion.
Yeah, I know, for real.
I mean, a male lion about 15 feet in front of me
just staring straight at me.
I mean, he was clearly telling me that I was his.
What'd you do?
I didn't do anything. I was frozen.
I mean, I physically could not move.
You know, he stared at me for a few more moments and he just...
walked right past me.
I will never forget that moment, you know.
I realized that no more plan B,
no documentary, no veterinarian,
no Harvard.
I just wanted to do what I always dreamed of, you know?
I wanted to write, you know?
I wanted to write as if every page I was writing on was the last page before I die.
You know? I wanna...
I wanna leave something behind.
You know? I wanna...
I wanna leave my mark, because you know what,
sooner or later, in one form or another, a lion is just gonna come and get us all.
I'm so glad that he let you live.
Yeah, so am I.
So am I.
Coming to bed?
Yeah, in a bit.
I have something for you.
What is this?
It's the original.
To Katie, My Potato Chip,
who I love more than the last number.
Katie I can't accept this.
I want you to have it.
It's a good luck charm.
It's for you.
I realized that no more plan B,
no documentary, no veterinarian,
no Harvard.
Yeah, so am I.
So am I.
Coming to bed?
Yeah, in a bit.
I have something for you.
What is this?
It's the original.
To Katie, My Potato Chip,
who I love more than the last number.
Katie I can't accept this.
I want you to have it.
It's a good luck charm.
It's for you.
如何面对恐惧,其实Katie的对亲密关系当中最大的阻碍就是面对恐惧,从这里能看到Katie清晰的成长线,从Potato chip唤起小时候的美好记忆愿意与男友开启这段关系,到男友Cameron分享与狮子面对面时候的场景,让她有了面对亲密关系的勇气,并把自己最珍贵的父亲遗留下来的手稿交给了Cameron。
Wow, look at those teeth.
I bet you all the other dinosaurs didn't wanna bump into this guy at dinner time.
Miss your mom?
Me too.
You know you were the great joy in light of your mom's life,
just like you're the great joy in light of mine.
I really miss her.
Ooh, of course you do.
Of course you do.
But you know what?
Your mom is wherever you are.
She's in this room right now.
She's watching over us.
She's looking down.
She's got a big smile on her face and she's so proud.
She's so proud of you baby.
'cause she can see the intelligent, caring, beautiful little girl you are.
Are you going to die?
Not for a very very long time,
when I'm an old old old man.
How old?
Well, probably about...
a thousand.
Yeah. Maybe a million, if I stop eating hot dogs.
I will be such an old man, all right?
You'll have your own house and your own husband.
You'll have a whole bunch of kids.
You'll have a dog and a cat
and everybody will be running around putting ketch-up on everything.
I promise.
Pinky swear?
Pinky swear.
What do you think about when you think about your mom?
It's just me.
Scared, why?
I miss her so much.
And I'm so...
Mad at her for dying?
I love you Katie.
I love you like I never loved anyone else.
You know, not everyone that loves you is going to leave you.
I know that here,
but I don't know it here.
You should go and find some uncomplicated girl to love and stop wasting it on me
I like wasting it on you. 女主Katie 无法去爱人 I know that here(头脑中理解),but I don't know it here.(本能如同直面狮子般充满恐惧) Katie给Camonron说: You should go and find some uncomplicated girl to love and stop wasting it on me。
令人痛苦的一幕,,因为恐惧被失去,没有安全感自卑,不自信,自我牺牲为别人好,让别人离开自己,因为自己不配,所以故意做出坏行为,让别人感到后悔而离开。 生命中的漏洞,真正的爱来时她是接不住的,防止被动抛弃,选择了自残,主动结束真爱。
她听到了那首歌,喜乐营里有首音乐, 喜乐营才是你受伤时候的安慰,你要问自己,我的喜乐营里有什么?你越清楚, 你越能够走出伤痛
母亲小时候总会在晚上学习的时候做一碗桂圆鸡蛋端到我的屋里 小时候被父亲举高高 小时候和父亲 一起去游泳 如果小时候没有,就要开始为你的人生建立喜乐营,自己最开心的一些瞬间(放入日清单中)
因为愤怒再次被抛弃, 安慰她,建立人生的自信,给她告别,正确的面对离开,正确的面对失去,结束这段关系。
女主终于明白了Lucy的愤怒,正如当时突然面对父亲离开的自己,没有告别的句号,这种伤痛只会无限蔓延,Lucy和女主一样背负着这种痛苦与愤怒踽踽独行。 女主与Lucy正式的告别,并
当正确面对失去的时候,就克服了害怕的连接,开始成熟了,有勇气去面对失去的时候,开始成熟,在帮助Lucy的时候,她也可以和父亲勇敢告别了,知道父亲的书就是和她告别的方式,然后她就有心力去追求她的真爱。Lucy也有心力去追求新的生活。 Katie去追寻她的真爱!
感谢DH老师的分享,是他他不辞劳苦的预备与无私分享,扩张了我的境界(似乎提高了自己的觉知,明白了自己的很多不可理喻的行为 ,我的观影水平又达到了另一种景色,)。也感谢小伙伴的讨论,大家的真诚分享,在其中我受益良多。
1.思维导图草稿: 草稿时间若干, 2.印象笔记写作排版
女儿滥交,亲自毁掉恋情。 Scared... Why? I miss her so much and I'm... And mad at her for dying.
为什么突然回头去找? It was his way of telling me how much he loves me and goodbye.
3.3星。好好的温馨父女情被导演用时空切割大法硬生生剪断!顺叙讲故事不丢人!女主自己作,有了稳定男友还故意出轨那段完全无法理解,男主能原谅女主也是贱。。。片中亮点。close to you~~老歌真好听
whatcha gonna do, Katie? You're a sweet sweet girl , But it's a cruel, cruel world
好几处泪崩,小女孩能哭能笑演技自然,太感染人。故事以时间段划分交叠双线呈现,以歌曲“close your eyes”做连接,有异曲同工之妙。阿曼达和罗素没有对到戏有点可惜,小粉依然是精干愣头青,动情处纠结点都转圜纯熟,都是我喜欢的演员。如果故事没有把成年后的阿曼达设定成性瘾的slut,会更招我待见
一手好牌打了个烂局。足够solid的cast,小姑娘和Russell演得相当好,足够有支撑力的故事。然而,交叉剪辑功力不足,所以剧情推进很碎片,Elizabeth和William俩角色不能更脸谱。最不懂的是女主一人走回家那剪进来25年后Elizabeth和Katie的对话。close to you算少有戳到我的点,毕竟是我爹常放的。
如果没有Amanda可能会打两星,虽然还是看哭了,但真的是烂片的典范。那天看paper town有人说就算只拍cara跑步都能看一百集,对Amanda也是,就拍她坐着玩手机我也能看一百集,但不同的是Amanda你是演员啊,you can do better,不要再接这种片了好吗