Princess Georgiana is the black sheep of a fictional British Royal Family. A PR disaster, she's spent her spoilt, party-girl life plastered over the tabloids. On the back of her latest scandal her father, the King, makes the unprecedented move of abdicating his Australian throne in favour of his daughter. It is hoped that giving her some real responsibility will finally be the making of her - and if it isn't, at least shipping her off keeps her 10,000 miles away from London. Accompanied by a useless entourage, Queen Georgiana of Australia goes kicking and screaming to a country she has zero interest in beyond the Hemsworth Brothers.
热播电视剧最新电影庄稼院里的年轻人捡到被退婚大小姐的我,教会她做坏坏的事南街的搭线顺风车房主庞贝城的末日30枚银币第一季吉姆·加菲根:暗淡萨特阔红玫瑰知情人假面骑士龙骑奋斗吧!世子妃百味超市第三季变脸效应塑料海洋猎杀红色十月号插翅虎人间大炮2斗破乱世情往昔欢年社会学家和小熊人生遥控器迷雾国语黎明前的暗战最好的时光 最好的時光
I rest my case case case.