The story offorty-something, out-of-work washing machine repairman Rudy. He decides to takeback control of his life after a bad patch, but he notices with bitterness thatthose he abandoned along the way are not ready to welcome him with open arms.While the demons from the past come knocking at his door, a chance encounter onthe Internet will change the course of his life.
热播电视剧最新电影啦啦队阴谋青龙复仇蓝衣魔鬼实习医生格蕾 第七季唐伯虎之醉美人青夏:恋上你的30日死神来了5一九八四956新上海滩弹窗惊魂狐狸的夏天2孤独的美食家第九季未来之人混蛋2013:德国版爱情无色无味谁按了删除键环游地球八十天2004去看北极光野生狼性艾娃三生花第一季村路弯弯变蝇人楼外楼皇嫂田桂花幸运狗1998Emanated from a piece of performance art, US indie scenester and filmmaker Miranda July’s sophomoric feature THE FUTURE (her third one KAJILIONAIRE would arrive 9 years later in 2020) adopts a cosmic conceit of warped time to dissect a quotidian relationship in disengagement, but once that move is done, July fails to conjure up anything even remotely droll or profound like her flash-in-the-pan debut ME AND YOU AND EVERYONE WE KNOW (2005).
An L.A.-dwelling, mid-30s couple Sophie and Jason (July and Linklater), decide to adopt an injured stray cat, it takes one month before the cat can be fully recuperated and assigned to their care. So during the holding pattern, emboldened by the pending new perspective (the cat is obvious a dry run of a baby, and the film is concatenated through a warped feline voiceover, as if it were a stillborn narrating its own sad destiny), they both quit their routine jobs (she is a children’s dance teacher and he is a tech support), and embrace something more meaningful or challenging, to prepare entering another phase of life that means a point of no return to hem, but that preparedness becomes ever so elusive and a disillusioned Sophie begins an affair with an elder widower Marshall (Warshofsky).
The time-warping part is fantasticated right before Sophie’s intending confession as Jason refuses her to do so by squarely stopping the time, and in a paralleled universe, Sophie vividly experiences her new bourgeois life with Marshall, until she is jolted back to her past by the presence of “shirty”, her favorite mustard t-shirt now becomes an ambulatory costume and creepily slithers into her bedroom.
After Jason sets the time back to normal (thanks to the instruction with a talkative moon), Sophie returns to their apartment, what awaits them is either a reconciliation or a final goodbye.
The signs of their 4-year co-dependency’s unraveling are shown earlier on where familiarity is normalized and ossifies their co-habitation (Jason can’t be arsed to get up and fetch a glass of water to Sophie, small gesture always divulges deep fissure underneath), and the temporal trick is tacitly previewed as a mischief that presages the later sea change.
All quirks but no sparks, THE FUTURE is middle-of-the-road among fringe filmmaking, an innovative brainwave could rarely be expanded into a feature-length corker without proper appurtenances, July’s fey spirit continues, but THE FUTURE is half-baked and fizzles out with a whimper.
referential entries: July’s ME AND YOU AND EVERYONE WE KNOW (2005, 8.6/10); Noah Baumbach’s FRANCES HA (2012, 6.6/10).
这是喜欢的人分享给我看的电影。整部影片沉闷得略显无聊,断断续续的还是看完了。苏菲和杰森每天都在小公寓里网上冲浪,但这样平淡的日子并没有给到他们足够的安全感,于是他们决定领养一只猫咪Paw Paw,决定给自己一团死水的生活带来不同,在领养的前一个月里,苏菲想要每天创作一只舞蹈上传到Youtube,杰森每天卖树苗,Paw Paw则每天期待着新主人。
全剧能引起我关注的只有猫咪Paw Paw的独白,让我心疼又无奈。我想到了丹,之前她想养一只猫,我以为她是喜欢猫,虽然也有这方面的原因,但忽然想到或许她早已察觉到我们之间的感情出现了问题,于是想要养只猫咪来加深我们之间的纽带,这件事的潜台词就是“让我们重新找回爱,生活才刚刚开始,都会好起来的”。
Living is just a beginning
and so it seems that we have met before,and that we laughed before,also loved before,but who knows where or when. 將來,不要再自己演了吧。
导演Miranda July是行为艺术家,小说家,乐队乐手,电影导演,也写剧本和发唱片,大学辍学闯江湖。父母为作家和出版人。2005年在圣丹斯结识导演Mike Mills(最近作品为”Beginners“),09年结婚。July电影很有波西米亚风,时髦,古怪,机趣,很受美国年轻观众追捧。擅长处理时间、状态、日常中的幽默
Un artiste égotiste engendre souvent de petits monstres d’ennui -ainsi le cas de Miranda July. Phénomène assez récurent chez le cinéma « indépendant » made in USA. Fraîchement factice et vain.
2011-11-25 18:06:31 lemoncan Howfile