Kukira Kau Rumah









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Pram is a lonely young man, who hasn’t received any love from his parents. He filled his void by composing good songs that no one listens to. One day, Pram who works in a music cafe, for him to able to get a gig, meets and gets acquainted with Niskala, someone who is different from other women Niskala also really heard him, but Pram didn’t know that Niskala is a PWB (People with Bipolar). However, since Pram became close to Niskala, Niskala broke all the rules she made with Mela, her mother. Everything felt right until the moment when Pram saw Niskala was given a sedative by her mother and friends, and Pram also found out that all this time, Niskala had been secretly carrying out her social activities and achieving her goals behind her protective father’s back.活死人之夜1968包青天之七侠五义我的下位来宾鼎鼎大名第四季直言真相 第二季逆天的圣诞老人贵妃生存法则 第二季东京复仇者2 血色万圣节篇-命运离婚前规则鬼乡时代风尚中国文艺志愿者助力高质量发展特别节目困在时间里的父亲藏历一年飞机VS火山错乱的一代失意旅行孤身绝壁隐秘2006珍爱地球大冒险 第二季我的野蛮同学(粤语)黑死病河兽平凡英雄 2022昆仑仪之超时空狙击恋爱指南我指北圣女魔咒第四季Silent Voice 行动心理搜查官楯冈绘麻第二季落头氏之吻2神画奇踪神枪游侠当幸福来敲门(原声版)菜鸟王爷闹江湖血光假期我们都是大人山狗1980女人万岁夏日的庭院法医秦明之血色婚礼新生六居客 第二季少年包拯之双鱼诡事

