

主演:Ella Testa Kusk,Bertil Smith,Mia Lyhne,Martin Buch,Ulf Pilgaard





露西亚的愿望:抢救圣诞节 剧照 NO.1露西亚的愿望:抢救圣诞节 剧照 NO.2露西亚的愿望:抢救圣诞节 剧照 NO.3露西亚的愿望:抢救圣诞节 剧照 NO.4露西亚的愿望:抢救圣诞节 剧照 NO.5露西亚的愿望:抢救圣诞节 剧照 NO.6


  Way up north in Greenland lives 12-year-old Lucia with her mother and her father, who is best known as Father Christmas. Lucia is the first girl ever in Santa class at the international Christmas School. On the day that the present machine is meant to be started for this year's present production, Lucia's best friend, the reindeer herder Oscar, is accused of stealing King Winter's magical crystal that fuels the present machine. Claudia, Lucia's mother who has long been wary of the crude Oscar, tries to prevent Lucia from ruining her future career by defending the seemingly guilty boy. But Lucia is determined to fight injustice and escapes with Oscar to prove his innocence by finding the real thief. Soon they are facing the secret brotherhood of The Grey Monks, who have sworn to destroy the crystal and end Christmas as we know it. And Lucia realizes that there is more at stake than she thought. Lucia and Oscar have to fight the brotherhood for the crystal all the way into the dangerous...神奇的费曼先生哇哒叔叔血浓于水2004剧场版 假面骑士创骑 合而为一最后的食谱 麒麟之舌的记忆红妆小戏骨:西游记之红孩儿古惑往事之龙虎斗训练日艺术史老师第一季地球卫士超体欲拒还迎来日方长2020人到中年1982小小世界 第二季杜鹃山不能结婚的男人英雄黄海冰版制作人国语失认症哭泣的骆驼机械战警2014天使行动敌对车场不一样的爱大侠甘凤池穿裙子的男孩世界奇妙物语2020秋季特别篇大唐小吃货2七宝传奇之氽来神钟魔王王树声征战豫西只有爱能让我生存不是冤家不聚头逃出生天粤语小煞星夺命惊呼加德满都天空之镜红色黎明2012地狱厨房昆虫的盛宴粤语名校风暴 第四季




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