1 ) 一味追求激情戏,情节弱化了一点。很多的环节没有交代清楚,不过女主颜值身材在线,很不错。依然的不伦恋,依然的坠楼
2 ) synopsis from Wikipedia
Lily is a sheltered art student from Michigan attending college in California. She finds an apartment, and she soon notices her roommates, Tanya (a friendly lesbian artist who becomes a good friend to Lily), Bridgette (a cruel and taunting artist who initially takes an immediate dislike to her), and Robert (the silent but talented musician), all art students, aren't quite normal. For the first time out of her village, she is still used to her protected life in Michigan and frequently calls her parents. One day she discovers a box of items belonging to Ivy, a girl she has never met before. In the box, she finds nude pictures of the girl and her diary. She is soon drawn to the content, also desiring for the girl's sexual confidence and fearlessness. In class, she has trouble expressing herself, unlike Gredin, an attractive co-student and sculptor she soon starts dating. Meanwhile, she has found a job, babysitting Daphna, the daughter of her art teacher Donald Falk.
Slowly, one step at a time, Lily becomes obsessed with Ivy's letters and photos, attempting to take over her image. Soon enough, she cuts her hair, pierces her belly button and starts wearing more revealing clothes. Gredin grows even more attracted to her and it doesn't take long before they start having sex. He is unamused by the amount of private time she spends with Donald, though, but she explains it's because of the babysitting. She inspires Donald to perform art again, having noticed that he's long been afraid to express himself. She agrees to pose nude for him, and also finds her own way to express herself in the meantime as well. During this process, he secretly falls in love with her, which has a great deal of impact on his marriage to Angela. However through the movie, it can be shown that Donald's infatuation with her soon deepens to obsession.
One day, Lily catches Gredin and Bridgette together. Feeling upset, she starts to rebel, thereby estranging herself from her friends. At a party, she enjoys the attention she is getting from men, and she amuses herself, until she sees Gredin intimately dancing with another girl. Trying to make him jealous, she kisses a masked guy, who turns out to be Robert. She eventually spends the night with Gredin, but he dumps her the next day, explaining she has changed too much. Meanwhile, Angela has found Donald's drawing of Lily and thinks he has an affair with her. Donald, already depressed since he saw Lily kissing Gredin, takes it out on Lily. He later claims he is in love with her and tries to kiss her. She is initially unamused by his attempts, but they eventually heavily make out with each other, until they are interrupted. She leaves and soon reunited with Gredin.
Not much later, she is invited for dinner at the Falk family and brings Gredin with her, which upsets Donald. When they are alone in a room, Donald forces himself upon Lily. She tries to stop him, but has no success. They are eventually caught in the act by Daphna, who runs away and is hit by a car (but luckily, in Gredin's words, ends up "going to be all right"). Lily, traumatized by what happened that night, returns home and destroys everything that has to do with Ivy. She is surprised by a psychotic Donald, who attacks her. Gredin tries to save her, but Donald beats him up and even tries to stab him. She tries to run away by going to the roof. He follows her and eventually falls off the roof to his death. In the end, Lily and Gredin say they love each other, and they finally decide to be with each other.
Alyssa Milano太美艳啦
如果参考这部续作的尺度,我会怀疑之前看的德鲁·巴里摩尔主演的《欲海潮1》是不是删减版本。影片因为有了一个Happy Ending而更显得与前作格格不入,并且也一定因此扣分了。第一部里Poison的是Ivy,而本片里的Poison更像是唐纳教授。影片中唯二不变的大概就是混乱、不伦的关系,以及恶人坠亡的结局吧。
这系列电影真有毛病 一个赛一个爱往家领陌生女人 甭管是光着后背还是露胸的 一律不拒之门外 关键是女主人还觉得露这露那的异性来自己家合情合理……
【爲了补標看电影】记得应该是VCD电影了,值此高清再看也把已经模糊的印象加深一下。又是一出“惊悚”类的所谓老男人愛年轻女孩的电影,说“师生恋”也说得过去。当年影碟一般都是按照港台電影分级是Ⅲ级片吧应该(18禁)但是画面比较唯美,其中的几首好听的年代插曲配合画面很漂亮和催情,電影虽然是名字是系列,但是每部之间没有联系,至于这部本来是一部不伦恋情,但是爲了契合当时的“惊悚”電影的热门必须把最后搞成了仇杀和因愛生恨继而伤人,老师的扮演者我对他的《24小时》印象颇深,其他扮演的電影就需要重新再看来认识了。看了这部2,准备马上就看网盘里的新收藏的 德鲁·巴里摩尔 《欲海潮》这部应该看过,当然高清画质再看经典也是一种享受和回味。欲海无边,看完上床……
90年代很流行的一部软色情片 关于女孩儿如何认识自己 童星出身的女主角借此变身熟女
OMG竟然是happy ending
为什么要一个小孩子为大人们的那些苟且之事付出生命的代价? 哎,那些搞艺术的……