1 ) Like it very much
Go and see how comic Robert DeNiro could be in this funny flick. Mob bosses could be not that serious and gangsters could be lighted up a little.
I laughed from the beginning to the end. It will do the same to you too.
2 ) 过瘾的台词
Jelly: I'm gonna get a bite to eat. You wanna sandwich or somethin'?
Guard: What kind of sandwich ain't too fattening?
Jelly: A half a sandwich.
[afterreceiving a lavish gift from Vitti]
Dr. Ben Sobel: Call the Vatican. See if something is missing.
Boss Paul Vitti: [to Dr. Sobel] If I talk to you, and you turn me into a fag... im gonna kill you , you understand?
Dr. Ben Sobel: Then why do you have a girlfriend?
Boss Paul Vitti: What, are you gonna start moralizing on me?
Dr. Ben Sobel: No, I'm not, I'm just trying to understand, why do you have a girlfriend?
Boss Paul Vitti: I do things with her I can't do with my wife.
Dr. Ben Sobel: Why can't you do them with your wife?
Boss Paul Vitti: Hey, that's the mouth she kisses my kids goodnight with! What are you, crazy?
Dr. Ben Sobel: Oedipus was a Greek king who killed his father and married his mother.
Boss Paul Vitti: Fuckin' Greeks.
Dominic: Times are changing. You've got to change with the times.
Boss Paul Vitti: What, am I supposed to get a fuckin' website?
Jimmy: You think those whales piss in that water?
Jelly: No, I think they use the men's room next to the Burger King.
Jelly: Doc, if you gotta talk, try to be vague. Can you do that?
Dr. Ben Sobel: I'm a psychiatrist. Believe me, I can be vague.
Dr. Ben Sobel: Paul, you have to channel all this nice grief into a murderous rage.
Dr. Ben Sobel: You don't hear the word "no" a lot, do you?
Boss Paul Vitti: Well, I hear it all the time, only it's more like "no, please, no!"
Primo: Get a dictionary. Find out what this "closure" thing is. If that's what he's going to hit us with, I want to be ready.
Boss Paul Vitti: [to Dr. Sobel] How was that?
Dr. Ben Sobel: It was going great until the, cutting off of the balls and shoving it up his, ass. You know what i do when I'm mad? I hit a pillow. Just hit the pillow. See how you feel
Boss Paul Vitti: [pulls out a gun and starts shooting the pillow] There's you fucking pillow.
[Impersonating a gangster]
Dr. Ben Sobel: My name is Ben Sobel... -lioni. Ben Sobellioni. I'm also known as, uh, Benny the Groin, Sammy the Schnazz, Elmer the Fudd, Tubby the Tuba, and once as Miss Phyllis Levine.
Boss Paul Vitti: I couldn't get it up last night.
Dr. Ben Sobel: You mean sexually?
Boss Paul Vitti: No, I mean for the big game against Michigan State. Of course sexually! What the fuck's the matter with you?
Dr. Ben Sobel: I have to say, not being able to perform three or four times...
Boss Paul Vitti: Eight times.
Dr. Ben Sobel: ...eight times, is not catastrophic.
Boss Paul Vitti: Well, maybe not to you, look at you. But if I can't get it up, that makes me less of a man, and I can't have that. In my world I deal with animals, Doctor. They may seem dumb to an educated guy like you, but make no mistake, Doctor, animals are very cunning, and they sense weakness.
[when two hit men attack Paul and Ben in a junkyard, Ben grabs Paul's gun and blindly shoots back - he straightens up and sees two dead men]
Dr. Ben Sobel: J-Jelly? Did I do that?
Jelly: No, Doc. That one's mine. You got the '72 Chevy, and the Amana side-by-side refrigerator-freezer.
3 ) 用幽默的方式诠释了黑社会老大走出童年阴影的过程
4 ) 黑帮喜剧
Robert De Niro喜剧作品之一。也是被我认为他最经典的喜剧。成龙曾经说自己最欣赏Robert De Niro。因为他不止是一个“动作演员”,更是一个“演员”。而在本片中,Robert De Niro虽然依旧扮演黑帮老大,但却与以往的形象千差万别。他把一位黑帮领袖不为人知的压抑、脆弱,惶恐、焦虑、崩溃一一表现的入木三分。但全片仍然不失黑色幽默的风格。经典片段:心理医生说,当你感觉有压力的时候,可以把枕头暴打一通得以缓解。于是黑帮老大“非常听话”地掏出手枪对这枕头一通乱射。吓傻的医生不忘故作镇定的问一句:感觉好点了吗?
5 ) 好莱坞其实最专业
6 ) 老大送喷泉
虽然编的太离谱但这对活宝太惹人爱啦。。RobertDeNiro就是演黑手党的料举手投足就是老大这样杀人不眨眼的居然有father issue看到他哭就想笑。。BillyCrystal太有搞笑天才心理医生可不是好当哒不过当哥儿们真讲义气。。看到Phoebe呵呵客串。。
黑帮教父找心理医生治疗,各种闹剧,当然很扯,但仍然是一部出色的喜剧片——剧本工整,喜感纷呈。没有人比 罗伯特·德尼罗更适合演黑帮教父了,而他的喜剧才华从《喜剧之王》《下班后》开始就一发不可收拾了,也没有几个演员比比利·克里斯托更有喜剧天赋了,他们的结合,成就了这部黑帮喜剧。
《教父》中的黑手党是睿智的,帅帅的,酷酷的,让人窒息;这里的黑手党却是傻傻的,肥肥的,呆呆的,同样雷到窒息,anyway, i love both Robert De Niro and Al Pacino
荒诞又合乎情理的搞笑, 德尼罗演喜剧的开端.
比利客串老友记时可没想到他在这儿和菲比这么配!有些时代感。Primo是非常嫌犯的警探,现在才看出他是妙女里的刚爸!Sopranos还“笑”过这片,而心理医生又演阿刚妈!最后Best's yet to come歌声一落Tony Bennett颤栗着出来笑死了,特别知道教父歌手原型是他之后!各种恶搞教父最有趣!