












劫持 剧照 NO.1劫持 剧照 NO.2劫持 剧照 NO.3劫持 剧照 NO.4劫持 剧照 NO.5


When the heiress of a luxury hotel chain is kidnapped at her dingy motel outside Detroit by a band of ruthless sex traffickers, her downtrodden assistant must figure out a way to rescue her.热播电视剧最新电影记忆碎片樱花盛开神钟新飞越比佛利第五季无名之火冒险王卫斯理之蓝血人墨西哥万岁!单身公主相亲记巴黎浮世绘


 1 ) 只想做个普通的小女孩


 2 ) 《劫持》:杂交












 3 ) 谁也不愿意孤独


 4 ) 外星人-斯皮尔博格的心爱玩具



最后几集中童星达科塔·法宁(Dakota Fanning)的出演绝对是全剧的亮点,把一个具有超能力的混血(地球与外星)小姑娘的快乐、纯真、惶恐、悲哀、善良与智慧都刻画得入木三分,令人印象深刻。算是继Hally Joel Osment(《阿甘正传》、《第六感》、《AI》)之后好莱坞发现的又一个演技派童星。在即将上映的同是斯皮尔伯格作品《世界大战》中,她与汤姆.克鲁斯的合作令人期待。

 5 ) 迷人


 6 ) Taken & Allie



一切都只为了一个人的出现,CLARKE和KEYS家族的结晶,八分之一外星人血统的ALLIE(由Dakota Fanning扮演)。一个九岁的little girl拥有外星人的意念和人类的感情,成为了人类和外星人共同追逐的对象。ALLIE无疑是这部片子里的核心。

episode01 Beyond the Sky,导演Tobe Hooper。由罗斯韦尔事件开始,三个家族的命运纠缠在了一起。

episode02 Jacob and Jesse,导演Breck Eisner。第二代人Jacob CLARKE和Jesse KEYS的故事由此开始。

episode03 High Hopes,导演Sergio Mimica-Gezzan。Jacob超人的意念和Jesse的被劫持,Owen CRAWFORD杀掉妻子。

episode04 Acid Tests,导演Bryan Spicer。这一集是一个悲剧,同是外星人后裔的双胞胎没能像Jacob那样好好的活下来,而是成了身边人们眼中的恶魔。Eric CRAWFORD看着自己的兄弟Sam跟那可怜的双胞胎一起葬身火海,又活活气死了自己的父亲Owen。

episode05 Maintenance,导演Félix Enríquez Alcalá。正如标题Maintenance一样,故事继续发展着,Eric从Owen手中接过了追踪外星人的事业,Jesse的儿子Charlie继承了被外星人劫持的命运。

episode06 Charlie and Lisa,导演Thomas J. Wright。Charlie KEYS和Lisa CLARKE从未谋面,却生下了他们的孩子ALLIE,漂亮的小姑娘(Little ALLIE由Dakota Fanning的妹妹扮演)。

episode07 God's Equation,导演Jeremy Paul Kagan。ALLIE的能力让所有人吃惊,Eric被女儿Mary杀死。

episode08 Dropping the Dishes,导演Jeff Woolnough。U.S.Army Vs. ALLIE。

episode09 John,导演John Fawcett。ALLIE逃脱,给她外星血统的曾祖父John归来。

episode10 Taken,导演Michael Katleman。ALLIE走了,还会回来。


ALLIE: Sometimes when you go someWhere far away and then come back, the part that bothers you most is not the things that have changed, but the way that other things have stayed the same, like you hadn't been anyWhere or done anything at all.

ALLIE: There are times when it seems like the whole world is afraid, when the fear is something you have to live with day in and day out.
When people get scared, they do a lot of different things, they fight or they run, they destroy the thing they're afraid of, or they put a lot of distance between it and them. Make it something you can shoot at with a friction-action gun.

ALLIE: My grandfather used to tell my mum that kids should never have to worry about anything more serious than baseball. Everything you need to know is there. It has success and failure, moments Where you come together and moments Where you stand alone.
And it has an ending, not a clock like in other sports, but an ending.

ALLIE: People like to examine the things that frighten them, to look at them and give those names. So saints look for God and scientists look for evidence. They're both just trying to take away the mystery, to take away the fear.

ALLIE: We all like to think that we have some control over the events in our lives. And a lot of the time we can fool ourselves into thinking that we really are in charge. But then something happens to remind us that the world runs by its own rules and not ours and that we're just along for the ride.

ALLIE: You know in cartoons, the way someone can run off a cliff and they're fine. They don't fall until they look down? My mum always said that was the secret of life. Never look down. But it's more than that. It's not just about looking. It's about not ever realizing that you're in the middle of the air and you don't know how to fly.

ALLIE: The world is made up of the big things that happen and the small ones. And the part that's so unfair is that we call them "big" and "small. “Because when something happens to you, when you lose something or someone that you really care about, that's all there is. The world may be blowing up around you, but you don't care about that. You don't care about that at all.

ALLIE: I have this idea about why people do the terrible things they do. Same reason little kids push each other on the schoolyard. If you're the one doing the pushing, then you're not going to be the one who gets pushed. If you're the monster, then nothing will be waiting in the shadows to jump out at you. It's pretty simple. Really. People do the terrible things they do because they're scared.

ALLIE: We're all standing on the edge of a cliff. All the time, every day. A cliff we're all going over. Our choice isn't about that. Our choice is about whether we want to go kicking and screaming or whether we might want to open our eyes and our hearts to what happens once we start to fall.

ALLIE: What makes us human? That we can think? That we can feel sorrow and pain? Maybe. That we can laugh? I hope so. We can hurt and we can laugh and we know a past and a present. And, in some ways. A future. Maybe what makes us human is that we know just enough to think we know Where we're going.

ALLIE: When you're a kid, anything can take you away-- soap bubbles or a hose spraying a rainbow up over a new-mowed lawn. I guess growing up means that it gets harder and harder to find your way back to that kind of place Where you can be taken. The one time I see grownups with that same sort of look on their faces is when they're just at first falling in love.

ALLIE: Some people spend their lives hoping for something to happen that will change everything. They look for power or love, or the answers to their biggest questions. I think really what they're looking for is another chance, some way to lead another life Where all the mistakes they've made would be erased, and they could just start over. Nothing bad has happened yet, and all their possibilities are still in front of them.

ALLIE: People come home for a lot of reasons. They come home to remember. They come home because they've got no place else to go. They come home when they're beaten. They come home when they're proud. They come home looking for a door out into their past or a road out into their future. They come home for a lot of reasons, but they always come home to say good-bye.

ALLIE: Some people put a lot of work into their lawn, as if a patch of green grass was the most important thing in the world, as if they thought that as long as the lawn out front was green and mowed and beautiful. it wouldn't matter at all what was going on inside the house.

ALLIE: When everything in your life is right on track; it’s easy to believe that things happen for a reason. It's easy to have faith. But when things start to go wrong, then it's very hard to hold on to that faith. It's hard not to wonder whose reasons these things happen for.

ALLIE: People move through their lives sometimes without really thinking about Where they're going. Days pile up, and they get sadder and lonelier without really knowing why they're so sad or how they got so lonely. Then something happens--they meet someone who looks a certain way or has something in their smile. Maybe that's all that falling in love is-- finding someone who makes you feel a little less alone.

ALLIE: People say that when we grow up, we kick at everything we've been told. We rebel against the world our parents have worked so hard to bring us into, that part of growing up is kicking at the ties that bind. But I don't think that's why we kick at all. I think we kick when we find out that our parents don't know much more about the world than we do. They don't have all the answers. We rebel when we find out that they've been lying to us all along, that there isn't any Santa Claus at all.

ALLIE: My mum told me once that when you're afraid of something, what you want more than anything else is to make it go away. You want your life back to the way it was before you found out there was something to be afraid of. You want to build a high wall and live your old life behind it. But nothing ever stays the same. It's not your old life at all, but your new life with a wall around it. Your choice is not about going back to the way things were.

ALLIE: Sometimes the best way to move into the unknown is to take familiar steps, small steps, to do ordinary things to deal with something that is in no way ordinary. We're always going someplace new. All the time. Familiar things just let us pretend that we aren't moving into unfamiliar territory. You take those small, familiar steps, and you try to be honest, not to live as if nothing had changed, but still to go on with your life. But there are times when what you need is a piece of how things used to be.

ALLIE: My mum says that life is like a roller-coaster ride. There are ups and downs; there are big scares and slow builds and places Where it levels out. The only difference with this roller coaster is that every time it stops, you get off in someplace totally different From Where you got on.

ALLIE: If a dream is just a dream, something that happens in your mind while you're asleep, then that's all right. It's yours to take with you into the morning, and it fades away there in the light. But when the dreams start to come while you're awake and they come with the light, then that is not all right. What we look for then is other people who have dreamed what we've dreamed. Who have seen what we've seen. When the dreams become real, sometimes the only comfort you can find is in knowing that you're not alone.

ALLIE: When you've done something that you can't take back, something that you don't understand, you start to hold tightly to the things you do understand, and you try to make sense out of everything you can. Because if you believed that all you had to do to make things right was to find a reason, but what happens when you find the reasons and they are not your own? How do you find any comfort or any sense in that?

ALLIE: People believe what they want to believe. They find meaning Where they can, and they cling to it. In the end, it really doesn’t matter what’s a trick and what’s true. What matters is that people believe.

ALLIE: Is every moment of our lives built into us before we're born? If it is, does that make us less responsible for the things we do, or is the responsibility built in, too? After you hit the ball, do you stand and wait to see if it goes out, or do you start running and let nature take its course?

ALLIE: Most of the fights people have are about something simple-- you want something the other person has, or maybe they're afraid you're going to want it, and they go after you first. People always think that if they win, then that's the end. Everything will be all right From then on. But everything changes, and tomorrow, the thing you were fighting for will just be a memory. Like everything else, it's already happened.

ALLIE: How do you let someone go? How do you understand that that's all right, that everything changes? How do you find a way for that to make you feel good about life instead of breaking your heart? The hardest thing you'll ever learn is how to say good-bye.

ALLIE: I don't know what will happen next. I don't know what I'm going to be, what I'm going to learn, but what I do know is this-- life, all life, is about asking questions. Not about knowing answers. It is wanting to see what's over the next hill that keeps us all going. We have to keep asking questions. Wanting to understand. Even when we know we'll never find the answers, we have to keep on asking the questions.

ALLIE: There's a feeling you get sometimes in a bad dreams you’re running and something dark and big is chasing you and you want to just stop to let the dark, big thing catch up with you. Something bad is going to happen, you can't change that, but you can turn and see it coming. You can see the face of your bad dream.

ALLIE: People talk a lot as if the most important thing in life is to always see things for what they really are. But everything we do, every plan we make is kind of a lie. We're closing our eyes and pretending the day won’t ever come when we won’t need to make any more plans. Hope is the biggest lie there is, and it is the best. You have to keep going as if it all mattered, or else we wouldn't keep going at all.

ALLIE: People are lonely in this world for lots of different reasons. Some people have something in their disposition. Maybe they were just born too mean, or maybe they were born too tender. But most people are brought to Where they are by circumstance, by calamity or a broken heart or something else happening in their lives that weren’t anything they planned on. People are lonely in this world for lots of different reasons. The one thing that I do know is, it doesn't matter what any one of them might tell you--nobody wants to be alone.

ALLIE: Some people have given up all hope of anything in their lives every changing. They just go on with it day by day, and if something were to come along and make things different they probably wouldn't even notice it right off, except for that kind of nervous feeling you get in your stomach. My mom and I used to call that "the car trip feeling", because it was how I'd feel whenever I knew we were going to go someWhere far away or something new.

ALLIE: Everyone knows not to stare into the sun. It’s something your mother tells you when you’re a kid. “Don’t look at the sun or you’ll go blind.” But sometimes you want to understand something so badly that you’ll risk going blind for just a glimpse of what it all might be about.

ALLIE: My father liked to say that there were these things in life that didn't make any sense, and they could never make any sense, and if you were anyWhere near smart, you knew that. But your job was not to give up, to keep on trying to make sense out of them anyway, trying to understand things that could never be understood. I guess maybe people will always find different names for their answers, but the one thing is, their questions will always be the same.

ALLIE: I don't know what will happen next. I don't know what I'm going to be, what I'm going to learn, but what I do know is this—life, all life, is about asking questions, not about knowing answers. It is wanting to see what's over the next hill that keeps us all going. We have to keep asking questions, wanting to understand. Even when we know we'll never find the answers, we have to keep on asking the questions.

ALLIE: My mother always talked to me a lot about the sky. She liked to watch the clouds in the day and the stars at night, especially the stars. We would play a game sometimes; a game called "What's Beyond the Sky?" We would imagine darkness or a blinding light or something else that we didn't know how to name. But of course, that was just a game. There's nothing beyond the sky. The sky just is, and it goes on and on, and we play all of our games beneath it.



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