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中国益智游戏 剧照 NO.1中国益智游戏 剧照 NO.2中国益智游戏 剧照 NO.3中国益智游戏 剧照 NO.4中国益智游戏 剧照 NO.5中国益智游戏 剧照 NO.6中国益智游戏 剧照 NO.13中国益智游戏 剧照 NO.14中国益智游戏 剧照 NO.15中国益智游戏 剧照 NO.16中国益智游戏 剧照 NO.17中国益智游戏 剧照 NO.18中国益智游戏 剧照 NO.19中国益智游戏 剧照 NO.20


 1 ) 随便写写






 2 ) 【转】关于这"三部曲”的访谈 - 英文的 比较直白 易懂

Chinese Puzzle is the new film by director Cédric Klapisch, staring Romain Duris, Audrey Tautou and Kelly Reilly. We caught up with Klapisch on the day of the film’s UK release to ask him about the film, its possible sequel and what it means to be forty.
Chinese Puzzle is the third film of a trilogy. How have you changed as a director since the first film, L’Auberge Espagnole?
I think the first one,L’Auberge Espagnole, was a lot more spontaneous, and we were working with the idea of the actors being spontaneous. So in (Chinese Puzzle), it’s a lot more about thinking things over, about preparing things, and it’s not about improvisation any more. I think it went along with the subject of the movie, because this one is about someone being forty years old, and the first one was about being twenty five years old and really improvising your life. I think that is what changed for me and what changed for Xavier (played by Romain Duris).
What’s the significance of being 40?

I think it’s about admitting that you have to take responsibility for your life, you know? You have to accept that you can’t really be a teenager forever, or have fun all the time, so you have to choose your way and accept that. I think that being forty is really about that.

Forty years old, for me, is the end of youth, but you’re not old either, so it’s an age that is interesting because of that. You can really enjoy life, because you don’t have the problems of being old: problems with your health or with your body, and yet you don’t have the excitement of the first times. When you’re twenty, you’re in love for the first time, you have a job for the first time, you’re going to new countries for the first time. When you are forty, you don’t have first times like that, so it’s not about that excitement, it’s about trying to find the enthusiasm without that kind of first time experience enthusiasm.

When I watched the film, there were some scenes that stood out for me, especially the scenes with his arrogant lawyer (Played by Jason Kravits). Which scene was was your favourite?

I really liked this scene because, as you said, I really like that character. For me it’s really about America. He says you have to follow the rules, and then at the end he says you can manage without the rules. For me America is really about that, that maybe you can improvise, but you have to follow the rules first, so I think it’s really about America for me.

I like the scene with the father, because this movie is a lot about being a father yourself. You have children and you have to experience what it is to be a father, but you also have to revisit the relationship that you have with your own dad. I really like what happens with Xavier because in order to be a father himself he has to set things straight with his own father. I really liked that.

You’ve described L’Auberge Espagnole, Russian Dolls and Chinese puzzle as a trilogy, but at the end of Chinese Puzzle, I couldn’t help but think I’d love to see these characters in another ten years. Is there any possibility that there could be a fourth film?

I have no Idea. I think that the two possibilities exist and it depends on whether in ten years I want to do a fourth one, and especially if the actors want to do a fourth one. In a sense I really can’t answer that question now.

Also about the story itself, I think that if there is a major event, if Europe doesn’t exist anymore, if there is a war, if Africa becomes what China is today or something like that, then yes, it would be really interesting to do a fourth one. It will tell a story about that, about how time changes, and about how far it can change. I think if there is a fourth one, it will be also be about change in the world and how the world can change with the characters.

The three films are set in different cities around the world, but a lot of Chinese Puzzle is set not only in New York, but in Chinatown. What elements of Chinese culture were important for you to include in the film?

The idea of the French sentence Casse-tête Chinois (the original french title), is not exactly the same as “Chinese Puzzle”. The idea is that it’s a puzzle that’s hard to solve, that’s what it means in French. It means something complicated, that we don’t understand because that’s what we think about the Chinese language, it’s hard to understand because it doesn’t have an alphabet, it has ideograms. It feels like the culture which is the furthest away.

I think what I wanted to say with that, is what Xavier always says about things being complicated to understand. It’s really about dealing with a culture that you don’t understand at the beginning, that then becomes simple. If you spend ten years in China then it becomes your culture. I think that I wanted to get across the idea that everything that seems impossible to understand and far away from yourself, it can be close, and it can be understandable at some point.

Not all the characters have made a return for this movie. Wendy’s brother, William (played by Kevin Bishop), is absent. What do you think he’s doing now?

Well, for a long time he was in the script but unfortunately there was a planning problem, (Kevin) was the main character in a TV series, so we forgot about his presence, although I really wanted him to be there. For me William’s presence – and it will happen in the next episode if it exists – is what Xavier can’t be. I think it’s funny that at the beginning of L’Auberge Espagnole he’s someone who is really unimportant and annoying, and then he becomes someone a lot more mature and a lot more trustworthy than Xavier so I think that’s what he should mean.

 3 ) 从巴黎到纽约




Xavier和Wendy结婚十年后,两人吵架时,Wendy用英文而Xavier依然用法文。X到纽约后交流困难,反而是Wendy用法语沟通没有障碍。—》 这是在黑法国人的英语吗?




Xavier以为自己原来的生活complicated,然而到了纽约需要为生存奔波,才真正意识到原来的自己是" So spoiled" 。不过他很快就融入了这种忙碌。而Martine说的那句, so what. if you think this is complicated, then you've never been to China. 意味深长。


后来的Wendy是不快乐的,为了婚姻在巴黎呆了十年。被责怪怎么能离开时她喊出:I stayed here ten years, for you. 喊出了心里挥之不去的“牺牲感“。想到当初在巴塞罗那两人站在阳台上讨论法语的学校(听起来像法克)一词,Wendy可爱的英式口音说:What?,心里一阵感慨。Wendy在这段感情中更像是一个成年人拽着Xavier想让他长大,然而无望最终彻底选择了功利的新世界。新男友那句:I don't know where the fuck she is 让人很不舒服确是意料之中。40岁的她坦白地追求她想要的生活,和Martine一样。


 4 ) 中国益智游戏


 5 ) 我看了中国益智游戏

这个题目似乎起的有点草率了,朋友说这里(Casse-tête Chinois)chinois大概是复杂的意思,这样确实通顺不少。 总之一个刷新三观的电影 这部电影的笑点似乎与槽点并行。大概是40左右人的心理,刚看完时在一个年满19却依旧母胎solo的人眼里被深深震撼又无力吐槽的感觉。 比如拉拉好基友Isabelle,婚后生子在非常爱妻子的同时也勾搭这另一个姑娘,你指出了,这对ju并不公平,人家却满不在意的说这并不冲突啊。 又比如奥黛丽塔图饰演的人物在两人是好基友的情况下,依旧和男主发生xx。 看完回味下,顿时感觉不会再爱了,婚姻爱情也不过如此,像Isabelle辩解的情人是充满活力的而ju已经没了火花。渣女的辩解必然可笑,可谁又能保证未来是可预测的能。 就像豆瓣霍乱时期的爱情的热评, 这本书包含了爱情的全部答案。阅读本书的好处是重新相信爱情;坏处是意识到即便相信也无济于事。 电影已经开始报上演员清单,男主也在复杂的生活中找到了爱情,可谁想到了那个中国女人的感受?法国电影似乎很擅长用冲破现实的阻挠而实现的感情的真挚的表达,有种生活虽然虐我千百遍,无论如何我也会找到一个办法。像无论如何也不会有十全十美的结局,既然这样,那我就尽力圆的差不多就行了。 在静下来思考的时候,我突然体会到,这个电影,大概不是在叫大家评判男主在生活中的选择,而是去体会生活赋予男主的艰辛,可他却依旧寻找脱身的办法,最终圆满。是在激励一个40岁的人,不要放弃对生活的热情,不要因困难的生活而消沉,而且去寻找摩擦出火花,继续演绎人生。

 6 ) 欣然爱自己,年龄不是问题

喜欢他们自在做自己的样子,Martine在和男主xx之后被男主揶揄她居然说了“go deeper”这样的词汇,Martine很坦然地说我已经快四十岁了,难道还像小女生一样扭扭捏捏的吗?我知道我喜欢什么,也不介意把它们表达出来。 年龄如果能带来这样美丽的从容,那我是不介意变老的。 还有很喜欢男主牵着两个孩子在工地散步那会说的话:My father never did what I did for my children, not just thea happy eventful times but even the uneventful times like this. when you think nothing is happening, they seem meaningless but in fact they are important.a Because those empty moments are also part of life and that is what childhood is.



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其實就是3星的標準。說人生複雜,但也不打算探討很深。就是輕鬆有趣吧。但看在同學會的氛圍(可惜沒有所有室友都出現)與最後那段致敬第一集拯救Wendy大作戰的梗。多加了感情分一星。Audrey Tautou那大段中文還背詩太搞笑了XD

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7年前跟我一起看第一部滴人 7年后跟我一起看第三部

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名字翻译得太差 片子比期待中好多了 奥黛丽装保姆那段笑cry 不是让人讨厌的那种喜剧 就是ending有点太好莱坞2014.1.7

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