1 ) Another Country 部分配角资料
演员Michael Jenn
在 Another Country 里一头金发还是有种古典美,但是和威廉王子一样能看出有秃头的倾向。。。果然四年后的 Maurice(莫里斯 )里演 Clive(休格兰特饰)的姐夫时已经全秃了,杯具啊,从此沦为只有几个镜头的路人,不过此君还是很好认的~
Quills (鹅毛笔)饰 Cleante
Sherlock Holmes(大侦探福尔摩斯)饰码头上疯癫的 Preacher
The Hour (演播时刻) 第一季第6集饰邪恶灰衣人甲,在9分钟左右出现
演员Tristan Oliver
个人觉得 Another Country 里除了 Rupert,第二帅是此君,不过因为是反派,所以给人面目可憎的感觉。找到他的资料有点意外的惊喜。这位居然担任诸多英国定格动画的摄影指导,比如:
Wallace & Gromit (超级无敌掌门狗)
Chicken Run (小鸡快跑)
Fantastic Mr. Fox (了不起的狐狸爸爸),还给里面的一个小角色Explosives Man 配音
演员Frederick Alexander(Piers Flint-Shipman)
Another Country 是他最后的一部电影,演完第二年就因车祸去世了
演员Robert Addie
Robin of Sherwood 饰 Sir Guy of Gisbourne
The Return of Sherlock Holmes 饰Mr Murray
The Empty House 饰 Mr Murray
A Hazard of Hearts 饰 Lord Peter Gillingham
下届学生会候选人 Devenish:
Rupert Wainwright
最后是苹果脸的可爱金发小侍童 Wharton:
Adrian Ross Magenty
1987年他也参演了Maurice,饰 Dickie Barry(Dr Barry 的侄子),但是该部分剧情后被删减,在 youtube 上可以看到删减的片段,果然每个腐国男演员都逃脱不了的命运——扮基佬,那时他应该才15、6岁吧|||
Howards End (霍华德庄园)饰 Tibby Schlegel (两主角姐妹的弟弟,有点印象,没有长残)
Black Beauty (黑骏马)饰 Lord George (待看)
2012年最近 The Living and the Dying (2012) 饰 Doctor (目前还不知道这片子是关于什么,到时候验证一下现在有没有变残)
2 ) Beautiful
Well, more than one cast were in the stage play. Rupert/Kenneth were one of them. Colin and Daniel also played Guy Bennet on stage, and there were other Tommy Judds too. Please check the following link out. This dedicated fan provides many useful information there.
http://www.anitaspages.net/html/acstage.htmMy own favourite scene is the night when Guy tried to talk Tommy into being a prefect. I like the cinematography, smooth and touching, the music was perfect to fit in, and their dialogs added so much to the tone of movie. Everytime I watch, it simply melts me away.
I was amazed by both Colin and Rupert later in 'the importance of being earnest', a witty, funny and pleasant movie, thanks to Wilde. Both actors have mellowed in these years, and their singing is hilarious.
Kenneth is also a fantastic actor. I would suggest 'a month in the country' and 'conspiracy' for fabulous performance by Colin and Kenneth.
3 ) 有爱的同窗
Rupert Everett 和Colin Firth的大荧幕处女作,青涩无比。光看这两位的初生形态就极有意思。不过《同窗之爱》的标题再加上两人共倚廊柱的海报太有误导性了,Colin Firth在电影里是个彻头彻尾的直男。他饰演的共产主义青年,并不完全理解同性恋的选择,模糊的用“这只是少年一时爱好,长大就会不一样了”的想法来使自己消化接受。但是他并不排斥打击同性恋的朋友,甚至能够违背自己共产主义理念,加入学校的上层阶级,去帮助朋友避免严酷学长的管理和迫害。对他人持有的宽容理解之爱,应该是同窗之爱所指的更深一层意思吧。
最近在读一些杂文,介绍了二十世纪中早期英国一批有影响力的作家。Isherwood, Auden, Spender, Waugh都是在英国公学严酷的环境和等级制度下成长起来的,也都是同性恋身份。这部电影的原型,和他们同一时代。于是能够通过电影一窥他们青少年时期的经历,假想他们当时的心绪。
4 ) Which Country? Whose Country? What Kind of Country?
作为一个学冷战史的,看到「剑桥五杰」的电影,超级激动!除了这个电影之外,如果感兴趣的话续集可以看「Cambridge Spies」(剑桥风云),再续集可以看「Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy」(锅匠,裁缝, 士兵,间谍)。他们的史料其实很多,只不过英国外交部很多档案到现在都没有解密,不像美国那样有30年的解密制度。除了本片原型Guy Burgess之外,「剑桥五杰」中的其他几个人, Donald Maclean, Kim Philby, Anthony Blunt, John Cairncross应该也有很多料,拍电影肯定是足够的,甚至可以拍成一个系列。
不过电影的中文名似乎有很大的问题,译者可能完全没有看懂电影,或者可能是立场先入为主了,因为英文原名Another Country更好地说明了电影想要表达的内容。Another Country 既是指苏联,站在老年Guy Bennett的角度,也是指有着压抑的公学生活的30年代英国,还指代他和Tommy Judd心中那个没有偏见和歧视的「理想国」。
除此之外,也有人认为这里用了一个典故,即James Baldwin有一部同名的小说,题目也是Another Country,内容也涉及gay and bisexual characters。当然,还有很多的说法,贴一下维基百科英文页面的说明,麻烦翻译前至少查一下维基百科(英文版)!
The title refers not only to communist Russia, which is the "other country" Bennett turns to in the end, but it can be seen to take on a number of different meanings and connotations. It could be a reference to the first line of the second (or third, depending on the version) stanza of the hymn I Vow to Thee, My Country, which is sung in both the play and film, as well as referring to the fact that English public school life in the 1930s was indeed very much like "another country".
"Another Country" is also the title of a novel by James Baldwin, which includes gay and bisexual characters.The Go-Between is a novel by L.P. Hartley (1895–1972), published in London in 1953. The movie's framing as the narration of an old man may reference the beginning line of the novel:
"The past is a foreign country: they do things differently there."
The most direct reference is to several well-known lines from British literature, originating from Christopher Marlowe's play The Jew of Malta:
Friar Barnadine: "Thou hast committed--"
Barabas: "Fornication-- but that was in another country / And besides, the wench is dead."
Here "the wench" may refer to Martineau. Most of the students are more interested in covering up a potential scandal than worrying about the actual death. If so, the "adultery" may refer to what is done to Martineau and perhaps all students by the school, rather than his actual sexual liaisons.
电影中反复响起的一战纪念歌曲「I Vow To Thee, My Country」也是一种呼应,即:对于Bennett而言,对于Judd而言,这个Country到底是谁的Country,是哪个Country?「I Vow To Thee, My Country」这首歌的原词是在一战前写的,原名「Urbs Dei」( 「The City of God」 或者「The Two Fatherlands」),很明显这两个都是有强烈宗教意味的名字。
如果看后一个名字的话,这里的Fatherlands 既是指世俗意义上的国家,更是指基督教意义上的「上帝之国」。后来一战经过改编后就成了纪念一战阵亡将士的歌曲,直至今天的Remembrance Day(国殇纪念日)依然可以在世界各地的英联邦国家听到这首歌,因此歌词原义双元中的一元「上帝之国」的涵义明显弱化了,世俗国家的涵义比重不断增加。事实上,20世纪的历史表明,无论是美国、俄国还是英国、法国,战争对于国家权威与民族主义的强大构建作用是毋庸置疑的。
Remembrance Day, at St Peters' Square, Wolverhampto, 2018
但是导演想表达的是,在Bennett和Judd那里,「上帝之国」的概念已经被想象中的自由、平等、公正、包容和多元的共产主义式的「理想国」所替代了。毫无疑问,这样的理想中的国度在理念上,一定是同「上帝之国」一样,高于世俗意义上的国家的;如同近代化带来的世俗化使得「上帝之国」日益不被世俗意义上的国家所容一样,以共产主义作为主要标签的「理想国」也是不会为30年代的英国社会所容——理想主义面对强大的现实往往是倔强而脆弱的。Bennett最后讲到,「Of course, Tommy was killed in the Spanish Civil War. Tough as old boots, Tommy was, till the bloody facists got him.」众所周知,20世纪上半叶全世界理想主义和左翼运动的高潮就是西班牙内战。因此,这里就讲得非常清楚了,Bennett不想回去,也不怀念那个时代,不仅仅是好友已经不在了,更是因为理想主义已经绝迹了。
电影没有发行CD,只有配乐音轨。就拿Katherine Jenkins的合辑来充一下数,第四首便是。
电影开头有一句话,年老的Bennett说,「You've no idea what life in England in the 1930s was like.」 不到半个世纪的几十年后,在Bennett晚年,与他对话的那个女孩已经难以理解为什么在那个年代共产主义是那么吸引人,左翼运动风起云涌;而苏联解体后更多的人也不明白,甚至已经把这样一种曾经风靡全世界的思潮当作笑话了。或许,半个世纪以后,我们的子孙(此处假设我会有女朋友)也难以理解,为什么他们的祖辈会在2012年争着去买iPhone?毕竟,祖辈经历过的国家,于他们而言,已经是Another Country.
5 ) 《同窗之爱》--- 鲁伯特·艾弗雷特和科林·费斯已露锋芒
BTW:每次说到这部电影,就会想到同样时代、同样经典、同样是半自传体小说改编的、同样由我非常欣赏的实力派演员主演的英伦电影《Maurice》。不过《Maurice》可以完全看成是一部关于爱情的电影,没有《Another Country》政治性这么强,所以在此推荐一下。
6 ) Another country, another time
Rupert Everett plays young Guy Bennett who is in love with Cary Elwes' character James, Colin Firth his best friend who thinks communism is the future of the world. Other students leave Guy alone wandering around with his passion as long as he would grow out of it. But once they find out that's the way Guy chooses for his life, Guy is in trouble...
Rupert is amazingly young and handsome. But this is not a movie about handsome boys although there are plenty, Rupert, Colin and Cary. Based on an award winning stage play which led by Rupert and Kenneth Branagh, the movie explores old Public School life, homosexuality, social and political changes in the 30s. Never saw the play myself, so not sure how much been changed for the movie script, but the pace does feel very much like a stage play, dispite various campus and other locations. The DVD bonus contains one stage scene played by Rupert and Kenneth, the dislogs and performance are very much the same.
Rupert is passionate and brilliant, with all his inner struggles plainly written all over his face and with his body language, while Colin struggles with his social ideas by his side. The movie carries this sad tone all the way through: something sad, something old, something long-gone and untouchable, specially the last scene of the movie..... But then Rupert always carries this air with him, even though he could naturally be very funny and witty when he chooses, as in "My Best Friend's Wedding".
It's nice to see Rupert and Colin reunited in "The Importance of Being Ernest" after all those years. A very different movie, a totally different tone, with Wilde. Rupert and Wilde go along very well.
CF你个渣 人家表白这么明显 你还抱本马克思的基佬书装 装死你
故事背景和人物和《A Very British Sex Scandal》以及《Cambridge Spies》应该是一样的,剑桥的苏联间谍。这部更侧重学生生活,真无法理解那个时代,看再多也理解不了。只是,RupertEverett在里面真是太惊艳了。
"Look, it doesn't come as any great revelation. It's more like admitting to yourself something you've always known. Owning up to yourself. It's a great relief in some ways. …Are you a communist because you read Karl Marx? No.You read Karl Marx because you are a communist.…Because in your heart of hearts,in spite of your talk of equality and fraternity,you still believe some people are better than others because of the way they make love."
年轻时的Rupert Everett美得不可方物啊,另外觉着英国真是个很gay的国度。
so many beautiful boys in this movie...I love British gay movie...they're deep-thinking,delicate,calm and connecting with social movement……they're idylls that spread melancholy climate , very touching
could be better, 性取向和政治兩頭都想粘,但腿還不夠長
著名的“剑桥五杰”的故事,英国历史上同志“大清洗”的诱因,《英伦性丑闻》的前编,《沃尔芬登报告》的引线。其实抛却那么多政治因素不看,这部电影不过是个爱情故事,Rupert Everett美得惊为天人,可惜跳上他的船的人,不是Colin Firth。巧妙的也在于,Rupert的生平,像极了他所饰演的Guy Bennett。
Colin同学告诉我们:资本主义是异性恋,共产主义是同性恋。啊~~~被戳中萌点 Orz 好想给5星。。。
唯美死了!!!年輕的Rupert Everett絕對秒殺啊!!!CF在裏面也很萌!!!很喜歡裏面涉及到的各種主題~~~非常棒的一部電影~
既无忠诚,何谓背叛。对GUY来说,苏联也不过是Another Country而已。意外的很靠谱的一部电影,不知为何片名会被翻译成同窗之爱。不过如果不是这个意图如此昭然若揭的译名,大概我也不会那么爽快的去找来看。。。(自我反省中……)Rupert真是360无死角美青年!!(完全没有
Guy美丽机敏,风流洒脱,看似招摇其实认真敏感。Guy跟Judd简直就是两个校园奇葩,光彩夺目。这是上个世纪三十年代的事情,电影是84年,我们在看的是接近一百年前的故事,可是内核还是那些,treason and loyalty以及如何认识自己,成为自己,以及实现自己。看了下介绍,演员本人就是相当的叛逆以及大胆,而且还成功的成为了自己。