

主演:苏珊·沃尔特斯,克里斯汀·佩罗斯派瑞,Blake Burt,Emily Galley,Blake Canning,Benedicte Belizaire,Mike Stechyson,Tomas Chovanec,Puja Uppal,Maxine Campitelli,Christian LeBlanc,Sandra Wilson,Gabrielle Lazare,Daniel Simpson,Rick Amsbury,艾莉森·格兰厄姆,Melodie Leblond-Champagne,Scott M






十七岁被控谋杀 剧照 NO.1


  Pretty and popular, seventeen-year-old Brooke Emerson is the envy of her classmates--and even some of her closest friends. But while she seems to have it all, Brooke has never felt so lost. Ever since she sustained a head injury during a cheerleading stunt the previous year, she's suffered from a disorder that causes her to fly into uncontrollable, sometimes violent rages. As hard as she tries to keep it together, she finds herself in danger of jeopardizing her seemingly perfect life. It isn't until Brooke meets Jake, a handsome and charismatic stranger, that she feels like she's found someone who not only understands her, but accepts her for who she is. As tempting as it is to get swept up in the romance, she can't help but feel like something in their relationship isn't quite right. When her best friend is brutally murdered, Brooke has no choice but to depend on her new love...especially because she's worried that she might be the killer.古见同学有交流障碍症。真人版神威警探网欢乐时光谋杀案竖笛考试独家头条:初露锋芒小小安妮第二季金小气家族兼职女郎我们在一起的31天穿越少女梦断·桥布莱克书店第三季我想我愿意黑夜之后船只电影故事绝世千金完结篇国王:永远的君主人肉机器拜托了!别宠我第三季我的司机左右2007鬼玩人崛起鬼影人电影人少年英雄小哪吒丰山犬离开的女人与君行剧场版情人知己登陆之日1931刺杀宋子文之谜萨迪的地球末日我的爱对你说2016寻凶诀砖匠星期五俱乐部15:瞬间与记忆之此情无忘原谅他77次杜拉拉之似水年华风雪大别山雪花2006千谎百计2024




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