Award-winning filmmaker, Marina Willer (Cartas da Mãe), creates an impressionistic visual essay as she traces her father’s family journey as one of only twelve Jewish families to survive the Nazi occupation of Prague during World War II. Photographed by Academy Award® nominee César Charlone (City of God), the film travels from war-torn Eastern Europe to the color and light of South America and is told through the voice of Willer’s father Alfred (as narrated by Tim Piggot Smith, Quantum of Solace), who witnessed bureaucratic nightmares, transportations and suicides but survived to build a post-war life as an architect in Brazil. As the world struggles with the current refugee crisis, RED TREES is a timely look at a family besieged by war who finds peace across an ocean.
热播电视剧最新电影横财局中局茜茜公主体验捞金鱼吧韩玉娘大诱拐再见爱人第四季不眠 第一季的士速递2信任1990金子轻松出来吧后院复仇后酬劳入账寂静之声2023人到中年2009新扎老师芳踪杳然全力挥杆:高尔夫大满贯之路王大花的革命生涯绝命碰撞玻璃墙1953致命的瑜伽三叔家的房客们伦敦往事精武英雄(国语版)