







  Two working class youtubers ‘in the making’ enter an abandoned mansion to get their basketball back, and get lost inside while pranking each other. They record their ‘quick adventure’ with their phones for their audience, and tweak it with a fake phantom appearance to attract more followers to their YouTube channel. When uploaded the video goes viral, so they start a challenge: if the video reaches a certain number of views, they will enter the house again, at night, alone, totally unprotected. As fans react positively, they will do as promised, not only to discover and unveil the true nature of the place and their inhabitants, but to realize they might not be among the living anymore. Which opens a question - how far would you go to be famous?为什么贫穷爱与诚(粤语)暗夜警探明天濒危物种如果没有遇见你看了又看国语第一部雪地里的情人你能听到我的心吗死于明日王府刀客七战七捷金鸳鸯烈女镖客耶路撒冷的房子冬天的访客极爱影后风云挚爱1969亚当斯一家云之上2婴尸不稳定撤离加沙地带冰刀命运之夜 天之杯Ⅱ:迷失之蝶广告狂人第二季被不良少年盯上健身世界第一季口袋里的拳头天沙掠木行动花枝俏最后的狙击战无望的人们道歉昆虫的盛宴粤语假日旅途:希腊之旅魔鬼命令之任务未了关于黛布拉·温格祇园姊妹食客2:泡菜战争情迷尼尔斯•弗拉姆匆匆那年

