

主演:April Clark,Corin Clay,Michael Thyer






  On the surface it's believed to be another urban legend - a supernatural being from the afterlife is violently killing anyone who cheats on their significant other in the small college town of Silvercreek, Pennsylvania. But the town's unusually high suicide rate is finally convincing both locals and college students that everything is not as it seems. When Maeve - a female college student - sleeps with Charlie, the married man of the host family she is staying with, both sense the deadly curse is closing in on them. Unable to get anyone to believe them, Maeve and Charlie seek out a local history student to help find answers and figure out a way to defend themselves. It all comes undone, however, as several people are horrifically killed by the savage being - one-by-one at a rapid pace. Eventually, Maeve, Charlie and the few survivors band together in an attempt to defeat the monster once and for all.怪人录像带选角导演上位记警戒 第二季今夜恋出事柯克维尔的奇迹第十三位使徒第一季唐墓壁画中的丝路风情反贪风暴之加密危机 普通话版念念勿忘养育者第一季熊家餐馆第一季家和万事惊粤语俄罗斯国醉梦谭闪婚2010神圣之家第二季逆世界2013月之阴影发光体乖仔撞邪南海长城八万罪人 八萬罪人暗黑家族 新堂家的复仇紅衣俠女恋爱中的梵高我的康乃馨色,戒我们大家的河合庄24小时 第三季车库男女冲出砺练营之换羽高飞冒牌男神萌女侠海棠经雨胭脂透神探巴克希最佳拍档2之大显神通海滩怨妇神雕侠侣2014最后的审判1961双面神探(速看版)神秘世界历险记3圈套剧场版3:灵异者大混战布道家庭 第三季入场券无畏的旅行粤语尘世笑谈丑男大翻身搜情者

