

主演:Juliette Gariépy,Laurie Babin,皮埃尔·查侬






  The day Kelly-Anne has been waiting for has arrived. The trial begins for Ludovic Chevalier, accused of the brutal murder of three underage girls. Unlike most people, Kelly-Anne is fascinated by the man, she becomes obsessed with him and attends every single court hearing in the hope he’ll give her at least a fleeting glance. The border between reality and fantasy starts to blur, however, until Kelly-Anne ceases to be a mere passive observer. Pascal Plante once again expresses an interest in female subjectivity, nevertheless, this time he has come up with an arthouse thriller about the perilous attraction of evil. At the same time, the interplay between what we can and can’t see, and what is explicit and what is conjecture, develops into an almost physical viewing experience.混沌特工红带高手缉魔2019一剪成衣第一季过季四角关系2005午后三点的彩虹戏中戏中戏龙与王冠的传说罪恶判官续集我爱男保姆如眠国度又见牡丹亭邓稼先奉魔之名棒球之爱2011冷瞳·贞子再现钢珠飞车美丽谎言2014孤单但并不孤独情迷步话机好梦连床巴依尔的春节乾元仙阵下流之宴切斯纳特:中央公园的英雄可爱万岁我的爱与星辰阿卡普高雪峰神爸魅力四射小狼乐宾第二季维京传奇:英灵神殿 第一季我们甲顺清潭洞111三楼的陌生人克莱尔的秘密春的诅咒肚爸爸生子记奇袭60阵地青鸟之家向日葵女孩最佳遗产麦克阿瑟传解密依然如是送子先生东八区的先生们

