

主演:Saadet Aksoy,Andy Boyns,Aybars Kartal Özson,Ibrahim Celikkol,Belçim Bilgin,Alican Yücesoy






  Ali Nejat Karasu is a former race-driver and a playboy turned into a businessman. He runs Karas Holdings which is part of a group his father built while making a fortune in ship building. His real passion is still cars and he dreams of launching a new car. While on business trip in Italy with his friend Ayhan, they come across Naz, a charming pediatrician who makes an impression on both of them. Due to unforeseen circumstances Ali Nejat finds himself as a single father to his previously unknown son, Kaan. While trying to balance his life as a new father and a businessman, Ali Nejat ends up leaning on Naz for help. Naz, whom Kaan has met before, becomes important person in their lives. Umut, Naz's husband, works as a mechanic with Genco and Isot in a small local garage which is struggling to stay in business. His skills as a designer gets the attention of Ali Nejat, who hires him as a designer for his car project. Bad decisions in business keep haunting Umut and Genco, and cause a ...彗星来的那一夜2019生人回避3大鸿米店雪花女神龙廉石传奇十三号星期五:终结篇京都妖狐志回魂之夜废材女侠摩西密码女巫诅咒夺标营地婚礼不设限通缉伴你到永远体坛秘史:黑哨行动加勒比海之谜1983辣警霸王花国语侦探小说二分之一美少年六年之痒2015没有你 没有我天不藏奸宇宙0.0兆赫靠近母亲外出之夜風間公親-教場0-特別編斯巴达Sparta(原声版)宁武关交响情人梦最终乐章后篇春蕾赋兄弟之道黄金彩虹何处是我家?2023不惑之旅直线篡位第二季神秘悬河老友记第十季地球突裂望夫成龙(粤语版)混合宿舍黎乡遇见你珍宝2022决斗恶虎岭红樱桃

