






史努比特辑:欢迎回家,富兰克林 剧照 NO.1史努比特辑:欢迎回家,富兰克林 剧照 NO.2史努比特辑:欢迎回家,富兰克林 剧照 NO.3史努比特辑:欢迎回家,富兰克林 剧照 NO.4史努比特辑:欢迎回家,富兰克林 剧照 NO.5史努比特辑:欢迎回家,富兰克林 剧照 NO.6


  The origin story for one of Peanuts' most beloved characters, Franklin, follows how he approaches making new friends. Franklin's family is always on the move with his dad's military job, and everywhere he goes Franklin finds support in a notebook filled with his grandfather's advice on friendship. But when Franklin tries his usual strategies with the Peanuts gang, he has trouble fitting in. That's until he learns about the neighborhood Soap Box Derby race - according to his grandfather, everyone loves a winner. He's sure that winning the race will also mean winning over some new friends. All he needs is a partner, which he finds in Charlie Brown. Franklin and Charlie Brown work together to build a car and in the process become good buddies. But as the race nears, the pressure mounts - can their car and their newfound friendship make it to the finish line?蚁人2:黄蜂女现身壕滑人生罗尔娜的沉默菲凡记忆坏蛋罗宾汉来来去去当泰拉遇上比拉尔巨人传那些希望我死的人败金财神异灵灵异2002拜托了!别宠我第三季真相见证人:三里岛核泄漏事故母性2023盒乐不为人口零增长守护者:世纪战元国语未来战警(国语版)荒岛尸变深海X异种新寻秦记我的妻子有发育障碍红发1925乃木坂电影院~STORY of 46~藩篱明天就是今天腐花之雨我的灵界男友烈火战车2极速传说(原声版)聚宝盆2019元宇宙·回到1995拔哥的故事月儿弯弯黑亚当复仇少女虎父无犬女初恋日记2017爱情债爱·回家美国众神第三季无名之火八月十五喜剧猛男




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