

主演:布鲁斯·威利斯,米歇尔·菲佛,科琳·伦尼森,杰克·桑维,Casey Boersma,提姆·麦锡森,罗伯·莱纳,朱丽·哈基提,丽塔·威尔逊,Dylan Boersma,维克托·莱德·维斯勒,Albert Hague,杰尼·米多斯,汤姆·波士顿,贝蒂·怀特,莱德·巴顿斯,丹尼尔·汉森,Tara Blanchard,艾伦·兹韦贝尔,比尔·柯齐保尔,杰茜·尼尔森,迈克尔·查普曼,乔丹·朗德,Robert Alan Beuth,阿特·埃文斯,菲尔霍恩,保罗·雷瑟,Emma Taylor-Isherwood





我们的故事2000 剧照 NO.1我们的故事2000 剧照 NO.2我们的故事2000 剧照 NO.3我们的故事2000 剧照 NO.4我们的故事2000 剧照 NO.5我们的故事2000 剧照 NO.6我们的故事2000 剧照 NO.13我们的故事2000 剧照 NO.14我们的故事2000 剧照 NO.15我们的故事2000 剧照 NO.16我们的故事2000 剧照 NO.17我们的故事2000 剧照 NO.18我们的故事2000 剧照 NO.19我们的故事2000 剧照 NO.20


  当爱逐渐变得褪色无光,婚姻的瓶颈期就随之而来了。本(布鲁斯·威利斯 Bruce Willis饰)和凯迪(米歇尔·菲佛 Michelle Pfeiffer饰)的婚姻也面临着这个难题。一方面,他们还爱着对方,另一方面却又对每况愈下的婚姻质量失去耐性。孩子们去夏令营了。这一个月里面,他们可以有足够的空间和时间重温旧梦,寻回爱情的美妙感觉。然而,他们的努力一再白费。刻意的挽回婚姻只令彼此都更清楚到了非分开不可的地步了。于是,二人协商,在孩子们回来的那天,要跟他们好好谈论离婚的决定。  首先反悔的是凯迪,她对本的爱情明明还在,而这个家庭的气息让她如此舍不得摧毁。凯迪的爱意让本也觉得,他们应该再为婚姻的努力一下……热播电视剧最新电影平安谷之诡谷传说少年魔法师第二季多余的终点我的父亲是板凳相棒第十季血玲珑湄公河行动翠谷天伦


 1 ) 值得一看!


 2 ) 每个人的故事



 3 ) 七年之痒


 4 ) 一点点观后感


 5 ) 结尾处精彩的独白

 Katie:That's not why I'm saying Chow Funs. Funs, I'm saying Chow Funs because we're an us.
There's a history here, and histories don't happen overnight. In Mesopotamia or Ancient Troy there are cities built on top of other cities, but I don't want another city, I like this city.
I know what kind of mood your in when you wake up by which eyebrow is higher, and you know I'm a little quiet in the morning and compensate accordingly, that's a dance you perfect over time. And it's hard, it's much harder than I thought it would be, but there's more good than bad and you don't just give up!
And it's not for the sake of the children, but God they're great kids aren't they? And we made them, I mean think about that! It's like there were no people there, and then there were people and they grew, and an an an I won't be able to say to some stranger Josh has your hands or remember how Erin threw up at the Lincoln Memorial And I'll try to relax, let's face it, anybody is going to have traits that get on your nerves, I mean, why shouldn't it be your annoying traits, and I know I'm no day at the beach, but I do have a good sense of direction so I can at least find the beach, which isn't a weakness of yours, it's a strength of mine.
And God your a good friend and good friends are hard to find. Charlotte said that in Charlottes Web and I love how you read that to Erin and you take on the voice of Wilber the Pig with such dedication even when your bone tired. That speaks volumes about character! And ultimately, isn't that what it comes down too? What a person is made of? That girl in the pin helmet is still here 'bee boo bee boo' I didn't even know she existed until you and I'm afraid if you leave I may never see her again, even though I said at times you beat her out of me, isn't that the paradox? Haven't we hit the essential paradox? Give and take, push and pull, the yen the yang.
The best of times, the worst of times!I think Dickens said it best, 'He could eat no fat, his wife could eat no lean', but, doesn't really apply here does it?

 What I'm trying to say is, I'm saying Chow Funs because, I love you.

 6 ) memorable quotes

Katie:That's not why I'm saying Chow Funs. Funs, I'm saying Chow Funs because we're an us. There's a history here, and histories don't happen overnight. In Mesopotamia or Ancient Troy there are cities built on top of other cities, but I don't want another city, I like this city. I know what kind of mood your in when you wake up by which eyebrow is higher, and you know I'm a little quiet in the morning and compensate accordingly, that's a dance you perfect over time. And it's hard, it's much harder than I thought it would be, but there's more good than bad and you don't just give up! And it's not for the sake of the children, but God they're great kids aren't they? And we made them, I mean think about that! It's like there were no people there, and then there were people and they grew, and an an an I won't be able to say to some stranger Josh has your hands or remember how Erin threw up at the Lincoln Memorial And I'll try to relax, let's face it, anybody is going to have traits that get on your nerves, I mean, why shouldn't it be your annoying traits, and I know I'm no day at the beach, but I do have a good sense of direction so I can at least find the beach, which isn't a weakness of yours, it's a strength of mine. And God your a good friend and good friends are hard to find. Charlotte said that in Charlottes Web and I love how you read that to Erin and you take on the voice of Wilber the Pig with such dedication even when your bone tired. That speaks volumes about character! And ultimately, isn't that what it comes down too? What a person is made of? That girl in the pin helmet is still here 'bee boo bee boo' I didn't even know she existed until you and I'm afraid if you leave I may never see her again, even though I said at times you beat her out of me, isn't that the paradox? Haven't we hit the essential paradox? Give and take, push and pull, the yen the yang. The best of times, the worst of times!I think Dickens said it best, 'He could eat no fat, his wife could eat no lean', but, doesn't really apply here does it? What I'm trying to say is, I'm saying Chow Funs because, I love you.

 7 ) 一部可以让人有感而发的片子。。。经历着爱情和婚姻苦辣和最终的甜的女性和男性的故事。







They says, "and they live mostly happily ever after". I hope so...

They also know, there are high / low....times...

seems they decided they will train themselves move through these high / lows and live mostly happily ever after...

是的。。。决心。。。live mostly happily ever after...虽然结尾个人认为多少还是太“艺术化“化了,但我喜欢结尾的这句话。


 8 ) 我能想到最浪漫的事 就是和你一起慢慢变老

       在Eric Clapton的反复吟唱中,Bruce对着镜头说,我觉得最浪漫的爱情故事就是,两人偶遇,坠入爱河,然后五六十年后,其中一个撒手人寰,没过几天另一个也告别人世,因为无法忍受失去对方独活。其实这也是我认为最浪漫的爱情故事。两个相爱的人,执子之手与子偕老。只是,中间那五六十年的光阴,那琐碎的磨人的生活的真相,不可能像小说或童话一笔点过,它要我们分分秒秒实实在在去感受。那其中有love也有hate,有欢乐也难免争吵,而我们都需扮演好自己的角色,全情投入。

    虽然不在同一张床上,两人都在想着对方,回忆过去的甜蜜时光;当她说It's over,他看不到关门后她崩溃的泪水;他和她,思及婚姻现况,抱着孩子先后痛哭出声。当他敞开心扉说出自己的high就是与她在一起的此刻,而low就是与她分别的every minutes of the past two weeks,她不禁动容,只是两个人的和谐几分钟后就演变成六个人的争吵。当他在饭店里大吵大闹情绪失控,在店外想起过往种种潸然泪下,鼓起勇气让朋友Take me to Katie's,对她坦承"My high is about you. Tonight I saw myself through your eyes, and I am sorry!"给彼此最后一个机会,却看到屋中另外一个男人,满腔热情立马被浇熄,转身绝然离去,却看不到她眼中挥之不去的浓浓失望。他租的新居冰箱里备齐她喜欢的所有种类饮料。他戴上手表,因为她希望他准时。明明还余情未了,却谁都不敢跨出主动的一步,或许,两人都在努力,却总是时机不对。假如,我是说假如,我们之间真的到了这一步,请你一定主动说,This is ridiculous, we love each other, all couples go through this, let's give it another try.

       夫妻俩始终都是有差异的,先不论男女性别本质导致的思维差异,家庭背景、生长环境、教育方式都会导致价值观的差异和性格上的不协调。片中的Ben是个作家,生性自由散漫,就像拿着画笔的Harold,随意不羁,casual & spontaneous,而Katie却非常有计划性,生活井井有条,凡事依照日程,punctual & ordered。与我们何其相似,只是我是女版的Ben,而你是男版的Katie。可是,两个人既然在一起,就要求同存异。虽然有差异,谁缺了谁也不行。就像Ben的车总需要Katie为他加清洁液,需要Katie为他导航。

    当那个明显配角的牙科医生出现,你问我,你不会在我们出现问题时走近另一个人吧?我拒绝回答这么ridiculous的question。你说我知道这是一个插曲,女主角是个好妻子,但人都有脆弱和崩溃的时候。其实在漫长的围城岁月中,在磨人的生活中,我们都难免偶尔wonder, Is this who I really am or is this who I am with this person? Maybe there's another version of my life, of myself, a happier one. 但我知道,this version of me only exsits until I met you. After all, everybody gonna have traits and get on your nerves, why shouldn't it be your annoying traits?

    Life isn't clear-cut, life is gray. The whole notion of staying together and living happily ever after, all illusions. The hard time that bring us together, nobody said it was gonna be easy. It's harder, it's much harder than I thought it would be. But there is more good than bad and you don't just give up, because we are an "US". There's a history here, histories don't happen over night, 你了解我的喜怒哀乐,我对你的脾性了如指掌,That's a dance we perfect over time.

Remember, I'm nothing without you. Let's live MOSTLY happily ever after. I hope so, I do…



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I'm saying Chow Funs because we're an us.

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the story of us...最后那一段独白是全部。

  • ღ仨ღღ
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"And they lived mostly happily ever after." "I hope so." 多好的mostly。

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结尾的独白泪喷了。Because we're an us. There's a history here, and histories don't happen overnight. I don't want another city, I like this city.

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  • 影志
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  • Lavender
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布鲁斯米歇尔一人一颗星 一颗星给琐碎的生活片段

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  • 十一月的雨
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  • 火娃
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先ML还是先写信?ps.菲芙最后的一段台词真是精彩表演啊 那么长!!

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Bruce Willis的偶然转型,挺让人惊喜,但Michelle Pfeiffer 最后一场戏更是让人惊艳!可惜剧本还是不能免俗,我反而更期待一场彻底的风暴。

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