

主演:汤姆·贝伦杰,迈克尔·加·怀特,路易·曼迪勒,迈克尔·科彭,Gabriela Quezada,吉利安·伊利亚纳·沃特斯,罗伯托·桑切斯,卢卡·奥利尔,马里奥·萨拉格萨,吉尔莫·伊万,毛里西奥·门多萨,S.E.佩里,Dillon Wilson,文森特·迪保罗,Ilya Rusak,安德鲁·达兹






  Bryant (Michael Jai White), a man with a mysterious past moves to a small Mexican border-town to start over and live the simple life. While there, he reluctantly befriends a troubled local teen who has recently lost his mother and is being recruited by the local street gang. Bryant keeps the boy on the straight and narrow by introducing him to martial arts and taking on the role of mentor, teacher and father-figure. As the story unfolds we learn that Bryant is much more than a man who moved to Mexico to live the simple life. Bryant is running from a complex, violent past that he believes he left behind. As his past catches up with him, he is forced into a life and death struggle to clear his name, save the boy and get back all that he left behind.画罪师进入地狱2016灵魂错位酣歌畅戏白夜舞随心跳瑞雪飘飘美少女莫娜街头之王2012不良行为 第一季红楼梦1962天龙八部2021开罗紫玫瑰贝奥武夫与怪兽格兰戴尔逐爱天堂三盲鼠勾魂游戏大反弹县厅招待课业余警察神奇的飞跃周网络少年摸金之古国秘境寅次郎的故事28:寅次郎纸帆船生死线瓷都人之鱼水情深猎情人阿里巴巴:大盗奇兵名扬四海2009布拉格来信O侯爵夫人生死密电武曲巴尔扎克激情的一生大漠悍刀行兄弟营侍酒令似是而非的我们十诫梦回青河少狼 第五季回忆积木小屋侵略!?乌贼娘第二季




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