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主演:Julianna Margulies,Joan Allen,Anjelica Huston







阿瓦隆的迷雾 剧照 NO.1阿瓦隆的迷雾 剧照 NO.2阿瓦隆的迷雾 剧照 NO.3阿瓦隆的迷雾 剧照 NO.4阿瓦隆的迷雾 剧照 NO.5阿瓦隆的迷雾 剧照 NO.6阿瓦隆的迷雾 剧照 NO.13阿瓦隆的迷雾 剧照 NO.14阿瓦隆的迷雾 剧照 NO.15阿瓦隆的迷雾 剧照 NO.16阿瓦隆的迷雾 剧照 NO.17阿瓦隆的迷雾 剧照 NO.18阿瓦隆的迷雾 剧照 NO.19阿瓦隆的迷雾 剧照 NO.20


  本片改编自畅销奇幻小说,从亚瑟王身后以精神信仰操控国家兴亡的三位女性的 观点,一窥在亚瑟王传奇背后的众多阴谋门争。在片中,安洁莉卡休斯顿饰演迷雾之城亚法隆的主祭司-薇薇安,她是一位大湖女神,以维亚法隆的崇高地位 ,为其终身职志;茱莉安娜玛格莉丝饰演摩可儿,为钦定祭司继承人;琼安艾伦饰 演凶残的摩可思,企图夺取王位,接掌千秋盛业。在重重的迷雾及流言诡计纷扰之下,国家存亡的局势已悄然底定……热播电视剧最新电影亚马逊分离老爸老妈的浪漫史 第二季虚线的恶意刺猬和熊猫小姐圣哥传第三纪曼联重生英雄 第二季滴水之恩幻夜奇谈小孩猴有钱猎爱陷阱比利·金传奇豺狼的日子陪你到世界之巅回家-在家里女囚犯 第五季琉璃收官云歌会极恶老大第一季举杯畅饮的姐姐们幸福的拉扎罗心碎高中 第二季痴迷2022隐私部分1972特工总裁小辣妹


 1 ) 拨开电影的迷雾..


 2 ) 很不错的魔幻史诗片,值得一看


 3 ) 永远的王·雾中的岛

《The mists of Avalon》(《亚瑟王传奇》/《阿瓦隆迷雾》)
不是今年那部票房惨淡的《King Arthur》(《亚瑟王》),而是2001年,根据魔幻小说家Marion Zimmer Bradley1982年的同名小说改编的迷你剧集。是属于目前为止,我所见到的对有关亚瑟王传奇及其人物体系交待最为丰富和完整的影视作品了。亚瑟、桂妮蔚、兰斯洛特、梅林、湖中夫人等等人物都有出现,并且如蟠龙在梅林协助下幽会伊格琳生下压瑟、亚瑟和姐姐摩根结合生下毛德列、兰斯洛特和湖中夫人的关系、毛德列轼父等平时罕见有出现的情节也一一交待,算是让我这个准亚瑟迷过了些瘾头。


其实这从片名《the mists of Avalon》已经可以了解,为什么不是《the mists of Camelot》?Camelot(卡米洛城)是亚瑟统一不列颠建立丰功伟业的城堡,而Avalon则是传说中亚瑟和毛德列决战后,灵魂归处的神秘岛屿。

Marion Zimmer Bradley大概就是从“三女王接归亚瑟”中得到了灵感,干脆以在传说中“云霞明灭或可睹”的阿瓦隆岛为源,把大不列颠王荡气回肠的征战史写成一段亦真亦幻的传奇。

阿瓦隆,隐藏在大雾弥漫的湖中,她是湖中夫人的居所,是女神的圣地。当基督教在大不列颠岛如火如荼的遍布开的时候,从前崇拜the Godness(女神)的人民纷纷投向the God(上帝),湖中夫人对未来的担忧、焦虑一天天的增加。为了维护女神的地位,她和梅林策划了蟠龙王和伊格林的邂逅,带走亚瑟同母异父的姐姐摩根教授其法术,协助亚瑟取得“削钢剑”,设计亚瑟和姐姐摩根乱伦生下毛德列……湖中夫人倾其一生乃至性命,皆是为了能让“女神”信仰在人世间永驻,能让传承Avalon血液的亚瑟和摩根在中土继续维护阿瓦隆的势力,能让女神的尊严在世间永远歌颂。



谁知道呢,谁又曾知道呢?The mists of Avalon!

导演:Uli Edel
编剧:Marion Zimmer Bradley (novel)/Gavin Scott (teleplay)
Anjelica Huston ..... Viviane
Julianna Margulies ..... Morgaine
Joan Allen ..... Morgause
Samantha Mathis ..... Gwenwyfar
Caroline Goodall ..... Igraine
Edward Atterton ..... Arthur
Michael Vartan ..... Lancelot
Michael Byrne ..... Merlin
Hans Matheson ..... Mordred


 4 ) 注定消散的阿法隆


 5 ) A Film critics of The Mists of Avalon

  Although this movie is through a woman's eyes,I still want to talk about King Arthur.
 The reason which makes Arthur and six other knights of the round table fight for the Roman empire for 15 years is the real hope for peace and freedom.But the powerful Roman empire put forward additional conditions when they should be free: attended the mortal battle before they went free.
   The bishop of Rome was in the name of god to ask their allegiance. Actually,they just wanted to sacrifice them because of the considerations of interests. Besides god, there was nothing that they couldn’t exploit. Even in the face of loyalty which was as pure as gold.
  King Arthur had a heart of equality and humanity. So he was aware of the cruelty of the bishop of Rome. Then he gave birth to doubt their adorable loyal heart to Rome. Truckee asked Arthur very sharp: “Arthur, you are brave when you shouldn’t be ,fight in the land which shouldn’t fight for, what’s it about?” Arthur answered:”to the Rome, although it no longer exists.”Truckee stared at him and slowly said:”what are you afraid of on earth?”
  Arthur's fear came from the fear of the world. Fear that hope does not exist, fear his belief collapse moment. Arthur was deeply hated the man who killed his mother Merlin told Arthur: what make you pull out the sword of the king is not hate for me, but a mother's love for you.After Arthur hearing these,he finally decided with Qing vamps against Saxon gang up on arrival. Only love can give a deep fear of the king of England with guidance.
  The knights once said: the killings in tomorrow will be regarded as a nightmare.
  But every tribal people would pick up the tomahawk,shield up to continue the war which would make them die again and again. They all were regarded to die for the name of freedom.We may suspect that the heroes who lived in the faith and arrogant noble personality had such limitations, but at the end,it turned out to be a person's own contradictions.
  People would build walls to security one day.People will give birth to the hearts of attack one day. You are for permanent peace, we are for in peace one day.So peace for peace ,that is never cease the battle of honor.
  There was even no way to stop this dispute. Not like Barry Ann of the Crusades team, choosing not to intervene in these disputes can make things better. The Jerusalem issue to defense in the Christian Crusaders, let the Muslim army chief Salahuddin learned Christian dignity and not be destroyed, to bless the people safely out of the city in the war and this is actually relatively weak request. It would be possible to achieve peace.
  Even the peaceful premise needed to test of blood and fire, human beings destined to use the really cruel way to test their divine desire and hope for the defence forces. Don't always believe in soft and weak peace and the environment itself can do not disorderly. Because the human is not the personal will, but they will. A person's stability, not enough to affect security of all people. But it would make unsettle some idea of human activity more violently.
  It is tempting to think of the famous person theory. The people living in the village are bad people, every one of them steals another thing, and all people finally have all things still. So here is in peace. Until one day here came a man. He didn't steal anything. The good people’s things is less and less,another person has more and more things. Finally one day, the village appeared serious confusion.
  I think the village is simplified world. Or more simply say: the serious disorder village is human own inevitable fate.

 6 ) Beatuiful Quotes

Uther-Did l do something to disturb you, lady?
Igraine- l felt unwell, sir.
U- You left the moment you saw the dragon on my wrist.
I- l have no fear of dragons. l'm a child of the old world myself, sir.
U- Why do you call me ''sir'' in such a manner... when you know that we are on familiar terms?
I- We have not met before.
U- Not in this life...but like all of us of the old ways...you must believe this is not the only life where we could have met. There is something between our souls already. You felt the power of it...and that's why you left the hall. Am l right, lady? There's nothing to do but give in to it. lf you do not come with me, then l will come for you...

Vivianne- The Goddess is everything in nature...and everything in nature is sacred. Look. That is her face. Listen. That is her voice. She's in everything that is beautiful. And everything that is harrowing as well.

Morgaine- Your motives may be nobler than hers...but you still move us around like pieces on a game board. What has my mother given up for your Avalon? My father died at Uther's hands because of you. My poor, innocent brother, Arthur...

Gwenwyfar- God does not reward sinners.
Arthur- We are all sinners, my love.

Merlin- We had a long fight together...you and l. You have been a worthy partner.
Vivianne- I've learned everything l know from you, Merlin. We shall fight for many years to come.
M- No, l won't see any more wars. But you will continue. You have always...sacrificed everything for Avalon and done so gladly.
V- Merlin, do you think l've wasted my life?
M- No. We gave everything to Avalon because we had no choice.
V- But we failed.
M- No, we didn't fail. We did what we thought was right every single moment. Sometimes we were headstrong but we lived our lives with passion and commitment. We should be grateful for that. Viviane...find some happiness. Just a small moment of happiness that belongs only to you. l think the Goddess lives in our humanity and not anywhere else.

Gwenwyfar- For many years, we prayed to fashion life within me. But it seems that God has not heard those prayers.
Lancelot- Perhaps He has heard but did not will it.
G- But what did He will instead? That a bastard child sprung from an incestuous bed should triumph over our tireless devotion.
L- They say His ways are unknowable.
G- Of course. l am too small to understand the will of God. Do you think I'm being punished for the night we spent together?
L- l don't think it's God who punishes us. l think we punish ourselves. Would it not be a comfort to believe just for a time that we create our own heavens and our own hells?
G- it would be a comfort. it would, Lancelot.
L- Maybe God does not grant you all the comforts you ask of Him but offers you others which you refuse to see. Maybe you should find the comforts He does offer you my dear lady, and accept them.

L- How could l forget?
G- So innocent we were.
L- l pray there is a heaven and that you would be an angel in it so when l die, we can be together at last.

Vivianne- l was behind you much of the way. l was proud and unforgiving.
Morgaine- l may have turned my back on you but my heart never turned.
V- l destroyed something between us in the name of the Goddess. Now l fear l have destroyed something else in her name.

Morgaine- Though Avalon had already rejected me l felt its strange power as it drew the dying king and l back towards its sacred shores. l began to doubt we would ever reach Avalon. Perhaps, for our disobedience we would be lost in this limbo of mist forever. Or perhaps, with Viviane's death it had simply disappeared......
Avalon faded from the world of men and only Glastonbury marked where its wonders had been.



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Fantasy! Julianna Margulies在电影上的表现令人印象深刻!!

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迷雾湖泊,女性荒原。后段节奏加快,角色打造不细致,引子和前篇都有好看的元素。宗教和父权王庭进退维谷,神女最先被浪潮推向前,再摒弃。摩根、格温,甚至摩高斯都如出一辙,本该同呼吸的女性,被挑拨、嘲弄。不接纳命定的母权主旨,一朝将权力付托自身,则被冠上了恶名。Joan Allen表演最佳,不同于薇薇安夫人盛气凌人保全“神性”,或是摩根诚惶诚恐为人,她的残酷始终决绝

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看到了小Freddie  在这样惨烈的新旧文明撞击中,女神们不可避免地走向了衰败。电影中湖夫人竭力维护的女神的最后尊严,但已无力回天。最终迷雾笼罩了阿瓦隆,一切归于沉寂。阿法隆的消失是必然的,并不是叛逆的摩根造成的,也不是野心的莫德里德造成的。当湖夫人死去时,有种美丽消失了。

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女性视角的亚瑟王传说,10年后的小摩根成了王后,10年后的大摩根成了good wife^_^,音乐狂赞,从没想过麦姐的悲劲苍凉的NewAge能和古老的亚瑟王传说如此契合。

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Arthur Pendragon又被Lancelot抢戏。

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